Leif Edlund

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Happy Sweden

Happy Sweden

Nov 28, 2008
Pour célébrer un anniversaire en fanfare, Villmar s’amuse avec des pétards. Quand il est grièvement blessé à l’œil par l’un des explosifs, il fanfaronne et minimise l’incident. Deux blondes préados jouent aux bimbos et se lancent des défis, dans lesquels l’alcool et les poses d’allumeuses montent en puissance. Excédé que l’un de ses passagers ait détérioré le rideau des toilettes de son car, un chauffeur intime au coupable de se dénoncer. Une enseignante zélée met la pression sur ses collègues. Alors qu’un groupe d’hommes mariés fait la fête, Leffe, qui a beaucoup bu, débride ses pulsions homosexuelles et pousse l’un de ses amis dans ses derniers retranchements…
Incident bancaire

Incident bancaire

Jan 30, 2010
Témoin d'un braquage raté à Cologne, le cinéaste reconstitue la scène en plan fixe avec 96 figurants.
Tom of Finland

Tom of Finland

Feb 24, 2017
Touko Laaksonen, officier héroïque de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est de retour en Finlande. Mais la vie à Helsinki n’est pas de tout repos. La persécution contre les homosexuels est insidieuse les contraignant le plus souvent à se marier et avoir des enfants. Touko trouve alors refuge dans l’art dessinant dans le plus grand secret des hommes musclés, désinhibés et fiers d’être gays.


Sep 06, 2013
Erika is mentally bruised and starts group therapy with people seeking absolute anonymity.
The Kill

The Kill

Mar 10, 2015
One assassin is sent to kill another - one he has had an intimate relationship with.
Suicide Tuesday

Suicide Tuesday

Sep 21, 2024
Tove, a troubled young woman, is contemplating suicide when she meets Jesse, a carefree vagabond. She agrees to remain in his company on one condition: he must help her find heroin.
Operation Ragnarök

Operation Ragnarök

Dec 07, 2018
Dans ce thriller dystopique, un accident libère un virus qui transforme les humains en monstres. Les survivants doivent maintenant se serrer les coudes pour s'en sortir.
The Giant

The Giant

Oct 14, 2016
Rikard, un homme autiste ayant une malformation, a été séparé de sa mère à sa naissance. 30 ans plus tard il se persuade qu'il la retrouvera si il remporte un championnat de pétanque...


Jan 28, 2017
A family vacation and birthday celebration in Skagen, Denmark, is beset by the unexpected.
Koko-di Koko-da

Koko-di Koko-da

Aug 23, 2019
Pour surmonter les problèmes que traverse leur couple, Elin et Tobias partent camper au coeur de la forêt suédoise. Mais des fantômes de leur passé resurgissent et, plus que jamais, les mettent à l'épreuve.
Synd att klaga

Synd att klaga

Jan 28, 2008
Tuva's father is a psychologist and her mother is mentally ill. Tuva flies to the imaginary friends from one of her dad's porn videos.
En komikers uppväxt

En komikers uppväxt

Oct 11, 2019
Juha, 12, class clown in the suburb of Sävbyholm, Sweden. To be funny is the only thing he is good at and all he wants is to fit in the social peckingorder at school. When Juha as an adult performs the show – My Life As A Comedian- to sold out theatres and tells the horrid and funny stories from his childhood to the audience he gets an unexpected visit from an old friend from school which makes him return to Sävbyholm and deal with his past.
Vi er her nå

Vi er her nå

Mar 06, 2020
We follow a maternity group for a year. Parents and babies who are put together in groups of the health station and who meet at each other's home and eat lunch. Some of them have big plans. They will buy and sell property. Some are concerned about doing things right. Can babies eat cucumbers? What about cheese?
No Sex Just Understand
Three different types of people end up at the same table at the same bar. Stefan will talk about Thailand. Jeppe will talk about his son. And Mia will write everything down. A film about how different interests crashes, meet and crash again.


Jun 22, 2014
What is the true cost of a bargain? Subtotal is a story of an nontraditional encounter between a Swedish salesman and a Norwegian couple on their monthly bargain hunting at the border between Norway and Sweden.


Jan 24, 2006
Eddy and Ylva have invited Björn and Lene to spend a perfect weekend in their cabin in the woods, but the vacation become disrupted by primitive creatures known as tree-cutters.
Kanske i morgon

Kanske i morgon

Jan 31, 2011
Mariken Halle first asked around her neighborhood if she might make a school film about one of her neighbors. When that didn’t work, she and her small film crew began addressing people on the streets of Göteborg. How would they imagine a movie that they would want to star in? The results were far from fantastic – she encountered dismissively amused responses and boring, confused ideas. But some of the people she talked to were different. They try getting into their “life role” – and she begins to direct them....
Verden venter

Verden venter

Nov 07, 2014
Three Swedish actresses work as waitresses in Oslo one summer. They use all their wits to get as much tips as possible. They plan to start a company and buy a house. They come to be our guides in the film and reveal a world of people doing things they don't want to do, playing roles they don't know why they're playing.


Jan 31, 2010
Tommy and Monika take in the spectacular view from a mountaintop. It's a beautiful hot summer's day. Fluffy clouds drift by. The sky is blue. Tommy delights in the birdsong. It's a fine day for a picnic.
Nelly Rapp - monsteragent
Nelly and her dog London are about to spend autumn break with her uncle Hannibal. Soon she noticed that he doesn't live a quiet life. Her uncle is a Monster agent. Nelly gets dragged in to an adventure filled with ghosts, vampires and werewolves.