Χρήστος Καλαβρούζος

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Με τον Ορφέα τον Αύγουστο
Eurydice is a singer in a group that plays in country fairs. The group is not successful and Eurydice gets convinced by a rich farmer to follow him to Athens, where he promises her that he will make her a famous singer. Things do not turn out as promised, and Eurydice returns to the band, which is very successful now, due to Orpheus, a mute clarinet player, who has joined them. The farmer comes to reclaim her by force and Eurydice gets killed in a car accident. Orpheus tries to give her life with his clarinet.
Οι σατανάδες της νύχτας
The film tells the tale of three men, who have murdered the rich mother-in-law of one of them and four members of her family in order to steal her fortune. An unemployed man decides to kill his mother-in-law in order to take her property. But when, with the help of two accomplices, he sets fire to her house, his wife and their two children will die with her.
Jours de 36

Jours de 36

Sep 30, 1972
En mai 1936, dans une Grèce secouée par de nombreux attentats politiques, un dirigeant syndicaliste est assassiné. Sofianos, un petit délinquant et contrebandier, informateur de la police et agent provocateur dans les manifestations de gauche est accusé du meurtre. Installé dans une chambre à part des autres détenus, il est maintenu au secret. Les seules personnes lui rendant visite sont un député du parti conservateur et son chauffeur, qui est aussi le frère de Sofianos. Un jour, celui-ci prend en otage le député, à l'intérieur de sa cellule, afin d'obtenir sa libération avant minuit, sans qu'on sache comment il s'est procuré le revolver dont il se sert ; à l'extérieur, les gardiens sont impuissants, tandis que le directeur de la prison subit de la part de son ministre de tutelle et des partis politiques, des pressions, parfois opposées, pour trouver rapidement une solution.
Τι έκανες στο πόλεμο Θανάση
A wild tale of mistaken identity set during the Nazi occupation of Greece and starring the great Thanasis Vengos. Thanasis is called upon, during the Occupation, to testify at the trial of a tavern owner accused of serving cat meat to his customers. He too is accused of perjury and imprisoned with some resistance fighters. The resistance fighters escape, but Thanasis remains in his cell. He is accused of being Ivan, the notorious ringleader of certain revolutionaries.
Τα χρόνια της θύελλας
The years of the storm are Greek historical - dramatic - adventurous film of 1984, directed and directed by Giorgos Tzimas . Starring Michalis Stamatakis Katerina Koutroupida and Menelaos Daflos. Two fighters, cut up in the mountains, after the defeat of the Democratic Army in 1949, are trying to return to their homes.
The life and work of the hero of 1821 Papaflessas that during the liberation struggle of the Greeks against the Turks, revolutionizing the elders and the world to declare war!!! Up to the heroic battle Maniaki.... A movie that shows the heroism and sacrifice of the Greeks for their homeland and their freedom
Η Δίκη των Δικαστών
A true story: The trial of judges Polizoidi and Tertseti for disobedience and their triumphant acquittal during the three men regency council, when king Othon of Greece was a minor. The cast of the film was enormous, with almost half of the theatrical people participating.
La Descente des neuf

La Descente des neuf

Apr 01, 1984
En 1949, à la fin de la guerre civile grecque, les neuf derniers combattants de l'ELAS quittent les sommets du Taygète et tentent dans une longue marche sans espoir de gagner la mer. Poursuivis par l'armée régulière, ils finissent massacrés par celle-ci et des villageois armés. Seul le plus jeune des neuf, âgé de 18 ans survit.
La petite Angleterre

La petite Angleterre

Dec 05, 2013
Orsa et Moscha Saltaferou sont les deux filles d'un capitaine qui voyage tout le temps. Elles grandissent avec leur mère Mina, une femme autoritaire et profiteuse. Leurs vies basculeront lorsque la première sera forcée par sa mère de se marier avec un homme riche. Pourtant elle était follement amoureuse avec un autre homme, Spiros Maltabés. Quelques années plus tard, Moscha épousera Spiros, qui est devenu fortuné mais sans qu'elle ne soupçonne que Spiros était amoureux de sa sœur. Les deux familles sont obligées de cohabiter dans une même maison, malgré les amours insatisfaits.
Μπουμ Ταρατατζούμ
Two itinerant actress, the Vlakometros and Poniridis, arrive at Adira, a city of ancient Greece groaning under the despotic rule of the tyrant Hippias, to give a performance. Because Vlakometros is identical to Hippias, the dissident intellectuals will try to use it to overthrow the tyrant. A series of incredible comedic misunderstandings and unexpected will follow in this brilliant political satire, which had experienced serious problems with censorship when the Junta was.
Ο τυχεράκιας
A countryman arrives in Athens to make it big and becomes a millionaire overnight. However, a duo of swindlers has set their sights on getting their hands on his fortune. Will he discover the hard way that more money means more problems?


Jan 01, 1972
Souliotes learn that Ali pasha is planning to attack. Photos Tzavellas and his men are ready to defend their freedom. They repel repeatedly Ali's army but after a prolonged siege the decide that they are not to be taken alive. All women go to Zaloggo where they fall off the cliffs dancing, while the men decide to die exploding a convent at Kougi mountain.


Jan 11, 1994
Centres on two brothers, Stelios and Yannis. The impulsive Stelios skips their small town, deserts from the army, and is thought dead, until Yannis, now a city cop, recognizes his name on the papers of an illegal immigrant seaman. He begins a search for his lost brother, a search that takes him across many borders: between past and present, between Greece and its neighbouring countries, between one identity and another.
Οι Φρουροί της Αχαΐας
Oi frouroi tis Achaias is a Greek popular television series that was broadcast on Mega Channel in 1992. It is an adaptation of a novel of the academician Tasos Athanasiadis and ran for 40 episodes. The directing was done by Giannis Diamantopoulos. The show stars Mimi Denissi, Stratos Tzortzoglou, Anna Synodinou, Katerina Helmi, Nikos Garyfallou, Vladimiros Kiriakidis, Babia Hadjidakis, Kostas Triantafyllopoulos, Thomas Kindynis/Kindinis, Christoforos Papakaliatis, Akindynis Gkikas and many more.