Benoît Dutrizac

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9, le film

9, le film

Sep 09, 2016
Les thèmes abordés dans la conférence d'un soi-disant expert en communications sont illustrés par neuf histoires mettant chaque fois en scène un des membres de son auditoire.


Jan 01, 2009
A depressed rock star, maimed in an accident, is encouraged by his manager to start a new worldwide trend.
La conciergerie

La conciergerie

Jan 01, 1997
Police detective Jacques Laniel's life becomes a nightmare the day drive-by shootists gun down his partner Thomas Colin. His colleagues make matters worse by blaming him for the death, and after his wife leaves him, Laniel decides to quit the force and launch a private investigation into Colin's murder. Soon afterward, Laniel finds the bullet-riddled body of famed author and literature professor Zachary Osborne tied to his car hood. The professor's wife hires Laniel to solve the murder, but what the detective finds is ugly: Osborne was a part of a lucrative land-speculation deal that involved the sale of a crumbling old rectory that had been turned into a halfway house called the Haven of the Monsters. The name is apt, for all the residents are convicted killers who were given inordinately light sentences. When Lanier starts questioning the Haven's tenants and their crimes are revealed via flashback, it takes on the character of a David Lynch production.
La conciergerie

La conciergerie

Jan 01, 1997
Police detective Jacques Laniel's life becomes a nightmare the day drive-by shootists gun down his partner Thomas Colin. His colleagues make matters worse by blaming him for the death, and after his wife leaves him, Laniel decides to quit the force and launch a private investigation into Colin's murder. Soon afterward, Laniel finds the bullet-riddled body of famed author and literature professor Zachary Osborne tied to his car hood. The professor's wife hires Laniel to solve the murder, but what the detective finds is ugly: Osborne was a part of a lucrative land-speculation deal that involved the sale of a crumbling old rectory that had been turned into a halfway house called the Haven of the Monsters. The name is apt, for all the residents are convicted killers who were given inordinately light sentences. When Lanier starts questioning the Haven's tenants and their crimes are revealed via flashback, it takes on the character of a David Lynch production.
En mode Salvail

En mode Salvail

Oct 17, 2017
Du lundi au jeudi, Éric Salvail, entraîne son public et ses invités dans un univers éclaté où l’utilisation des médias sociaux invite l’auditoire à participer lui aussi à l’émission. Au menu : des entrevues, des performances musicales, un band branché, des topos surprenants et des invités qui se prêtent au jeu et qui suivent Éric Salvail dans les méandres de sa belle folie !
Les francs-tireurs

Les francs-tireurs

Dec 09, 2020
Un magazine socioculturel engagé et singulièrement urbain qui scrute de façon critique et ludique les phénomènes frappants ou inusités, les tendances aberrantes ou drôlement établies. Sa mission? Débusquer les tabous, secouer les préjugés et les clichés les plus coriaces.
Y'a du monde à messe

Y'a du monde à messe

Jul 22, 2022
Public figures from different backgrounds meet each week. At first glance, these guests would seem to have little in common. However, something does unite them all: an event or experience that they have graciously agreed to share that justifies their seat at the same table. As the program unfolds, their shared history is gradually revealed.


Nov 03, 2022
Génial! est un jeu-questionnaire qui s’amuse avec la science! Deux équipes composées d’un concurrent du public et d’une personnalité connue s’affrontent pour deviner les résultats d’étonnantes expériences scientifiques. Ce rendez-vous ludique pour toute la famille est animé par Stéphane Bellavance, épaulé par le docteur Martin Carli qui explique simplement des phénomènes scientifiques qui touchent notre quotidien.
Viens-tu faire un tour?
Michel Barrette est de retour au volant de l’émission estivale Viens-tu faire un tour? Chaque semaine, notre hôte prend la route avec des vedettes et des personnalités connues. En leur compagnie, Michel retrace leurs souvenirs d’enfance ainsi que les lieux signifiants pour eux, en plus de redécouvrir des moments marquants de leur jeunesse. Des rencontres riches en émotions!
Club social

Club social

Apr 01, 2011
A magazine show about culture and trends and how they can shape society in unexpected ways.