Анна Большова

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Space Dogs

Space Dogs

Mar 18, 2010
Belka, le chien volant, fait la connaissance de Strelka et Lyonya dans les rues de Moscou. Le trio, poursuivi par une mystérieuse voiture noire, finit par être capturé. Au réveil, tous les trois découvrent qu'ils ont été kidnappés par le programme spatial russe qui considère Belka et Strelka comme les premiers chiens cosmonautes...


May 13, 2004
In the hunting lodge on the outskirts of one-of-a-kind natural reserve lives game warden, Vasily Klintsov (Igor Lifanov), a young former captain from the special task force. A rich German businessman, in the company of the governor, comes to the nearby small town for hunting. Wild boar hunting is a risky and dangerous business. In addition, as ill luck would have it, a very dangerous criminal escapes from the closely located nearby maximum security penal colony. The hunt should be canceled. But the stakes for the bureaucrats are too high - the 'money bag' is prepared to invest in several large projects. Relying on the traditional Russian blind trust in sheer luck, the governor gives his OK for the hunt.


Jul 16, 2012
Former Special Forces soldier Leonid Zubov works as a forester in the taiga. Together with his associates, he solves crimes related to poaching, illegal entrepreneurship, crime in the territory entrusted to him, and also helps residents of the local village of Olkhovka to deal with emergencies and solve personal problems. Vera Bolshaeva, a rural paramedic, is in love with Zubov, which puts him in front of a difficult question - is he capable of falling in love with another woman after the tragic death of his wife.


Jul 16, 2012
Former Special Forces soldier Leonid Zubov works as a forester in the taiga. Together with his associates, he solves crimes related to poaching, illegal entrepreneurship, crime in the territory entrusted to him, and also helps residents of the local village of Olkhovka to deal with emergencies and solve personal problems. Vera Bolshaeva, a rural paramedic, is in love with Zubov, which puts him in front of a difficult question - is he capable of falling in love with another woman after the tragic death of his wife.
Виола Тараканова
A detective story about the life of a young extravagant person named Viola Tarakanova. Explosions, chases, murders, kidnappings-in short, Viola's life is always on the verge of death... But it's not like Viola didn't like it either. Enthusiastically, taking on each new investigation, she easily unravels the seemingly most unsolvable mysteries, in which her brilliant intuition and undoubted talent help her.
Larisa Levina is a police inspector and a wonderful worker, as well as a mother of two sons and an attractive woman. Her professional style is to attach a minimum of importance to material evidence, the results of examinations and analyses. Her main weapon in catching criminals is intuition. Every time Larisa is faced with puzzles and mysteries that will also penetrate into her personal life, where everything is already not smooth. The mother of two five-year-old boys-devils, after her divorce from her husband, she is forced to continue working under his guidance in the police. Her partner is a time-tested person, but real feelings may well be hiding behind constant quarrels and arguments.
Презумпция невиновности
In the center of the plot is lawyer Avrutin, cynical, rich, with a good sense of humor, who loves to shock and provoke. He takes on the most hopeless cases and always wins. The patience of the local investigation authorities comes to an end when the lawyer releases the murderer of a policeman from the courtroom. The head of the investigative department instructs investigator Glebov to collect dirt on the lawyer and discredit him. In this, Glebov agrees to help his beloved, the scandalous journalist of criminal news Vernitskaya. Under the pretext of filming a report about Avrutin, she infiltrates his inner circle and secretly conducts a journalistic investigation.