Saulo Haarla

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Kaasua, komisario Palmu!
A rich widow is found dead in her apartment in Helsinki due to gas poisoning. The incident is initially thought to be an accident, but inspector Palmu notices that the murderer made a mistake, and so Palmu, Kokki and Virta begin the investigation: who had come to the apartment through the balcony door and opened the gas tap while Mrs. Skrof was asleep?


Sep 21, 1951
A 3rd remake of the film based on the play by Teuvo Pakkala. Tells the story of the lumberjack group and how the lives of villagers and lumberjacks intertwine. Many loving couples are formed between jacks and village girls. At the same time, the farm of Pietola and the house matron, Katri is coveted by malicious Rättäri. He owns the IOU papers for Pietola and tries to get Katri using the IOU as blackmail.
Yö on pitkä

Yö on pitkä

Oct 31, 1952
Åke Strandberg has managed to get a fine education and a good job at the bank, but he wants more. He wants to get rich no matter what. After holidays with his girl Rita, he comes back to Helsinki completely broke and meets up with his buddy Jussi in a bar. For months they embezzle money from the bank, but eventually do realize they have to cover the missing amount by orchestrating and committing a robbery which will then rouse the interest of the police. A hide and seek follows as they try to make their way abroad.
Soldats inconnus

Soldats inconnus

Dec 23, 1955
Nous sommes à l'été 1941. Une compagnie de mitrailleuses de l'est de la Finlande reçoit l'ordre de restituer leur surplus d'équipement. La société est transférée aux lignes de front. Le lendemain matin, les soldats se réveillent au son des fusils - la guerre a commencé. Les troupes finlandaises attaquent et traversent rapidement la frontière. Les jeunes recrues nerveuses de la compagnie reçoivent leur baptême de feu et les hommes se familiarisent avec la mort et les épreuves de la guerre. Sous la force et mal équipés, ils combattent un ennemi supérieur. Les listes de héros et de morts semblent interminables. L'interprétation épique d'Edvin Laine du roman de guerre de Väinö Linna "Tuntematon Sotilas" constitue un chapitre entier du livre sur l'histoire du cinéma finlandais.