Mirko Musil

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„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labor. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anicka. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov.
Adele n'a pas encore diné
En cette fin de XIXe siècle, Nick Carter, le détective privé le plus célèbre d'Amérique, est appelé à la rescousse par la Police de Prague, après une disparition qui semble inexplicable. Sur place, il est confronté à son plus mortel ennemi, un homme cruel à la main verte et aux plus noires intentions...


Oct 06, 1978
Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That time the representative of the ministry Barvír announced at the miners meeting that mining in the mines would decrease. He reasoned this decision by the fact the deposits of coal are almost used up. The boss of the mine and most of the miners protested. Barvír did not take their critical objections into account. He announced at the communist district meeting the closure of the business as the mine according to new economic principles did not prosper.
Hop – a je tu lidoop
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí
School supply teacher timid folk art Ales Brabec won first prize at a music festival and will therefore offer to work for the Prague little theater in the basement. Its director Soukup just needs a few songs for the upcoming musical, and so is willing to do everything to Alex to create the right atmosphere for composing.
Osada Havranů

Osada Havranů

Sep 08, 1978
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
„Já už budu hodný, dědečku!“
To the intolerant and bloody-minded Prague actor Bergner (Milos Kopecký) is the lead in Moliere's Misanthrope which he is studying now as tailor-made. On top of that he is malicious and he advises to the new actress Helenka (Dagmar Havlová) in such a way that she upsets the theatre director. If Bergner accuses somebody of a mischief and he is wrong, he never apologizes. When he almost crashes an older elegant lady by his car on the zebra crossing, instead of an apology he calls her an old ballet dancer... But in Brno's TV he takes part in a discussion on manners and he gives himself as an example of good manners and grace. In the train he meets a magic old man (Ladislav Pesek) who warns him and admonishes him to change his behavior. After he arrives to Prague the old man's threat comes true.
Le Prince et l'Étoile du Soir
Jeune et insouciant, le prince Velen se voit confié la régence du royaume pendant l'absence de son père. À la demande de ses trois sœurs, il décide de trouver un mari à chacune d'elles, mais devant cette tâche ardue, il implore l'aide de Večernice, l'Étoile du Soir. Celle-ci, contre un baiser, réalise son vœu, le Vent, la Lune et le Soleil deviendront les époux de ses sœurs. À son retour, le vieux roi, surpris et rendu furieux par ces mariages insolites, ordonne à son fils de ramener ses sœurs au bercail. Pour le prince commence une longue quête semée d’embûches...
Pod Jezevčí skálou

Pod Jezevčí skálou

Dec 08, 1978
The gamekeeper Straka lives by himself in the Bohemian forest hill. He has quarreled with his only son. He cannot come to terms with the fact that his son has abandoned his beloved forests and settled in a town. He has never even met his grandson Vasek. Following an illness, however, little Vasek needs some country air, and so one day his mother Jarmila delivers him to her father-in-law's cottage. At first Straka is angry, but Vasek is an unaffected lad and throws himself with verve into all the little adventures that the forest provides.
Kulový blesk

Kulový blesk

Aug 10, 1979
A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.
The Secret of Steel City
Le docteur François Sarrasin, et le professeur Érik Janus, cohéritiers d’une immense fortune, font construire chacun une ville. Tandis que la cité que le docteur Sarrasin fait ériger est moderne et privilégie le bien-être de ses habitants, le professeur Janus fait construire une cité industrielle destinée à la production d’armes de destruction massive. Au vu de dramatiques et inquiétants incidents s'étant déroulés à la frontière, le docteur Sarrasin envoi secrètement un observateur, pour enquêter…
Science Fiction
Čas pracuje pro vraha
Vera, wife of the plumber Simandl (Josef Somr), is found murdered in the cinema next to the IDOC (Information and Documentation) agency where she worked. Police captain Marha (Frantisek Nemec), who is leading the investigation, is informed by Simandl that on the day of the murder Vera promised to bring home fifty thousand crowns to buy a car. Marha's primary suspects are the three men working at the agency: deputy editor-in-chief Brandl (Jirí Pleskot) and editors Pernata (Eduard Cupák) and Remes (Ludek Munzar, and of course also Simandl.
Drsná Planina

