A short film directed by Chrissie Miller, styled by Heidi Bivens, and featuring Annabelle Dexter-Jones, Langley Fox Hemingway, Georgia Ford, Coco Young and Luz Pavon.
In mid-1990s America, we follow the tragic sex life of Jolie Jolson, a wannabe thug (and great-great-grandson of legendary vaudevillian Al Jolson) in suburban Washington as he strives to become something he can never be – black.
Georgia and Olivia are in love. When it's time to meet Olivia's religious family, Georgia discovers that Olivia's world is filled with silent rules that threaten to pull them apart.
These characters are navigating life in a world with no rulebook on gender, sexuality or femininity. Will it make them, or break them? An anthology of award-winning shorts exploring stories of coming out and embracing love through the eyes of visionary filmmakers.
La vie s'écroule pour le reporter Michael Finkel lorsque la rédaction du New York Times le congédie pour manquement à l'éthique professionnelle. La nouvelle que le tueur en série Christian Longo, récemment arrêté par le FBI, a utilisé son nom durant une longue période le sort de l'accablement. À la recherche d'une occasion de relancer sa carrière dans les médias, Michael Finkel fréquente le quadruple assassin à plusieurs reprises...