Paul Bentzen

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The Alpha Incident

The Alpha Incident

May 24, 1978
A microorganism from Mars, brought to Earth by a space probe, terrorizes passengers in a railroad office.
The Devonsville Terror
Au 17ème siècle, dans la petite ville de Devonsville, Etats-Unis, trois jeunes femmes sont amenées sur le buchet pour sorcellerie par les paysans du coin. L’une d’elle, tout en clamant son innocence, jure qu’elles reviendront un jour se venger… 300 ans plus tard, à quelques jours d’intervalles, trois jeunes femmes viennent s’installer dans la ville, dont une mystérieuse institutrice. Il ne faut pas longtemps avant que certains membres de la communauté masculine ne voient en elles les résurrections des trois prétendues sorcières…
Witches' Night

Witches' Night

Oct 27, 2007
Halloween weekend. A jilted groom. A hastily-organized canoe trip. A pristine river. A deep, dark forest. The strange old woman behind the bait shop should've been a warning, but too much beer dulls the senses. When they stumble upon four beautiful women deep in the woods, it all seems too good to be true. And slowly they realize they'll be lucky to escape alive.
The Godfather of Green Bay
Joe Keegan is the 'Rocky' of stand-up comedy. A fifteen-year comedy veteran who was pegged for stardom early on in his career but has blown every major audition he has ever had in legendary fashion. Fresh off a recent fiasco with a heckler that included a broken nose, Joe's friend Kenny tells him he can get them an audition for 'The Tonight Show' and that it's 'a can't miss.' The one catch is that it's at a roadside bar in tiny Pine Lake, Wisconsin, hometown of Tonight Show Talent scout, Harvey Skorik who never misses 'Rocktoberfest.' Having doubts but needing a break from L.A., Joe reluctantly agrees to go. Arriving in Wisconsin, Joe bombs his first night on stage when local emcee Dug sabotages him. Joe cannot get a break until he encounters his former high school English teacher, the beautiful Molly Mahoney who is also at a crossroads in her life.
The Alpha Incident

The Alpha Incident

May 24, 1978
A microorganism from Mars, brought to Earth by a space probe, terrorizes passengers in a railroad office.