Eric Neff

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Ninja vs. Ninja

Ninja vs. Ninja

Jan 01, 1987
Wicked ninja drug lords do their darnedest to prevent a scientist from making public his newly developed cure for heroin addiction.
Clash of the Ninjas

Clash of the Ninjas

Jan 01, 1986
Tony et Roy sont deux frères d'armes, deux Ninjas. Ils furent disciples du grand maître Kinta, avant d'emprunter des chemins opposés : Tony appartient aux services secrets, alors que Roy est devenu le chef d'une organisation Ninja mercenaire. Un jour, Kinta et l'amie de Tony sont assassinés. Celui-ci décide alors de faire justice lui-même. Sur sa route, il retrouvera Roy.
Silver Dragon Ninja

Silver Dragon Ninja

Jan 01, 1986
Roger Kimsky runs a huge arms-dealing organisation, the Black Ninja Empire - a ruthless band trying to gain control of the free world. Whatever the reason, whoever he has to kill, Kimsky will do it to achieve his ambition. A policewoman, Jane, undercover as a boutique sales girl, manages to capture the affections of Mark, a significant figure in the Black Ninja Empire. Risking her life she must get closer to the Empire's headquarters. Detectives Alex and Jerry Brown want justice. The two together determine to put away their deadliest opponent, Mark. In order to prevent firther investigation, Mark orders the deaths of Alex's wife and son. The two bloody deaths drive Alex into an uncontrollable rage of revenge, a rage which could put Janes life into further jeopardy.
Obamaland Part 1: Rise of the Trumpublikans
In 2017, in the wake of the newly-elected President Trump's mysterious tragic fall from the balcony of Trump Tower, Barack Obama declares himself "President-For-Life". Now, in 2040, in a gunless, godless America renamed "Obamaland", a ragtag group of patriotic "Trumpublikans" plot from an abandoned Applecheez deep in the Heartland to take their country back once and for all