Kuralay Anarbekova

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Myn Bala, les Guerriers de la steppe
Le Kazakhstan, 1729 : les Dzungars, une tribu de Mongols féroces, avance rapidement à travers les steppes, mettant à feu et à sang tous les villages croisés sur leur route. Conduit par la vengeance et son amour pour Zere, le jeune Sartai rassemble un détachement de guerriers Kazakhs afin de s'opposer à cette sanguinaire tribu?
Брат или брак 2
Gaukhar is pregnant, and Aidar seems to have finally found a common language with his wife's brothers. But everything changes when the main character is faced with an unusual illness. Kuvad's syndrome - an imaginary pregnancy in men - can completely destroy Aidar's plans and even his marriage.


Aug 11, 2020
Kazakhstan banned all yours. No weddings, kudalyk and anniversaries. A department has been created to combat aphids, which catches and punishes artists. But someone still continues to arrange illegal holidays. And now the main characters need to find the mysterious organizer of the underground toy.