Mario Davignon

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Squanto: A Warrior's Tale
Squanto is a high-born Indian warrior from a tribe on the Atlantic coast of North America which devotes its life to hunting and rivalry with a neighboring tribe. Everything changes forever after a ship arrives from England, prospecting the region's commercial potential for the rich Sir George, who uses all his wealth and influence only for ever greater profit. When it returns, several Indians find themselves captives on board, including Squanto. The arrogant Christians consider themselves utterly superior to the 'heathen savages' and treat them as brutally as they do beasts. Squanto fights a bear in a circus, not understanding how men can be so cruel to that creature either, and manages a spectacular escape, but where must he go? He finds shelter and help in a rural monastery, where it takes his protector some effort to prevent the others considering the unknown as diabolical. In time sir George's men come looking for him most brutally...
Within These Walls

Within These Walls

Aug 20, 2001
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).


Feb 03, 2022
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Science Fiction


Sep 09, 2005
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Nowhere to Hide

Nowhere to Hide

Jul 17, 1987
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.


Dec 17, 2010
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Moïse : L'affaire Roch Thériault
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Roméo + Juliette

Roméo + Juliette

Nov 01, 1996
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.


Dec 28, 2003
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
La Couleur de la victoire
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Bonanno L'histoire d'un parrain
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Premier Contact

Premier Contact

Nov 10, 2016
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Enterre mon cœur à Wounded Knee
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Spinning Gold

Spinning Gold

Mar 31, 2023
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Les 12 coups de Minuit
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Le Trotski

Le Trotski

May 05, 2010
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Jan 26, 2009
Au New York Metropolitan Museum, 4 hommes à cheval habillés comme des chevaliers du 12ème siècle débarquent lors d'un gala organisé pour l'ouverture d'une exposition sur les trésors du Vatican. Pour Tess Chaykin, archéologue de Manhattan, et l'agent du FBI Sean Daly, c'est le début d'un jeu du chat et de la souris à travers les continents à la recherche des secrets perdus de l'Ordre du Temple..
Action & Adventure
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Oct 23, 2012
Les destins de quatre hommes et femmes dans l'Angleterre du 14ème siècle, en proie aux bouleversements de la guerre de cent ans et de la peste noire. Caris, une jeune visionnaire qui tente de dépasser la souffrance et l’oppression pour sortir les siens des temps obscurs. L'Angleterre est au bord d’une guerre dévastatrice avec la France qui durera plus de cent ans, alors qu'un terrible fléau anéantit le tiers de la population européenne. Avec l’aide de son bien-aimé Merthin, Caris se trouve des alliés pour résister à la Couronne et à l’Eglise. Ensemble, ils déterrent un dangereux secret et doivent se battre pour sauver Kingsbridge, leur ville, de la ruine qui l’attend… Suite des Piliers de la Terre, l'adaptation en série du best-seller de Ken Follett.
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Aug 27, 2010
Passion et complots dans l'Angleterre du XIIème siècle. Maud, la fille du monarque Henri 1er, se dispute la succession au trône avec son cousin, Stephen. Une lutte de pouvoir qui cause des tensions et déchire le royaume. L'évêque Waleran Bigot et les Hamleigh en profitent pour tirer avantage de la situation et satisfaire leurs propres ambitions. Au milieu de cette guerre, le Prieur Philip doit surmonter les innombrables obstacles pour assurer la construction de la cathédrale de Kingsbridge. Face à l’ampleur de la tâche, il peut heureusement compter sur le maître-maçon Tom Builder, son beau-fils Jack, et la jeune Aliena. Ensemble, ils vont se serrer les coudes pour réaliser leur rêve…
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Jan 26, 2009
Au New York Metropolitan Museum, 4 hommes à cheval habillés comme des chevaliers du 12ème siècle débarquent lors d'un gala organisé pour l'ouverture d'une exposition sur les trésors du Vatican. Pour Tess Chaykin, archéologue de Manhattan, et l'agent du FBI Sean Daly, c'est le début d'un jeu du chat et de la souris à travers les continents à la recherche des secrets perdus de l'Ordre du Temple..
Action & Adventure
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Jul 17, 2000
Après la défaite de l'Allemagne lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, les Alliés décident de juger les crimes de guerre des nazis. Vingt-et-un membres du haut commandement nazi sont poursuivis au Palais de Justice de Nuremberg. Accusés de complot, de crime contre la paix, de crime de guerre et de crime contre l'humanité, les vingt-et-un plaident non-coupables.
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

May 23, 2006
Le désastre continue Un tremblement de terre a déjà détruit Seattle, San Francisco et Los Angeles. Le président des États-Unis demande que l’on applique le plan d’urgence conçu par Roy Nolan, mort durant le séisme qui a ravagé la côte ouest. Pendant ce temps à Sun Valley en Idaho, un ancien volcan éteint depuis plusieurs années refait éruption. Des secousses sismiques sont observées dans l’Utah. Plus tard, une autoroute s’effondre. Les gens abandonnent les véhicules et c’est la panique…
Action & Adventure