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Jun 03, 2006
Au début du XVIIIe siècle, Aoki Souzaemon, un Samouraï, recherche l'homme qui a tué son père. Mais le jeune homme est bientôt rongé par le doute : doit-on à tout prix se venger ? N'est-il pas préférable de mener une vie tranquille auprès de ceux qu'on aime ?
Chonmage Purin

Chonmage Purin

Jul 31, 2010
Hiroko est divorcée et jongle entre sa vie professionnelle et sa vie personnelle où elle passe le clair de son temps à élever son jeune fils Tomoya. Un jour, elle croise un samouraï qui semble venu tout droit d’une autre époque...


Mar 08, 2003
Omnibus of six short films: Return; Ken-do star; Hana to oji-san; Adagietto Sehr, langsam; Nakayoki koto wa yoki koto ka na; Slow is Beautiful. Third installment of "SF" series produced by Hiroyuki Nakano.


Mar 08, 2010
A popular fashion model, Hikari Fujimi, has more than one identity. To avenge her parents, who were killed by the leader of a crime syndicate, she received training to become an assassin from Nirasaki, her father’s right-hand man. With multiple personalities-- herself; a woman with superhuman skills; and an innocent girl who repents her sins-- she changes at will.
ちょっとエッチな生活体験 接吻5秒前
A film from "Summer," the first group of works from the Love & Eros CINEMA COLLECTION 2nd season, created by filmmakers from various fields on the themes of love and sex. Depicts a somewhat unusual love situation comprising a trio of girls and a guy. Jun (Hamada Shoko) has a boyish appearance, and a trifling incident leads to her debut as a male model. She has a crush on crash-pad provider Tetsuro (Kasahara Hideyuki), but he is infatuated with magazine editor Erina. Is there any hope for the romantic fulfillment of Jun, who Tetsuro mistakenly believes to be guy?


Oct 15, 1994
Five junior high school students in the city enjoy stealing as a game to pass the time. One day, a mysterious masked man suddenly appears in front of them and attacks them.
A year after the celebrated cracking of “The Glorious Team Batista” case, the talented medical staff at Tojo University Hospital once again finds itself embroiled in a web of intrigue and scandal.The scandal occurs this time in the ER when a mysterious letter arrives for Dr. Kimiko Taguichi. The letter reads: “Chief Surgeon Hayami of the Emergency Center has a collusive relationship with a medical supplies maker. And the head nurse is in on it with him.” An unimaginable truth then awaits.


Oct 10, 2009
Following the brutal rape and murder of his teenage daughter, a single father seeks revenge against the responsible youths. His pursuit for justice becomes a deadly cat-and-mouse game with both the perpetrators and the police.
Fish Story

Fish Story

Mar 20, 2009
2012, cinq heures avant la destruction de la Terre par une comète, la population nippone s'est réfugiée pour éviter l'annihilation, mais un homme erre seul dans les rues. Dans un magasin de disques encore ouvert, il tombe sur un duo d'inconscients, qui discutent du groupe punk Gekirin et de leur morceau culte Fish Story. Insouciant du danger, le patron de la boutique est affirmatif : cette chanson peut sauver le monde. Mais comment ? Débute alors une série de flashbacks, retraçant la création et les conséquences incroyables de ce titre…
World - Apartment - Horror
Itta est un yakuza à qui l'on a confié une mission de choix : déloger d'un immeuble ses occupants, tous des membres de clans mafieux étrangers. Selon la rumeur, son prédécesseur aurait échoué et serait devenu fou, prétendant que le bâtiment est hanté. Alors qu'Itta utilise tous les stratagèmes possibles et imaginables pour faire de la vie de ses cibles un véritable enfer, il va bientôt sentir qu'une force obscure semble effectivement habiter les lieux… Et celle-ci n'a pas franchement l'air d'avoir l'intention d'aider notre yakuza dans sa tâche. World Apartment Horror est le premier film "live" réalisé par le cinéaste et mangaka Katsuhiro Ootomo. L'histoire adapte le scénario du manga éponyme, réalisé dans les années 90 par Satoshi Kon.
Samurai fiction

Samurai fiction

Oct 27, 1998
Kazamatsuri, un Ronin vient de voler le sabre ornemental offert par le shogun au clan Nagashima qu'il était pourtant supposé garder. Le chef du clan décide donc d'envoyer son fils Heishiro à la poursuite du Ronin. Déterminés mais inexpérimentés, Heishiro et ses deux amis vont vite déchanter...
The Gun

The Gun

Nov 17, 2018
Un étudiant sans but, tombe sur une scène de crime une nuit, et saisit l'arme de poing sans penser à mal. Il le ramène chez lui et le garde en sécurité, mais la curiosité commence à le consommer...


Sep 20, 2014
Ayane is the daughter of a karaage (fried food) store owner, but she never liked karaage. Eventually, she left home, only to return 5 years later. Her family lives in the city of Usa in Oita Prefecture, Japan. She brings with her a young girl named Shirley, who is her step-daughter from her ex-husband.
August in the Water

August in the Water

Sep 09, 1995
Après la chute de deux météorites, la population de la région de Fukuoka est, peu à peu, affectée par une étrange maladie. Ukiya et Mao sont amoureux d'Izumi, une championne de plongeon. Suite à une mauvais saut, Izumi tombe dans le coma - comme certains autre habitants de la région. A son réveil, elle développe des pouvoirs extra-sensoriels qui lui font comprendre que le monde est promis à la destruction à moins qu'elle ne s'interpose.
Science Fiction
西村京太郎サスペンス 鉄道捜査官16
Six high school tennis clubmates, including railroad investigator Noriko Hanamura, are going on a day trip to Kawaguchi Lake. However, one of them, Ayako Hirayama, does not show up even after the arranged time for the meet-up has passed. Magazine writer Yumi Tachiki, who planned the trip, calls Ayako but gets no answer, so Noriko and the others, believing Ayako will catch up with them, proceed to their destination. Even though Yumi and Noriko call Ayako many times, she does not answer. Yumi receives an urgent work request after arriving at Tenjozan Park by ropeway, so Noriko and the others return to Tokyo leaving Yumi at the mountain. None of them had any contact with Ayako the entire day. That night, Noriko receives a call from the Yamanashi Prefectural Police informing her that Yumi's body has been found stabbed in Tenjozan Park. One of the ropeway employees happened to witness a mysterious woman wearing a hat and a mask following Yumi down the mountain trail that evening...
Hanpeita Takeichi, a samurai, finds that he has travelled through time to modern-day Japan. He's taken in by an old man who runs a cram school, and begins to work as a teacher there.


Mar 13, 2021
In a situation where location shooting was difficult due to the Corona pandemic, four omnibus horror films that could be shot in the school were planned as the graduation project for the technical area students. Four horrific events with completely different themes and stories take place.
The Scythian Lamb

The Scythian Lamb

Feb 03, 2018
Six étrangers déménagent dans la ville portuaire d'Uobuka et un employé de la ville, Hajime Tsukisue, reçoit l'ordre de les aider. À cette même époque, Fumi, diplômée du même lycée qu'Hajime, revient à Uobuka. Quelque chose cloche à propos de ces étrangers. Ils agissent curieusement et n'ont pas l'air normal. Hajime apprend des détails plus choquants : ces étrangers sont d'anciens prisonniers qui ont tous commis un meurtre. En raison d'un nouveau système de libération conditionnelle, ils sont transférés à Uobuka. Les résidents ne sont pas censés connaître leurs antécédents criminels mais leur vie commence à changer en raison des nouveaux résidents.


Jul 10, 2020
Toko grew up unloved by her mother Mizuho who continues to adore her deceased son. She lives alone in an apartment the electricity has been cut off and the trash is piling up. One late night, Toko enters a gloomy building in order to escape from a threatening stalker, Tomita. There she finds a handgun. She brings it back home and confirms it is loaded with four bullets. One day, the family living next door who have already been enduring poverty and violence end up murdering a man. Toko helps them bury the man's body, shooting it with the handgun. Toko becomes captivated by the gun itself. She is further entangled in the true circumstances of the incident due to the detective searching for the handgun and a suspicious man Kazunari who knows a secret about the handgun. Toko tries to throw herself into the whirlpool but then the lid is blown off her "past."


May 18, 2000
A Kyushu, au sud-ouest de l'archipel japonais, un matin de chaleur estivale... Une sanglante prise d'otages dans un bus municipal épargne le chauffeur Makoto, une écolière, Kozue, et son frère aîné, Naoki. Traumatisé, Makoto disparaît. Les deux enfants s'enferment dans le silence. Deux ans plus tard, leur mère divorce, leur père meurt au volant de sa voiture. Les voilà seuls dans la maison familiale. Makoto réapparaît soudain et décide de s'installer chez eux, rejoint bientôt par le cousin des adolescents, Akihiko, un étudiant en vacances. Le corps d'une femme est retrouvé sur la berge d'une rivière et la police soupçonne Makoto. Peu de temps après, celui-ci achète un bus d'occasion, l'aménage en camping-car et invite Kozue, Naoki et leur cousin à partir en voyage.
Miyama Akira is a movie director in his 60's. In the past, he left his hometown to chase his dream. When he learns that his friend, who used to talk about their future, died, he goes back to his hometown for the first time in decades. While he walks along the streets there, he thinks about the life of his late friend and gets inspired to write a script about him.
This is a story about a police officer named Khun Phan in WWII. He is off on an undercover mission to take down a governor at an island which everyone there is considered as bandits.
Koji Tadokoro, the manager of a hot bento shop, lives an ordinary life with his girlfriend Noriko Kinoshita, who works at a nearby supermarket and loves sex. Tonight they are having sex, as if they are going to try to break the Guinness World Record, when suddenly the window opens and Nakagawa, a middle school classmate, appears. Shimizu, who had become a film director, has died. The two go to the funeral, and on the way home they pass a man accompanied by a beautiful woman. That man is none other than his childhood friend, Kimio Kondo. Kimio is the epitome of a money man. He is a doctor working at a university hospital, and on the side, he writes new music lyrics and is popular with nurses and popular singers. The three are excited to see each other again after a long time, and plan a class reunion trip to Kimio's luxurious mansion...


Mar 29, 1997
This live-action Japanese TV series is based on Tetsu Adachi's manga. The series is split into two parts, each one consisting of six episodes. The first part is based on the manga's original storyline and, of course, focuses on Keiko Nakadai and her infamous rise to fame. The second part, on the other hand, has a completely original storyline made exclusively for this TV series that focuses on the adventures of another woman, Ryoko Makino, after she is chosen as a new weather anchor on TV.


Dec 20, 2024
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.


Jun 25, 2020
Kouga est une sorte de samouraï des temps modernes. Son travail est tenu secret aux yeux des humains "normaux". Il doit chasser les "horrors" des démons qui se servent des humains pour subsister. Mais un jour, Kaoru une jeune artiste peintre se fait toucher par le sang d'un horror. C'est là que les ennuis commencent pour elle...
Action & Adventure


Apr 12, 2019
Noda Ryusuke is a popular scriptwriter specialising in stories about the perfect married couple but is shocked when his wife of 23 years suddenly wants to get a divorce.


Oct 24, 2009
A new dramatization of "Hadaka no Taishō (The Naked General)" series about the wandering painter Kiyoshi Yamashita, starring Tsukaji Muga.