Drsná Planina

May 01, 1980
Chronicle of frontier division Czech police (SNB) in the years 1946 - 1949.
Lásky mezi kapkami deště
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.
Tři od moře

Tři od moře

Nov 09, 1979
Stay on international pioneer camp in Bulgaria will take three children so much that he decides to still enjoy swimming - and missed the train. Two boys and a girl, then spend an exciting event when going home on their own. Usually educational overtones are attenuated this time, highlighted the contrary, courage and ability to help you in any situation.
Muž přes palubu

Muž přes palubu

Sep 04, 1981
Ten-year-old David joins a sailing club. He trains hard and helps repair the sailing boats, but people have to take turns actually sailing. The club chairman Vala wants David to sail with his son Olda. Olda's previous team mate Béda has grown too fast, but with little David Olda could win a place on the regatta to Finland. Olda is arrogant and accustomed to winning with little effort; he bullies David and calls him "Greenhorn". He makes David his servant and blames him when things go wrong.
Buldoci a třešně

Buldoci a třešně

Sep 11, 1981
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
Král Králů

Král Králů

Jul 12, 1963
During his work assignment in Tamani Kingdom, Czech worker Lojza saves a local man from dying in the desert. Two years later, it turns out the saved man was also the Taman king; and he has decided to name Lojza, a communist, his royal heir.
Pozor, vizita!

Pozor, vizita!

Apr 23, 1982
A story about an everyday life of an inflectional department of Prague hospital.


Nov 20, 1981
Carefree young nurse Marta learns upon her husband's death that he was involved in all manner of criminal activity, which puts her life in danger.
Jak svět přichází o básníky
Inseparable friends Štěpán and Kendy are students in their final year of high school. When they are in the principal's office after the trouble with the rather scandalous song "On the Carpet", the school principal gives them the idea of ​​rehearsing a theater performance. They decide on Tyl's Forest Maiden in a rather unconventional version - with music, singing, and several unusual props. While Kendy sees the theater as not only an opportunity to enjoy himself, for Štěpán it is a chance to get closer to the charming Marcela Borůvková. What was originally just a student recession soon starts to get out of hand for both authors, not only because of the quirky cast but also because of information in the press, which is taken care of by the father of one of the classmates. The business is gaining in size, and even a television station is contacted, which shows an interest in making a program about the performance. At that moment, the disaster seems inevitable to Štěpán and Kendy.
Máte doma lva?

Máte doma lva?

May 15, 1964
“And what did you do at school today?” In Pavel Hobl’s Czech fairytale, when Pepik and Honzik learn that school has been canceled they embark on an amazing odyssey around Prague that has them directing traffic, following the lead of a talking dog, breaking the spell an evil sorcerer has placed on a group of local musicians, rollerskating through a museum, and winning a magical car race. (University of Chicago Doc Films)
Bota jménem Melichar

Bota jménem Melichar

Nov 01, 1983
A stories about friendship and love, children and parents, students and teachers - all from one regular Czech school during the eighties.
Hodíme se k sobě, miláčku...?
Marta (Jana Brejchová) and Viktor (Vlastimil Brodský) celebrate the tenth anniversary of their wedding half-heartedly. They both think they don't suit together. While visiting Marta's friend Alena (Iva Janzurová), who just got married for the third time, they learn an interesting thing. It was a computer which selected a husband for Alena and she claims she is happy. The couple gets off after certain hesitation to a cybernetic institute, where the computer tells them that living together is a risk for them. At the same time the computer selects them ideal partners - Mrs Tuchlová, a doctor for Viktor, and Petr Karát, a music composer for Marta. By a coincidence Viktor and Marta meet wrong people.
Třicet jedna ve stínu
L'employée d'une épicerie réputée de Prague couvre les mauvais agissements de son responsable avec laquelle elle entretient une liaison. Cependant, les choses se compliquent lorsqu'un auditeur avisé rend leur rend visite.
Transit Carlsbad

Transit Carlsbad

Nov 25, 1966
Even in the "enlightened" 60. years filmmakers like to play spies. In the grand-world environment, Luxury hotel in Karlovy Vary the sophisticated charade unfolds, in which several foreign agents interested in the famous Austrian scientist, the discoverer of the artificial protein. Endangered man fortunately never notice danger around him. His protection was entrusted to the mysterious madame Elizabeth, amongst agents famed as the ' 006, in fact, working for the State security... As a parody, perhaps the movie succeeded, but hardly convincing anyone - and this is despite scriptwriting participation of the renowned Jan Procházka.


