Anna Halprin

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Anna Halprin : le souffle de la danse
Anna Halprin, le souffle de la danse est le premier film sur la carrière exceptionnelle d’Anna Halprin, pionnière américaine de la danse contemporaine. Une femme qui a redéfini l’art moderne avec la conviction que la danse peut nous transformer et nous guérir à tous les âges de la vie. Le portrait d'une icône comme un aller-retour permanent entre le mouvement et le souffle, entre l’art et la vie, avec pour seul territoire la danse, et unique injonction "Dansez votre vie !".
Seniors Rocking

Seniors Rocking

Sep 25, 2010
SENIORS ROCKING explores the artistic process of Anna Halprin, a pioneer of American dance, through the prism of a single performance piece. The film retraces not only the development of a unique performance with residents of two nursing homes in California, but also the growth of a sense of community when fifty people from various walks of life, age 65 to 100, join forces to perform together. Underpinned by Halprin’s conviction that dance and movement embolden people to express themselves and, in so doing, change their lives, the film shows how the participants give physical shape to their personal messages for posterity through a dance performance.
Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton
A chronicle of the iconoclastic life of gay poet, filmmaker, and spiritual visionary James Broughton, one of the defining voices of the sexual revolution, whose groundbreaking artistic celebrations of sexuality and the body influenced generations of the 1960s and '70s to profoundly embrace life and ‘follow your own weird’.
Artists in Exile: A Story of Modern Dance in San Francisco
A film that chronicles over forty years of dancemaking in the San Francisco Bay Area. The film begins with dance revolutionary Anna Halprin and highlights seminal Bay Area choreographers including Mangrove, Tumbleweed, ODC/San Francisco, Margaret Jenkins, Dance Brigade, Joe Goode and Contraband. The films addresses the special nature of the Bay Area's social, political and environmental climate; the marginalization of Bay Area artists due to the New York dance establishment and the unique and vital dance community that continues to grow.


Jan 28, 2009
Minotaur was the center of in a solo exhibition at the New Museum, New York. Octogenarian choreographer Anna Halprin, pioneer of postmodern dance, recently created an erotic performance based on Auguste Rodin's rendering of the Greek legend. Minotaur traces labyrinthine transformations, in which photographs, sculpture and dance succeed and replace one another, and in which bodies and objects appear part of a continuous tissue. Fluctuations between disparate media are accompanied by shifts in gender dynamics; in Rodin's original the half-man / half-bull grips an ambivalent nymph, while in Halprin's iteration the female 'victim' turns the story on its head, wresting a melancholic triumph over her captor. A score by Matmos, which includes the sounds of Rodin sculptures being struck like instruments, echoes the sculpture's muscularity.
Anna Halprin et Rodin - Voyage vers la sensualité
À partir des sculptures d’Auguste Rodin, la chorégraphe Anna Halprin, pionnière de la danse, aujourd’hui nonagénaire, réalise une mise en scène pour sa troupe Sea Ranch Collective et crée des chorégraphies sensuelles, stupéfiantes, interprétées par des danseurs entièrement nus sur les plages et dans les forêts de Californie. Profondément marquée et inspirée par les sculptures de Rodin qu’elle découvre à Paris, Anna Halprin donne expression, dans une nouvelle création, à son espoir pour la vie et pour l’humanité. Sur la musique de Fred Frith, ce portrait émouvant capture l’essence de la démarche artistique d’Anna Halprin, son sens extraordinaire du mouvement et son attachement pour Rodin , ainsi que la profondeur du lien unissant sa troupe à la nature.
The Hippie Revolution

The Hippie Revolution

Sep 05, 1996
Back in the stone aged we all went to San Fransisco to escape our parents and the Vietnam war. To laugh, dance and love each other. To make love not war. Music bt Country Joe & The Fish, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Steve Miller Band and Mother Earth.
Right On

Right On

Sep 09, 1969
This extraordinary film documents the first days of rehearsal for the performance Ceremony of Us, created in response to the Watts riots and staged at the Mark Taper Theatre in Los Angeles in 1969. No final performance film exists, but this film goes far in capturing its spirit. After working separately for months with all-white dancers in San Francisco and all-black dancers in Watts, Anna Halprin brought the two groups together in the politically groundbreaking performance. This film captures how Anna guided the two groups of dancers into experiences that both elicited and challenged racial stereotypes, creating a space where political and personal anger and despair could be expressed, and where reconciliation could be envisioned.