Dick Nelson

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Casse-noisette et ses copains
Screwy Squirrel, l'écureuil fou, rencontre Sammy l'écureuil, un gentil petit animal que l'on croirait échappé d'un dessin animé de Walt Disney. Sammy annonce qu'il est le héros d'un cartoon dont les autres protagonistes sont ses amis de la forêt.
Empaillé ? Moi jamais !
Bugs est employé dans un grand magasin, situé dans un gigantesque gratte-ciel. Il est chargé de jouer une scène de camping dans un décor à cet effet, afin de vendre des kits.
Bugs la mitraille

Bugs la mitraille

Sep 14, 1946
Hugo et Rocky (caricatures d'Edward G. Robinson et de Peter Lorre) rentrent chez eux et trouvent Bugs déjà installé pour la nuit.
Un oiseau de mauvaise augure
Un ver précoce échappe de justesse à l'oiseau, encore une fois. À la recherche d'un moyen de se débarrasser de l'oiseau, il demande l'aide d'un chat, mais l'oiseau est trop intelligent pour le chat.
Qui a trop faim ?

Qui a trop faim ?

Nov 27, 1943
Deux vautours souffrent d'une pénurie alimentaire aiguë, et se rattrapent en se cuisinant entre eux, ou du moins en essayant.
N'importe quoi

N'importe quoi

Nov 23, 1946
Les souris rusées Hubie et Bertie convainquent un chat qu'il est, en fait, un lion.
The Tree Surgeon

The Tree Surgeon

Jun 03, 1944
The tree surgeon (a donkey) races to the giant sequoia, which isn't feeling well. His techniques, though, seem better suited to treating a person.
Snap Happy Traps

Snap Happy Traps

Jun 06, 1946
A bear, plagued with mice, lures a tiger cub (thinking it's a cat) to take care of the mice. The tiger scares the mice at first, but really has no interest in them, so the mice have fun with the bear, painting a glow-in-the-dark mouse on its bottom for the tiger to attack and leading the tiger on a house-wrecking chase with a steak. The tiger ends up hanging out and smoking cigars with the mice.
The Pied Piper of Basin Street
In this swing version of the famous tale, a small town is overrun with rats. The mayor (caricature of Lou Costello) is in a quandary. His phones are busy with demands to do something. He hears a voice say: "what you need is a Pied Piper." Looking up, he sees a young man with a trombone (Jimmy Durante) who claims that he can run every rat out of town for a fee. The mayor makes a deal with him, and the trombone player goes to work leading the rats out of town with the playing of his trombone, and he locks them in a cage. Returning to the mayor's office, he's handed a bag of peanuts and thrown out. Unable to get the reward promised, the Pied Piper puts on his "Hank Swoonatra" (Frank Sinatra) suit croons to the girls. He leads them aboard a swinging showboat and opens the cage full of rats and they return to town, where only the mayor is left. The rats swarm the mayor's office and give him a bad time for his treatment of the pied piper. Production Number: D-10 A Swing Symphony cartoon.