Dec 09, 1966
Dita Saxová

Dita Saxová

Feb 23, 1968
A beautiful, underachieving, 18-year-old orphan considers various suitors, ponders philosophy, and takes a young girl under her wing.
Slasti Otce vlasti

Slasti Otce vlasti

Jul 08, 1969
The young Prince Charles (Jaromír Hanzlík), the future King of his country Charles IV, is being educated at the French court in the company of his fiancée Blanche (Daniela Kolárová). One day he receives a summons from his father John of Luxembourg (Milos Kopecký) in Italy. He leaves for Italy accompanied by a deputation from Bohemia. On the way the prince's company fights a battle with armed Milanese against heavy odds. Thanks to Charles's perspicacity, the prince's almost naked soldiers win through. In Lucca in Italy Charles joins his father, and here he experiences an amorous adventure and escapes from the traps laid by the Italian rebels.
The Insanely Sad Princess
Une princesse amoureuse fait semblant d'être follement triste pour épouser l'homme qui la fera rire à nouveau. Seulement, elle ne sait pas que son élu est le prince avec qui elle a été condamnée à se marier de toute façon.
Messieurs, J' Ai Tué Einstein
Après une explosion nucléaire, les femmes ont de la barbe et ne peuvent plus enfanter. Les Nations Unies décident de construire une machine pour voyager dans le temps, afin d'aller tuer Einstein, espérant qu'ainsi la Bombe A ne soit jamais inventée...
Science Fiction


Oct 10, 1969
Skopec, Prouza, Petrtýl sont trois plâtriers campagnards qui travaillent à la rénovation de maisons à Prague. Ils sont tentés par la vie nocturne de Prague, mais leur première visite au luxueux Diplomat Grill ne se passe pas très bien et ils doivent finalement s'échapper. Mais ils refusent d'abandonner...
Partie krásného dragouna
In a suburban villa, a woman of means is murdered. Police Superintendent Zdychynec from the Prague Liben neighborhood reports the case to Police Councilman Vacátko, upon whose order an investigation is launched immediately. Zdychynec begins to suspect the wooer of his own daughter, a handsome dragoon named Rudi, of the crime. In Rudi's absence, Zdychynec searches his rented room in the apartment of the elegant Mrs Dragicová. All his findings - among others, sand left on Rudi's jackboots and a decent amount of money in his bedside table - convince the superintendent that he is following the right lead, especially when Rudi refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder.
Pěnička a Paraplíčko
In the morning twilight of Prague, the dead body of the safe-breaker Toufar is found floating on the river Vltava with a knife in his back. Police inspectors visit Toufar's lover, the prostitute Anna Kulatá (Jirina Bohdalová), nicknamed Umbrella, and it is apparent that the moment before she opened the door of her flat, someone fled through the window. Umbrella is summoned for examination to the head of the criminal police - Police Councilman Vacátko Jaroslav Marvan, but although shocked by the photograph of the dead man, she does not confess to anything. Before Toufar, Umbrella lived with the safe-breaker Penicka (Radoslav Brzobohatý), who loved her very much and made her quit her street trade. But when he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, Umbrella began to live with the brute Toufar, who chased her to street again. In the case of the murder, Penicka is therefore the prime suspect.
My tři a pes z Pětipes
The summer holidays are approaching and the children are bragging about all the exciting places they are going to visit during the long-awaited two months of summer. Only Tonda is not looking forward to staying in Prague over the holidays. He brightens up after his father announces that the boy can visit some friends of the family in the village of Petipas.
Lupič Legenda

Lupič Legenda

Mar 09, 1973
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.


Oct 27, 1972
A young man steals a doctor’s car and has to pretend to be a doctor himself.


