Margot Hartman

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The Curse of the Living Corpse
The wealthy patriarch of the Sinclair family lives in mortal fear of being buried alive because he suffers from a rare condition that causes him, at times, to appear lifeless. So, when he dies, his relatives learn that his will stipulates that nobody will see a penny unless they follow a strict set of orders which would allow for him to "return from the dead." When the relations refuse to comply with his wishes, he returns from the grave and proceeds to exact his revenge on his insubordinate kin, killing each of them in precisely the ways they most fear.
Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women
L’histoire de ce film n’est pas commune : Le film original, datant de 1962, était soviétique et s’appelait Planeta Bur. Ses droits ayant été rachetés par un Américain, ces films ont bien sûr modifié l’œuvre soviétique comme cela les arrangeait. Le tout dans un contexte de guerre froide et de course à l’espace… Mais seules les trois premières minutes décrivent l’arsenal spatial américain. Cette petite introduction laisse alors place à la voix d’un des astronautes qui sera notre narrateur. Il évoque l’attirance qu’il a eue pour une créature de Venus. Une créature qu’il n’a jamais rencontrée, mais dont la force de la présence a suffit à le faire tomber amoureux. Le film est d’une lenteur qui laisse naître une certaine fascination pour les belles blondes des bords de mer vénusien. Nous découvrons, une planète presque hypnotisante, au rythme des vagues qui s’écrasent sur les rochers et du chant de ces sirènes blondes.


Jun 17, 2003
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a distant descendant of Poe, is tormented by visions of his famous ancestor. When Ann and Ethan begin a romance, the dark - and deadly - secrets of Poe's legacy emerge... will Poe's stories inspire a real-life horror-tragedy?
Voulez-vous connaître un secret ?
Six jeunes étudiants décident de passer quelques jours en Floride dans une villa paradisiaque. Leur séjour est brusquement pertubé lorsqu'ils se rendent à une rave party où un adolescent est sauvagement assassiné. Le cauchemar ne fait que commencer : les disparitions s'enchaînent, la mort rôde dans la villa... Un terrible secret est à découvrir.


Jun 17, 2003
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a distant descendant of Poe, is tormented by visions of his famous ancestor. When Ann and Ethan begin a romance, the dark - and deadly - secrets of Poe's legacy emerge... will Poe's stories inspire a real-life horror-tragedy?
The Curse of the Living Corpse
The wealthy patriarch of the Sinclair family lives in mortal fear of being buried alive because he suffers from a rare condition that causes him, at times, to appear lifeless. So, when he dies, his relatives learn that his will stipulates that nobody will see a penny unless they follow a strict set of orders which would allow for him to "return from the dead." When the relations refuse to comply with his wishes, he returns from the grave and proceeds to exact his revenge on his insubordinate kin, killing each of them in precisely the ways they most fear.