Tôru Kizu

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Sword of Desperation

Sword of Desperation

Jul 10, 2010
L’histoire se situe pendant la période d’Edo,sous la gouvernance du seigneur Ukyo. Elle relate les faits incroyables du samouraï Kanemi Sanzaemon et de sa tristement célèbre épée.Il y a trois ans, lors d’une représentation de danse traditionnelle, Kanemi Sanzaemon assassine Lady Renko qui était la concubine du jeune daimyo Ukyo.Cette femme n’était alors qu’une intrigante qui, aux yeux de Sanzaemon, n’était connue que pour ses frasques et sa corruption; alimentant ainsi des tensions irréversibles entre le peuple (qu’elle accablait par les impôts) et son daimyo. Cet acte de « folie » lui vaut une assignation à résidence pendant 3 ans, ainsi que la perte de tous ses titres honorifiques. Après sa peine, il est convoqué de manière inattendue au domaine de Kubota.Le daimyo le réclame à ses côtés pour devenir son garde du corps, espérant ainsi contrer l’éventuel complot assassin d’Obiya Hayatonosho...
Mayu the teen girl hasn’t opened her heart to anyone since ten years ago when some terrible case happened. Instead of going to high school, she goes to the church every day and looks for redemption. One day, she disappears in the woods, silently and suddenly. On the other side, Mana lives with her husband and her seven-year-old daughter in happiness. However, an unexpected occurrence happens and tears their happiness apart. Her little girl Sakura plays in the woods and goes missing. Mana loses her mind because of sadness. What is there inside the woods?


Mar 18, 2023
A divorced husband and wife reunite to fight the release of their daughter's murderer.
Midsummer's Equation

Midsummer's Equation

Jun 28, 2013
Masaharu Fukuyama reprend le rôle qu'il avait joué dans "Suspect X" en 2008, en interprétant le physicien-détective Manabu Yukawa. Le scientifique et enquêteur arrive dans une ville côtière pour participer à une conférence. Mais lorsqu'un homme est retrouvé mort à l'extérieur de l'auberge où il loge, Yukawa commence à démêler les liens qui unissent la victime à la fille activiste des aubergistes et à un garçon précoce qui apparaît pour la première fois dans un train et qui ne cesse de réapparaître. Il s'agit d'un mystère à la Sherlock Holmes avec une touche environnementale, qui devrait plaire aux amateurs de romans policiers classiques.


Jul 15, 2023
Junior high school student Yuki, a member of a travelling theater troupe, changes schools every month for performances. Because of this, he does not expect to meet people at any of his schools and does not try to make friends. However, when he attends a new school, his homeroom teacher asks him to deliver something to a classmate who hasn't been coming to school, but has excellent grades. By chance, he becomes friends with him, and Ken's ex-girlfriend Maya joins them, and as the three of them spend more and more time together, Yuki begins to wish that they could see him on stage as an actor.
Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno
Une nouvelle vie commence pour Kenshin, installé avec Kaoru et ses amis, jusqu'au jour où il est appelé par le gouvernement : Makoto Shishio, célèbre assassin, a été trahi, brûlé vif et laissé pour mort. Survivant et avide de vengeance, il est désormais à Kyoto où il prépare un complot avec sa troupe de guerriers pour renverser le gouvernement. Kenshin se voit donc obligé d'aller contrer les plans de Shishio pour l'avenir de son pays.
Kenshin : La Fin de la légende
Après avoir remercié Kaoru qui tentait désespérément de l’arrêter, Kenshin se rend finalement à Kyoto. Là-bas, armé de son sabre, il va devoir faire face à son ennemi le plus redoutable jusqu’à maintenant : Shishio, l’homme que tout le monde craint. Mais c’est sans compter les nombreux alliés de Sojiro qui vont se mettre sur son chemin.
High school studen Mafu lost her mother when she was a child and lives with her father, step-mother and six-year-old half-sister Maaya. Her drunken father beats her and she feels isolated at school, and her only companion is little Maaya with her vivid fantasy life. One day, Mafu and Maaya get lost in the woods and meet Masa and his uncle Jiro, who live in an old house at the forest entrance and make a living as hunters. As she spends time with Masa, Mafu recalls songs from her childhood and memories of her mother. Mafu and Maaya embark on new a journey in this mysterious forest overflowing with music and song.


Jan 27, 2018
High school junior Hagi (17) quits school and is spending a lot of time at home when his father reveals that he has another house with a mistress. His father wants to end the relationship and asks Hagi to get the woman to move out. Hagi gets to know his father's mistress, and grows up in the process-


Mar 13, 2021
In a situation where location shooting was difficult due to the Corona pandemic, four omnibus horror films that could be shot in the school were planned as the graduation project for the technical area students. Four horrific events with completely different themes and stories take place.


Jun 19, 2011
There were men who were passionate about being samurai. The men became samurai warriors at the forefront of the fierce battle that affected the future of Japan as part of the Shinsengumi...