Mar 29, 1973
The bank officer Bedrich Hroch is sent by the bank director to the zoo, which asked an allocation of one and half kg of gold for a gold tooth for a hippo. During the check up of the hippo's teeth Bedrich is swallowed by the hippo. The man does not die in the hippo's guts and he chats quite happily with his frightened wife Dása. Journalist Pip Karen, his friend is also present to the dialogue and he has immediately an idea how to use this special situation. He tells to the new minister Borovec and his opponent professor Fibinger that there is a hippo in the zoo which can speak. He also tells them how to use this situation for a political propaganda.
Tři veteráni

Tři veteráni

Jul 01, 1984
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
Hvězda padá vzhůru

Hvězda padá vzhůru

Aug 29, 1975
Švand, a room painter from Strakonice, begins a dizzying career as a pop music star, but he soon discovers that fame is not the most important thing in life or what he is looking for and what he longs for in life.
Jak utopit dr. Mráčka aneb Konec vodníků v Čechách
There are still water spirits among us. One group lives in Prague, led by Mr. Wassermann, who is using his wife's family as a servants. All they need is their old house near the river. But the house is to be demolished. They have to stop it. And the only way is to drown Dr. Mrácek, who is responsible for the demolition. But he falls in love with Wassermann's niece Jana. He changes to fish, is mistaken for water spirit from Germany, is drowned and revived again. The other problem is the flour with ears... and so on...
Kvočny a Král

Kvočny a Král

Jun 14, 1974
Police find a girl with a bleeding face in a small town park at night. First the girl, a textile factory worker Jana, refuses to talk, and then she decides to tell the truth. After her father's death she, by herself, takes care of her younger brother called Pinda. She does not like the influence that a gang of older boys from the factory exercise over her brother. The gang leader Jirka, called King, is admire by local girls whose number exceeds boys in the town because there are many textile factories where only girls are working. They easily yield to him and then he easily gets rid of them. Jana is a hard nut for him. She refuses his purposeful courtesy and thus she unintentionally gets his attention. King inspires the gang on how to get money by stealing textile from the factory warehouse.
Muž z Londýna

Muž z Londýna

Jun 07, 1974
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje!
A sincere provincial young man, Frantisek Koudelka leaves to work in Prague. For the trip he buys a computer made horoscope with biorhythms charts, marked according to his date of birth, there are trappy, precarious, unsuccessful and even critical days and few successful days. The clumsy luckless person Frantisek has finally a guidance for his life.
Cirkus v cirkuse

Cirkus v cirkuse

Feb 13, 1976
To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the program of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler (Iva Janzurová), British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Ruzicka (Jirí Sovák), though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Ruzicka's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a bet - if Ruzicka teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat.
Páni kluci

Páni kluci

Mar 19, 1976
Three friends - Tomás, Hubert and Jozka - are boys growing up in a little town. Tomás lives with his aunt Apolena and uncle Václav. Tomás is a boy with lots of ideas that often end up getting him into trouble not only with his teachers and aunt, but with the other inhabitants of the town as well. He has a crush on his schoolmate Blanka and for her sake he decides to try to get the prize for the best pupil in the school.
Páni kluci

Páni kluci

Mar 19, 1976
Three friends - Tomás, Hubert and Jozka - are boys growing up in a little town. Tomás lives with his aunt Apolena and uncle Václav. Tomás is a boy with lots of ideas that often end up getting him into trouble not only with his teachers and aunt, but with the other inhabitants of the town as well. He has a crush on his schoolmate Blanka and for her sake he decides to try to get the prize for the best pupil in the school.
Nevěsta s nejkrásnějšíma očima
Exotic, yet lyrically aimed fairy tale about a young gypsy Pista in search of a beautiful, gentle and faithful bride. An old man told him where to find a girl with those qualities, so Pista sets out on a journey to find the girl of his dreams without knowing that she is special: an hour a day human and rest of the day a chicken...
Bouřlivé víno

Bouřlivé víno

Apr 30, 1976
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.
Ostrov stříbrných volavek
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Pasáček z doliny

Pasáček z doliny

Mar 01, 1984
In 1947 by the Beskid mountains, the traces of war still linger, destroyed tanks dispersed throughout the farmland creating an eerie backdrop. This film follows a ten-year-old boy and the strange visions he encounters, his world of fantasy exacerbated with ample time, space, and a lack of companionship or guidance. We see the adults that influence and dominate his life, for better or for worse. Surreal and packed with an excellent study of human emotions and motivations compounded by their rural, isolated vacuum of a town, this is a timeless and severely underrated film from a brilliant Czech director.


