Gloria Piedimonte

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La svastica nel ventre
When World War II breaks out, two German lovers are cruelly separated. While he is sent to fight at the front, she, a Jewish girl, is sent to a concentration camp where humiliation and death have been elevated to a sinister art.
Oh, mia bella matrigna
Dad’s new wife, Lalla, is young, very young. Maybe too young. His son Claudio falls in love with her, but there’s something wrong with him. He has a complicated relationship with the memory of his mother, who died in a car accident years ago. The two lovers plan a murder, but not of the same person…
John Travolto... da un insolito destino
Also known as THE LONELY DESTINY OF JOHN TRAVOLTO, it's the first and only Travoltasploitation movie. It's about a hotel cook named Gianni who can't dance but is frustratingly in love with the sexy blonde DJ (Cicciolina) at the nightclub "John's Fever". When one of the cook's coworkers draws a mustache and beard on a poster of John Travolta everyone somehow finally notices that Gianni looks exactly like Travolta and the game is on.
La supplente

La supplente

Oct 09, 1975
A high school student falls in love with the provocative substitute, but she prefers the gym teacher.
Le seminariste

Le seminariste

Aug 11, 1976
After being expelled from college, the daughter of an aristocratic family from Lecce is sent to a seminary in her native town
Les féroces

Les féroces

Sep 02, 1976
Trois garçons de bonne famille, Blondie, Luis et Joe, sans raison apparente, passent un beau matin de l'autre coté de la barrière. La fiancée de Luis les dénonce lorsqu'elle apprend qu'ils vont piller une station service avec de faux pistolets. Contre toute attente, les armes sont réelles et Joe tue le gérant. Commence alors pour les trois garçons une folle et sanglante cavalcade lors de laquelle ils tuent gratuitement tout ceux qui se trouvent sur leur chemin. Poursuivi par la police, ils entament une longue fuite en emmenant avec eux la fiancée de Luis...
Come cani arrabbiati

Come cani arrabbiati

Aug 02, 1976
Le commissaire Muzie enquête sur une bande qui semblent tuer, voler et effrayer la population sans raison. Ses recherches l'amènent à soupçonner des adolescents issus de milieux aisés dont le seul mobile est l'adrénaline.
Flic à abattre

Flic à abattre

Dec 08, 1978
Le jeu, les femmes et la justice : telles sont les trois passions du commissaire Verrazzano. Une très belle inconnue vient un jour le trouver à son bureau pour lui demander d'enquêter sur les circonstances mystérieuses de la mort de son frère. Verrazzano découvre rapidement une série de meurtres mafieux. Sa vie, comme celle de ses proches, se trouve bientôt menacée...
Vices privés, vertus publiques
Le cadre est un royaume d'Europe centrale, au tournant du XIXème siècle. Ennuyé par sa femme très convenable, le jeune héritier du trône passe son temps dans des badinages amoureux dans sa vaste propriété de campagne. Sa femme part à l'arrivée de ses amis, et ils organisent une fête qui devient une orgie sauvage et culmine dans la mort et la tragédie.
Amore all'arrabbiata

Amore all'arrabbiata

Aug 11, 1977
Ninetto De Terenzi is a Roman who lives for the day, helping a lawyer in his intrigues and acting as a stunt double for a cheating engineer; he disapproves of the relationship his widowed mother has with a married man and is engaged to a good worker, whom she tries to betray.
İnsanları Seveceksin
Halil is a teenage boy, son of a poor porter, and sees him dying when serving a man without compassion. Halil keeps on with father's work, to pay for his younger brother and their old mother food and shelter in a slum. Then, the horse that pulled the chariot dies, and Khalil goes on, taking the animal's place. A rich man tries to kill another, and pays Halil to pick up the revolver, and take the blame - going to prison instead of him. Halil accepts, and takes the money to his mother. In prison, Halil grows up as a rowdy man. Later, fate will bring the two brothers together, but in opposite sides of the law: Halil is a paid assassin, and his brother is a public prosecutor. When the Mafia pays Halil to kill his own brother, he refuses - and the Mafia retaliates by killing his wife. Halil vows to revenge her.