James McTeigue

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Matrix Resurrections

Matrix Resurrections

Dec 16, 2021
Dix-huit ans après les événements de Matrix Revolutions, Thomas A. Anderson (alias Neo) ne se souvient plus de rien et mène une vie d'apparence normale à San Francisco. Il se rend régulièrement chez un psychiatre à qui il raconte ses rêves étranges et qui lui prescrit des pilules bleues. Après la réapparition de visages familiers et en quête de réponses, Neo repart à la recherche du lapin blanc. Il rencontre un certain Morpheus, qui lui offre le choix entre rester dans la Matrice et prendre son envol.
Science Fiction
The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase
This thirty-minute documentary follows the Wachowski sisters and the film's crew through production on the film's famed highway chase sequence. We get interviews with the visual effects supervisors, the stunt coordinators and even are taken through aspects of pre-production and planning for the scene. Then the documentary moves into production, the scariest aspect of which is certainly Carrie Anne-Moss trying to learn to ride a motorcycle good enough to do so safely without helmet for the scene. We also watch as the stretch of freeway used in the film is being built.
Looking for Alibrandi

Looking for Alibrandi

May 04, 2000
Josie Alibrandi is 17 and doesn't know where she belongs. This year, however, everything is going to change. Josie will face her fears, uncover secrets and even discover the true identity of her father.
The Sugar Factory

The Sugar Factory

Mar 04, 1999
With his distinctive voice and unusual view of life, Harris takes us through his story: a harrowing journey of humour, grief, resolution and redemption. Harris, as a child of five, sits underneath his house amongst the cobwebs making 'sugar' by pounding sandstone rocks into fine grains and wrapping them into bags. Harris at 17 falls in love with Helen and when a tragic accident leads to a breakdown he ends up at 'The Cottage'... Thrust up against the lives of other innocent victims, Harris begins to make sense of his own guilt, grief and the secret of his past.
Le puits

Le puits

May 14, 1997
A young girl named Katherine and her older friend Hester live on an isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave because there's too much work. Hester, however, becomes attracted to Katherine and holds her there, promising to give her less work in the future. When Francis dies, Hester decides to sell the farm for cash. They move to a small cottage on the edge of the farm and plan to go to Europe, but a tragic accident and the theft of their money changes their plans.
Paradise Road

Paradise Road

Feb 11, 1997
A young girl named Katherine and her older friend Hester live on an isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave because there's too much work. Hester, however, becomes attracted to Katherine and holds her there, promising to give her less work in the future. When Francis dies, Hester decides to sell the farm for cash. They move to a small cottage on the edge of the farm and plan to go to Europe, but a tragic accident and the theft of their money changes their plans.
Matrix Reloaded

Matrix Reloaded

May 15, 2003
A young girl named Katherine and her older friend Hester live on an isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave because there's too much work. Hester, however, becomes attracted to Katherine and holds her there, promising to give her less work in the future. When Francis dies, Hester decides to sell the farm for cash. They move to a small cottage on the edge of the farm and plan to go to Europe, but a tragic accident and the theft of their money changes their plans.
Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions

Nov 05, 2003
A young girl named Katherine and her older friend Hester live on an isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave because there's too much work. Hester, however, becomes attracted to Katherine and holds her there, promising to give her less work in the future. When Francis dies, Hester decides to sell the farm for cash. They move to a small cottage on the edge of the farm and plan to go to Europe, but a tragic accident and the theft of their money changes their plans.
Blood Music

Blood Music

Jan 01, 1970
An intelligent micro-organism experiment runs amok threatening to evolve the human race.
To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

Oct 31, 1996
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
Absolom 2022

Absolom 2022

Apr 29, 1994
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.


May 21, 2015
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions

Nov 05, 2003
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
Dark City

Dark City

Feb 27, 1998
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
The Monkey's Mask

The Monkey's Mask

May 10, 2001
A lesbian private detective dives head first into murder, manipulation and the consuming power of sex.
Midnight Dancer

Midnight Dancer

Aug 01, 1988
16 year old Australian girl Belinda (Deanne Jeffs) wants to become a ballerina. To makes ends meet, she takes a job as an exotic dancer in a Sydney cabaret. Eventually, she is able to reach her goal, but not before experiencing humanity at best and worst of times.
Matrix Reloaded

Matrix Reloaded

May 15, 2003
16 year old Australian girl Belinda (Deanne Jeffs) wants to become a ballerina. To makes ends meet, she takes a job as an exotic dancer in a Sydney cabaret. Eventually, she is able to reach her goal, but not before experiencing humanity at best and worst of times.
Caserta Palace Dream

Caserta Palace Dream

Mar 18, 2014
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.
Star Wars, épisode II - L'Attaque des clones
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.
Caserta Palace Dream

Caserta Palace Dream

Mar 18, 2014
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.
Breaking In

Breaking In

May 05, 2018
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.


Mar 31, 1999
Upcoming Scifi Actioner directed by Jason McTeigue

Jun 08, 2018

Huit inconnus aux quatre coins du globe se découvrent soudainement connectés les uns aux autres de façon télépathique et deviennent les proies d'un mystérieux ennemi.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jul 01, 2016

Cupidité, trahison, intrigues sexuelles et rivalités sont au cœur des aventures du héros de Marco Polo, le légendaire explorateur vénitien à la cour de Kubilai Khan.
Action & Adventure

Jan 01, 2020

Dans cette histoire fictive, un homme charismatique à la tête d'un étrange mouvement spirituel sème le trouble dans le paysage géopolitique mondial.

Jan 01, 2020

Dans cette histoire fictive, un homme charismatique à la tête d'un étrange mouvement spirituel sème le trouble dans le paysage géopolitique mondial.