Deux frères séparés tentent de se reconnecter à Noël, mais il y a quelque chose que l'un d'eux ne peut pas surmonter... l'autre pense qu'il est un voyageur dans le temps.
Middle-aged Jack, arrested for drugs, strives in six weeks to repair his marriage, curb a bullying in-law, and guide his stepbrother in the right direction, but all efforts fail as his life spirals further out of control.
Before the billboard hits, Nicki Minaj was on her grind like many up and coming artists. Hood Affairs was there to get these exclusive moments of the behind the scenes grind to what would become the biggest female artist in hip-hop history.
The "Migos" now one of the most popular groups in hip-hop, didn't start out that way. It took grind, hustle, determination and a solid foundation behind them. This documentary shows their grind along the way.
Before the billboard hits, Nicki Minaj was on her grind like many up and coming artists. Hood Affairs was there to get these exclusive moments of the behind the scenes grind to what would become the biggest female artist in hip-hop history.
Before the billboard hits, Nicki Minaj was on her grind like many up and coming artists. Hood Affairs was there to get these exclusive moments of the behind the scenes grind to what would become the biggest female artist in hip-hop history.
Before the billboard hits, Nicki Minaj was on her grind like many up and coming artists. Hood Affairs was there to get these exclusive moments of the behind the scenes grind to what would become the biggest female artist in hip-hop history.
On a lonely country road, James Mangan hears a voice from his past and comes to realise he is damned.
Jun 24, 2022
2022 min574 vues
Dans cette comédie déjantée, le célèbre acteur et humoriste Rowan Atkinson incarne un nouveau personnage. Alors qu'il séjourne dans le luxueux manoir dont on lui a confié la garde, un homme se retrouve soudain aux prises avec une abeille ! Qui sortira vainqueur de cette guerre sans merci ? Et à quel prix ?
Mar 20, 2020
2020 min237 vues
Entre anciennes prophéties, pouvoirs magiques et compagnons capricieux, un jeune apprenti chevalier se lance dans une aventure épique pour sauver son royaume.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Jan 01, 1970
1970 min1 vues
After a disastrous experience housesitting a high-tech mansion hampered by an inconvenient insect in Man Vs Bee, Trevor Bingley now finds himself looking after a luxurious London penthouse, with another unlikely companion he didn't ask for...