Mar 11, 1977
The 11-year old Jakub is living in a children's home, when he is picked up by his father. The father has been "away" for four years, the boys mother doesn't want the child. Jakub gradually finds out, that his father is hiding a secret from him. But they gradually manage to build a warm relationship and a promising new life in the city.
Drahé tety a já

Drahé tety a já

May 23, 1975
Two kind but foolish sisters live together in their villa in a small town in South Bohemia. Fany (Natasa Gollová) has never married and Andelka (Eva Svobodová) is a widow. In the morning, the two sisters go into town. They need to buy fuel oil, put money in the bank and give plums to the teller. In the meantime an smallish orange Skoda MB car parks at their house, with Hermínka (Iva Janzurová), the old ladies' niece, and her fiancé Michal (Jirí Hrzán) in it. Michal has forgotten to bring flowers and has to go into town to fetch them. At the bank, Fany wants to deposit money but the minute the teller opens the safe, a thief arrives. He knocks the teller and Fany unconscious and runs away with the money. When Fany comes to her senses again, she sees Michal and accuses him of being the thief.
Fešák Hubert

Fešák Hubert

Jun 01, 1985
Hubert Hrabe, known as Smart Boy, is a Prague dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likable rogue, he has a worthy adversary - Police Inspector Mourek, who has long been trying in vain to put him behind bars. However, this defender of justice, who is constantly trying to outsmart his "own" criminal, ends up becoming the victim of his own zeal while hunting forgers that are as good as any in Europe, as Hubert the Smart Boy, sets a trap for Mourek


Oct 01, 1984
Saxony, devastated by the Thirty Years' War, is led by the comedy troupe of the principal Fortunato. The student Vavrinec has fled Bohemia and greatly values the text of Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet, which he has acquired on his wanderings around the world.
Give the Devil His Due
Dorota, une mauvaise femme a épousé le meunier, par pure cupidité le pousse à la mort. Elle a ensuite pris le moulin à son fils Peter et l'a jeté hors de la maison. Lucifer, qui est connu pour régner en enfer, envoie le diable Janek. Il est censé aller chercher Dorota car la mesure de ses péchés terrestres déborde. Mais le diable lui-même ne peut pas gérer cette femme diabolique et s'enfuit chez les militaires. C'est là qu'il rencontre Peter. En unissant leurs forces, ils réussissent finalement à transporter la méchante Dorota en enfer. Depuis lors, l'enfer est l'enfer. Mais pour Peter, qui est soudainement en possession d'un manteau magique, commence une période agréable, car étrangement, le prince montre un grand intérêt pour lui.
Výbuch bude v pět

Výbuch bude v pět

Jun 01, 1985
This tale is about young Ludvik (Robert Nespor) an erstwhile, budding scientist whose practical sense leads him to experiment before his common sense has figured out the results. Due to that unfortunate pattern, he variously floods the bathroom while working on displacement of volume and weight in water, he shatters the harvest pumpkins but not the law of gravity, and now he is eyeing the neighbor's rabbits for an electricity experiment. While the rabbits remain safe for awhile, Ludvik's parents wish he would follow in their more traditional footsteps and dedicate himself to music. Instead, Ludvik has learned that the proper mixture of a certain carbide and water can be explosive, and while he works on that technique, a friend tips off the physics teacher about these potentially disastrous plans.
Konto separato

