Dino Saluzzi

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Sounds and Silence - Unterwegs mit Manfred Eicher
Voyage musical explorant le monde des sons, des notes et des bruits en compagnie de l’un des découvreurs et producteurs les plus éminents de musique contemporaine: Manfred Eicher. Un jeu de piste menant de concerts en studios d'enregistrement, dans des arrière-boutiques ou sur le bord des routes avec des personnalités musicales aussi impressionnantes que Arvo Pärt, Dino Saluzzi, Jan Garbarek, Eleni Karaindrou, Anouar Brahem, Gianluigi Trovesi, Kim Kashkashian, Nik Bärtsch, Marilyn Mazur et d’autres encore.
Nella pancia del piroscafo
Through the personal memory of the view of the director who in first person re-lives, after fifty years, the journey of his family towards Argentina, where he was born, on the inside of the last emmigration groups of people from Piedmont in 1948. This journey of memory and emotions gradually becomes an outline for the analysis of the situation of the emmigrants from Piedmont and of their presence from after the war until today in Argentina from the time of Peron until the economical crises through the blood thirsty and dark period of the military dictatorship.


Dec 17, 2000