Olga Miłaszewska

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Par le fer et par le feu
Pologne 17e siècle. Helena, une noble polonaise tombe follement amoureuse d'un guerrier cosaque. Poussée par les événements tragiques qui ravagent son pays, à savoir la révolte des cosaques contre l'aristocratie, Helena va devoir choisir entre la sécurité des bras de son mari et l'aventure aux côtés de son amant. Un choix cornélien qui ne se fera pas sans son lot de sacrifices.
Pieśń humbaków

Pieśń humbaków

Sep 18, 2023
The everyday life of Marek, a pharmacist, is a B-class movie. When a beautiful girl with herpes appears in the pharmacy, the hero escapes into the world of fantasy. He begins to direct his life as a great artistic cinema, in which he himself appears as an omnipotent creator.
O psie, który jeździł koleją
The life of Zuzia, whose dad works on the railway, changes mas-sively when Lampo, an extraordinary travelling dog, joins the family. The remarkable shepherd dog, whose train trips are an internet sensation, immediately becomes the best friend of the girl suffering from a heart condition.
Święto ognia

Święto ognia

Oct 06, 2023
The sisters struggle with their own bodies. One, driven by ambitions, seeks the limits of its possibilities, for the other, the body is a prison. One believes that ballet will save her from memories. The second observes the world from the balcony with such attention that she sees and hears more.


Jan 08, 2010
Lorsqu'une policière est injustement accusée de vendre de la drogue, ses trois frères bons à rien viennent à sa rescousse.
A cat with a dog

A cat with a dog

Oct 19, 2018
Deux frères réalisateurs se retrouvent lorsque l'aîné a une attaque cérébrale et que le cadet décide de s'occuper de lui malgré leur relation compliquée.
Handlarz cudów

Handlarz cudów

Apr 30, 2010
A recovering alcoholic on a pilgrimage meets two young refugees who are trying to find their father. Their struggles during the trip from Poland to France will forever change their lives.
L'Homme du peuple

L'Homme du peuple

Sep 23, 2013
Lech Walesa est un travailleur ordinaire, un électricien qui doit composer avec une vie de famille, et sa femme Danuta. Alors que les manifestations ouvrières sont durement réprimées par le régime communiste, il est porté par ses camarades à la table des négociations. Son franc-parler et son charisme le conduisent vite à endosser un rôle national. Il ne se doute pas encore que sa vie va basculer, en même temps que la grande Histoire.
Zenek, roi du disco polo
Dans ce biopic sur le chanteur Zenon Martyniuk, un jeune garçon enjoué vivant dans un petit village cherche à devenir une star de la pop en évitant les pièges du succès.
Prime Time

Prime Time

Jan 30, 2021
1999. Sebastian s'enferme dans un studio de télévision. Il a deux otages, une arme et un message important pour le monde.


Sep 10, 2024
Accompagné de sa femme, un jeune boxeur prometteur fuit la Pologne communiste pour réaliser son rêve de devenir le plus grand pugiliste de l'histoire.
Letnie popołudnie

Letnie popołudnie

Aug 30, 2019
A forthright make-up artist is pressured by her sister to celebrate her birthday with her mother and the rest of her family as her uninvited girlfriend awaits her back home.


Sep 03, 2020
After a drug-related accident, a rising pop star in Poland finds herself in a women’s prison where she is assigned the arduous task of running the prison choir — although none of the inmates can sing. Simultaneously bleak, moving, and eccentric, Parzymies’ short film offers an amusing window onto the little-known world of prison life.


Sep 19, 2018
An organised arts teacher has only one main problem in life, which is his father – a painter always going from one party to the next. When the father lives through his second heart attack and still refuses to change his lifestyle, Julius will have to find a way to influence his behaviour.


Jun 19, 2017
A remote, and a bit crazy to be honest, psychiatric hospital receives a curious patient —one who he doesn’t move nor speak but spends his days standing with his hands up. The only thing known is his nickname — “The Atlas”. In a word, he is a riddle and riveting one at that, like an itch you cannot quite scratch. Theories and informed-and-fact-based-gossip flourish all around the place. As luck would have it, so does the conflict as what to do with him. The situation is close to exploding, but the Atlas won’t stir. Or will he?
Mały Zgon

Mały Zgon

Apr 05, 2020
Mały Zgon may seem like a quiet town - but just below the surface lies a twisted web of crooked cops, drug kingpins and high-stakes poker games.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


Jun 01, 2022
Polish webseries that follows the relationship between two women, Natalia and Majka.


Jun 02, 2023
Le Gang du gant vert

Le Gang du gant vert

Jul 17, 2024
Pour échapper aux autorités après un casse qui a mal tourné, trois cambrioleuses âgées se cachent dans une maison de retraite qui renferme un bien sinistre secret.