Konto separato

Jan 16, 1997
This production of Ostrava TV Studios was inspired by actual events which occurred in the Ostrava region of Moravia during the 1920s and 1930s. A hedonistic bon vivant of a lawyer named Zajícek (played by Václav Postránecký) came up with a sophisticated finance speculation scheme which exceeded the bounds of law. When discovered it became one of the most closely-followed First Republic scandals.
L'Amour maudit de Leisenbohg
C'est une passion insatisfaite. Depuis de nombreuses années, le baron de Leisenbohg est épris de Claire, une célèbre soprano. Mais préférant le garder comme "meilleur ami", celle-ci repousse ses avances tout en lui laissant espérer "la prochaine fois"… C'est pourtant sur un nouvel homme qu'elle jette son dévolu à chacune de ses ruptures. Comme cette fois, avec le duc Richard, dont elle semble tomber vraiment amoureuse, jusqu'à projeter de l'épouser. Alors que Leisenbohg est au désespoir, un événement dramatique lui donne une chance unique de se retrouver sans concurrent. Le duc Richard meurt après un accident de cheval, mais avant de trépasser, il maudit son futur successeur, lui promettant l'enfer s'il touche à Claire…
TV Movie
Kit & Co.

Kit & Co.

Dec 15, 1974
The adventures of Kit Bellew and his friend Shorty during the gold fever at the end of the 19th century.
Happy End

Happy End

Sep 01, 1967
A dark comedy about a murder and its consequences presented in a backwards manner, where death is actually a rebirth. The film starts with an "execution" of the main protagonist and goes back to explore his previous actions and motivations.
Hvězda jede na jih

Hvězda jede na jih

May 15, 1964
The Prague Grand Orchestra travels by train to a music festival in Yugoslavia. Only the singer Sona Klánová missed the departure. In the meantime, she managed to buy a ticket to Belgrade at the air-terminal from Mrs Navrátilová, who couldn't make the trip. In the meantime, the orchestra conductor is beside himself with despair. He phoned to Prague from the border, and when he realized that Sona had left her house in a taxi, he thought that she would catch up with them by the road. The orchestra delayed the train's departure with an improvised concert for the custom officers and the passengers.


May 14, 1971
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Hvězda zvaná Pelyněk
At the end of May 1918, released prisoners return to the Rumburk garrison from Russian captivity, hoping that the war is over for them. The only thing they want is to get their withheld ...
Trois noisettes pour Cendrillon
Cendrillon, une jeune fille espiègle et pleine de vie a qui rien ne résiste, a vécu une enfance heureuse. Fille de Seigneur, elle a eu une très bonne éducation. Après la mort de son père, sa belle-mère en fait une fille de ferme mais ses amies les colombes lui viennent en aide ainsi que trois noisettes qui lui permettront de trouver le bonheur. Dans la première noisette, il y a un costume de chasse, dans la seconde une robe de bal et dans la troisième, une robe de mariée. A trois reprise, Cendrillon rencontre le Prince qui en tombe amoureux. la troisième fois, elle lui échappe en s'enfuyant du bal. Dans sa fuite, elle perdra sa pantoufle. le prince désire l'épouser, mais auparavant il lui faudra retrouver Cendrillon malgré les manigances de sa belle-mère...


Feb 21, 1981
Arabela était une série télévisée pour enfants produite en Tchécoslovaquie qui a été diffusée de 1979 à 1981. La série compte 13 épisodes et est en langue tchèque.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Dec 23, 2005
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes du célèbre commissaire Maigret imaginé par Georges Simenon. Elle apporte un soin particulier à la reconstitution d'une ambiance années 1950 : costumes, voitures, trains à vapeur et jusqu'au mobilier (téléphones, standardistes entre autres).
Sňatky z rozumu

Sňatky z rozumu

Nov 20, 1968
Sňatky z rozumu was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1968. The programme was directed by František Filip.
Monsieur Rosée

Monsieur Rosée

Feb 04, 1979
Pan Tau always had a gentle expression and a friendly smile, he was elegantly dressed in a stroller, with an umbrella and a white carnation in the lapel. Foremost, he was famous for his magic bowler hat. By tapping on his hat, Pan Tau was able to change his appearance into a puppet, to conjure up miscellaneous objects or to do other magic. His most characteristically behavior is that he would help children who were experiencing some sort of difficulties in-between their dreams and reality, like finding a place for skiing, settling family problems on Christmas, and even give a boy a good time at a fair when he is supposed to have piano lessons. To adults, he usually remained invisible.
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.


Dec 31, 1975
Chalupáři is a Czechoslovak comedy TV series filmed in 1974 and 1975 by František Filip.