Charu Roy

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La Partie de dés

La Partie de dés

Aug 16, 1929
Deux rois voisins accros au jeu, Ranjit et son cousin Sohat, se disputent la même belle jeune femme, Sunita, fille de l'ermite Kanwa.


Sep 26, 1928
En Inde, au XVIIe siècle. Après avoir échappé aux brigands qui ont attaqué la caravane dans laquelle elle voyageait avec sa mère, une petite princesse est recueillie par un modeste potier. Ne sachant rien de sa lignée, Selima grandit auprès de Shiraz, le fils de son bienfaiteur. Lorsqu'elle est enlevée par un trafiquant d'esclaves, Shiraz ne peut se résoudre à perdre celle dont il est amoureux. Il la suit jusqu'au palais du prince Khurram, qui l'a achetée…
Prem Sanyas

Prem Sanyas

Oct 22, 1925
Living an indolent life in a luxurious palace, Prince Gautama (Rai) is insulated by his family from the harshness of the world outside. But he is destined to learn greater truths: shocked to discover the pain and suffering of so many in his kingdom, he abandons his privileged existence, and his wife Gopa (Seeta Devi), to become a wandering teacher, eventually finding enlightenment and founding Buddhism. Featuring superimposed images and deep-focus shots that were highly impressive for the time, Light of Asia astutely combines a deeply felt spirituality with the surefire attraction of Indian exotica, which helped make it a considerable success in Europe.
The story shows the rivalry with the family of Sukhadas, first over who Dinadas' only daughter will marry, and then, more seriously, over the Anglo-Indian prostitute Flora, with whom the sons of both patriarchs fall in love.