Wole Soyinka

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Kongi's Harvest

Kongi's Harvest

May 01, 1970
An African dictator (Wole Soyinka) needs to convince the former king (Rashidi Onikoyi) to legitimize his reign by offering him the ceremonial yam at the upcoming harvest festival.
Shout Gladi Gladi

Shout Gladi Gladi

Oct 01, 2015
Shout Gladi Gladi is a documentary about hope. It tells the story of one woman's quest to cure fistula and save mother's lives in Africa. Shot in Malawi and Sierra Leone (just prior to the Ebola crisis) this is an intense portrait of the people suffering from fistula and the struggle of those who are not only trying to fix this condition but curtail it through better maternal health care. In addition, it is about women's empowerment, specifically through a radical device from BBOXX, a solar powered generator that provides the women not only with electricity in a region where there is none but also as a means to make money by charging cell phones.
Nelson Mandela et moi

Nelson Mandela et moi

Nov 23, 2013
À sa mort en décembre 2013, Nelson Mandela a été unanimement salué pour la lutte qu’il a menée contre l’apartheid, depuis ses années de combat au sein de l’ANC jusqu’à sa libération triomphale en 1990 après vingt-sept ans de prison, puis son élection en 1994 à la présidence de la République après une difficile transition démocratique. Pourtant, son parcours ne cesse d’intriguer : à sa libération, où est passée la colère de Madiba ? Sa propension à pardonner aux acteurs de l’apartheid aurait-elle fait plus de mal que de bien à son pays ?
Joshua: A Nigerian Portrait
Focusing on the pressures people feel moving from the security and nurture of village life to the isolate chaos of big city life, Joshua: A Nigerian Portrait tells the story of Joshua Sobitan, a rent-collector living in Lagos.
Bigger Than Africa

Bigger Than Africa

Feb 18, 2018
When the slave ships docked in North America, Brazil, and the Caribbean, hundreds of cultures, traditions, and religions landed with the Africans on board, one transcended slavery beyond imagination and remains alive till this day in the New World: the Yoruba culture.
Kongi's Harvest

Kongi's Harvest

May 01, 1970
An African dictator (Wole Soyinka) needs to convince the former king (Rashidi Onikoyi) to legitimize his reign by offering him the ceremonial yam at the upcoming harvest festival.
L'Écuyer du roi

L'Écuyer du roi

Sep 10, 2022
An African dictator (Wole Soyinka) needs to convince the former king (Rashidi Onikoyi) to legitimize his reign by offering him the ceremonial yam at the upcoming harvest festival.
Joshua: A Nigerian Portrait
Focusing on the pressures people feel moving from the security and nurture of village life to the isolate chaos of big city life, Joshua: A Nigerian Portrait tells the story of Joshua Sobitan, a rent-collector living in Lagos.
Death and the King's Horseman
In British-occupied Nigeria, a Yoruba king, the Alafin, has died, and it is the duty of his horseman, Elesin, to accompany him into the afterlife. While lustily enjoying the pleasures of this world, Elesin proudly anticipates his transition to the next – but the sacred ritual is interrupted, resulting in unforeseen tragedy. Inspired by a real-life incident, this masterpiece from Nobel Prize winner Soyinka celebrates a community striving to uphold its culture in the face of colonial power.
Afrique(s), une autre histoire du XXème siècle
La série "Afrique(s), une autre histoire du XXème siècle" propose de revivre 100 ans de l'histoire de l'Afrique, par la voix de ses grands acteurs, tous ceux qui, de près ou de loin, ont pris part à son réveil et l'ont fait entrer dans le 21ème siècle. Construit à partir d'entretiens avec les plus grandes personnalités africaines et d'archives inédites, "Afrique(s), une autre histoire du 20ème siècle" nous plonge dans le passé du continent ignoré, des soubresauts de l'ère coloniale aux grandes aventures de la démocratie et de l'unité africaine, en passant par le bouillonnement des indépendances et les guerres civiles, le chaos des conflits mondiaux, l'effervescence des crises et les renouveaux culturels.