Robin Brennan

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The Masturbating Gunman
Masked Avenger is a hero to the modern world. He destroys his enemies with kung fu fighting, handsaws and guns, but with one small hang-up. At the sight of a woman, he immediately begins to gratify himself, no matter what situation he is in.
A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse

Jan 01, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.
Amours tumultueuses

Amours tumultueuses

Jul 06, 2003
Rene ne peut oublier la folle passion amoureuse qu'elle a vécue il y a dix ans avec Trent, son ancien amant. Bien décidée à le reconquérir, la jeune femme va être contrainte de plonger dans l'univers du crime organisé où sexe et drogue règnent en maîtres. Une errance sensuelle qui l'amène à côtoyer des personnes peu recommandables et à repousser les limites de ses propres fantasmes. Ne reculant devant rien pour parvenir à ses fins et allant même jusqu'à risquer sa vie, elle devra aussi tout faire pour écarter la ravissante mais vénéneuse Jess, l'une de ses principales rivales. Le renouveau de la passion semble être à ce prix.
A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse

Jan 01, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.
A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse

Jan 01, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.
A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse

Jan 01, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.
A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse

Jan 01, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.
Amours tumultueuses

Amours tumultueuses

Jul 06, 2003
After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.