Kat Candler

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The Retelling

The Retelling

Feb 27, 2010
While visiting his ailing blind grandfather, young Charlie Mason and his friend, Anne discover a dark secret from the past.
Uncle Kent 2

Uncle Kent 2

Aug 26, 2016
In a desperate search to create a follow-up to Joe Swanberg's 2011 film Uncle Kent, Kent Osborne travels to a comic book convention in San Diego where he loses his mind and confronts the end of the world.
Love Me

Love Me

Jan 01, 2012
Sixteen-year-old Melissa Kennedy's been missing for almost 3 months now and the Town of Ridgedale is coming unhinged. The projectionist at the old revival movie house, Sylvia Potter wants so badly to be in love. Just like in the movies. But can any guy live up to her ideal leading man? Even her best friend Harry's unrequited love for her has never been reciprocated. When sexy, quiet, rich kid, Lucas Green transfers to Hampton Prep the sparks fly. Lucas and Sylvia's initial animosity quickly becomes a heated romance - despite the warnings of almost every friend in her circle. But what seems like a love story straight out of the movies hits a major plot twist when the police begin an investigation into Lucas' involvement in the Melissa Kennedy case. What really happened to Melissa Kennedy and how long can Lucas and Sylvia's relationship last in the face of a mystery that threatens to change the lives of these teenagers forever?
Black Metal

Black Metal

Jan 16, 2013
After a career spent mining his music from the shadows, one fan creates a chain reaction for the lead singer of a black metal band.
Black Metal

Black Metal

Jan 16, 2013
After a career spent mining his music from the shadows, one fan creates a chain reaction for the lead singer of a black metal band.


Jan 21, 2012
Little seven-year old, Petey, falls prey to his older brothers' hellion ways.


Jan 21, 2012
Little seven-year old, Petey, falls prey to his older brothers' hellion ways.


Jun 13, 2014
When a 17-old boy loses his mother to suicide, he struggles with her death and the secret that plagued their family.


Jun 13, 2014
When a 17-old boy loses his mother to suicide, he struggles with her death and the secret that plagued their family.
The Rusted

The Rusted

Oct 23, 2015
A brother and sister return to their childhood home in order to remodel the space into a recording studio. The house soon turns out not to be as quaint as it seems. Terrifying memories emerge as the siblings spend a night in the house that has destroyed their past.
Bad Moms

Bad Moms

Jul 28, 2016
A brother and sister return to their childhood home in order to remodel the space into a recording studio. The house soon turns out not to be as quaint as it seems. Terrifying memories emerge as the siblings spend a night in the house that has destroyed their past.
Love Bug

Love Bug

Oct 01, 2009
Nine-year old Turtle Thompson thinks his bug loving best friend Maddy is the coolest girl in the whole wide world. If only he had the guts to ask her to the Spring Fling Dance.
Love Bug

Love Bug

Oct 01, 2009
Nine-year old Turtle Thompson thinks his bug loving best friend Maddy is the coolest girl in the whole wide world. If only he had the guts to ask her to the Spring Fling Dance.
The Rusted

The Rusted

Oct 23, 2015
A brother and sister return to their childhood home in order to remodel the space into a recording studio. The house soon turns out not to be as quaint as it seems. Terrifying memories emerge as the siblings spend a night in the house that has destroyed their past.


Jan 01, 1970
A deeply damaged New Yorker reporter travels upstate to the remote town of Lilydale, NY, the mecca of American spirituality. Cynical about the prospects of the spirit world, the temptation of contacting his dead son leaves the reporter vulnerable to something much more dangerous than the dead.

Nov 29, 2022

Suite au tragique décès de leur père, trois frère et sœurs doivent unir leurs forces pour reprendre les rennes de la ferme familiale de canne à sucre.

Jun 05, 2020

Inspirée des best-sellers de Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why suit Clay Jensen, un adolescent qui découvre sous son porche au retour du lycée une mystérieuse boîte portant son nom. À l'intérieur, des cassettes enregistrées par Hannah Baker, une camarade de classe qui s'est tragiquement suicidée deux semaines auparavant. Les enregistrements révèlent que la jeune fille, dont il était amoureux, a décidé de mettre fin à ses jours pour treize raisons. Clay est-il l'une de ces raisons ?

Nov 29, 2022

Suite au tragique décès de leur père, trois frère et sœurs doivent unir leurs forces pour reprendre les rennes de la ferme familiale de canne à sucre.

Sep 06, 2021

Confrontée à la destruction de sa ville par une société minière cupide, l'enseignante rebelle du secondaire Sarah Cooper utilise une obscure faille cartographique pour déclarer son indépendance. Maintenant, Sarah doit diriger un jeune groupe d'inadaptés alors qu'ils tentent de créer leur propre pays à partir de zéro.

Aug 13, 2021

Une énigme policière inspirée par le reportage d’une journaliste de neuf ans. Quand une jeune fille retourne s’installer dans la ville natale de son père, sa quête de vérité la pousse à exhumer une affaire depuis longtemps enterrée.

Mar 23, 2023

Josie Buhrman a, tant bien que mal, tenté de se reconstruire après le meurtre de son père, l'abandon de sa mère et la trahison dont elle a été victime de la part de sa sœur jumelle, Lanie. Mais les choses vont prendre un tournant inattendu et pour le moins perturbant lorsqu'une journaliste décide de rouvrir, dix-neuf ans après les faits, l'enquête entourant l'assassinat du père de Josie, par le biais de son nouveau podcast à sensation.

Jul 14, 2020

Série anthologique retraçant d'authentiques faits divers ayant défrayé la chronique.

Jul 06, 2018

Nous sommes en l'an 2035. Les quelques milliers d'habitants qui restent sur notre planète sont contraints de vivre sous terre. La surface du globe est devenue inhabitable à la suite d'un virus ayant décimé 99% de la population. Les survivants mettent tous leurs espoirs dans un voyage à travers le temps pour découvrir les causes de la catastrophe et la prévenir. C'est James Cole, hanté depuis des années par une image incompréhensible, qui est désigné pour cette mission.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy