Matthew Barney

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Cremaster 4

Cremaster 4

Oct 06, 1995
L'épisode se déroule sur l'île de Man, célèbre pour sa course de motos annuelle et pour abriter une espèce rare de bélier, le loughton ram. Le film s'articule autour de trois actions simultanées : deux équipes concurrentes font le tour de l'île, tandis que le candidat Loughton arpente des souterrains visqueux. Ils sont chacun assistés par une triade de "fées" asexuées et bodybuildées qui facilitent ou retardent leurs progressions respectives...
Drawing Restraint 9

Drawing Restraint 9

Feb 11, 2006
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Drawing Restraint 17

Drawing Restraint 17

Dec 31, 2010
The latest installment in the monumental Drawing Restraint series, which merges sculpture, athleticism and cryptic symbolism into a stunning meditation on art-making and physical exertion.
Matthew Barney: No Restraint
How does artist Matthew Barney use 45,000 pounds of petroleum jelly, a factory whaling vessel and traditional Japanese rituals to create his latest art project? Barney plowed the waters off the coast of Nagasaki to film his massive endeavor, Drawing Restraint 9. The documentary Matthew Barney: No Restraint journeys to Japan with Barney and his collaborator Bjork, as the visual artist creates a "narrative sculpture" telling a fantastical love story of two characters that transform from land mammals into whales.


May 12, 2023
Secondary maps two different narratives onto each other, using movement as the formal through-line. The first describes the complex overlay of violence and spectacle inherent in American football, and more broadly within American culture. Barney’s personal involvement in the sport served as a starting point for the development of this project. The extreme physical and psychological conditions of the game have been abstracted in Barney’s art practice since his earliest work, and now provide a context for this subject that is both retrospective and a new, direct engagement.


Jan 01, 1970
Redoubt unfolds as a series of hunts in the wilderness of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, led by Diana, a modern-day sharpshooter. The characters communicate a mythological narrative through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.
River of Fundament

River of Fundament

Feb 12, 2014
Visionary artist Matthew Barney returns to cinema with this 3-part epic, a radical reinvention of Norman Mailer’s novel Ancient Evenings. In collaboration with composer Jonathan Bepler, Barney combines traditional modes of narrative cinema with filmed elements of performance, sculpture, and opera, reconstructing Mailer’s hypersexual story of Egyptian gods and the seven stages of reincarnation, alongside the rise and fall of the American car industry.
Cremaster 5

Cremaster 5

Oct 24, 1997
Budapest sert de cadre romantique au dernier épisode du cycle. La Reine des Chaînes déclenche par son chant l'apparition des autres protagonistes : "her Diva", "her Magician" et "her Giant". La reine assiste en spectatrice unique à la performance de sa Diva, personnage asexué habillé de rubans roses qui escalade l'arche du proscenium avant de perdre l'équilibre et de chuter brutalement à terre. Devant ce spectacle, la reine s'abandonne au souvenir nostalgique de son amant le magicien et se lamente sur la mort de ce dernier...
Instrument of Surrender
American WWII soldiers open a mold, exposing a solid architectural structure made entirely of petroleum jelly. The soldiers violently soften the structure with shovels. The wall of a large metal box slams down revealing Douglas MacArthur (played by Matthew Barney) smoking a large corncob pipe. MacArthur wades through the petroleum jelly morass to a Japanese general wearing a top hat. Both generals sign several white plastic tablets with inkless tattoo guns. Over a bunsen burner, Barney heats up a branding iron bearing his insignia and presses it into each white tablet. After each tablet has been signed and branded, Barbara Gladstone, who attends in period attire, ceremonially places a sticker label bearing the work’s name, date, and Gladstone Gallery logo on each tablet.
The Cremaster Cycle: A Conversation with Matthew Barney
For his five Cremaster films Matthew Barney's created a multitude of sculptural forms and structures. Recently both the sculptures and the films traveled to museums in Cologne, Paris and New York's Guggenheim. In THE CREMASTER CYCLE: A Conversation with Matthew Barney, the artist guides the camera through this remarkable creation at the Guggenheim Museum while being questioned by Michael Kimmelman, chief art critic of the New York Times.
TV Movie
The Body as Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle
With the five-part Cremaster Cycle of films, multi-award-winning artist Matthew Barney invented a densely layered and interconnected sculptural world that surreally combines sports, biology, sexuality, history, and mythology as it organically evolves. In this program, Barney, Guggenheim curator Nancy Spector, and others deconstruct the Cycle’s filming and subsequent translation into sculptural installations. The locations, characters, and symbols that organize the Cycle films; the Cycle installations as spatial content carriers and extensions of the performances; and objectification of the body and undifferentiated sexuality are addressed, as are the intricacies of costuming, makeup, and sculpting with Barney’s signature materials: plastic, metal, and Vaseline.


Mar 01, 2019
The goddess Diana and her two attendants traverse the rugged terrain of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in pursuit of the elusive wolf. An Engraver (Matthew Barney) furtively documents their actions in copper engravings and provokes a series of confrontations. The characters communicate through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.
Blind Perineum

Blind Perineum

Oct 19, 1991
A "video action" in which Barney crosses the ceiling of the Gladstone Gallery using a harness and ice-climbing screws, propelling himself by the forces of muscle and will.
Cremaster 3

Cremaster 3

May 15, 2002
L'ambition et son pouvoir sont au centre de Cremaster 3. L'action se déroule dans le Chrysler Building à New York, dans les années 1929-1930, au moment de sa construction. Matthew Barney superpose l'architecture du building au rite d'initiation des francs-maçons. Chez ces derniers, la progression se fait en trois grandes étapes (apprenti / compagnon / maître) et est marquée par une série d'épreuves. Seule une volonté inflexible permet d'accéder de la base au plus haut niveau et d'atteindre la perfection qui rapproche de Dieu. Cremaster 3 s'ouvre et se clôt par la légende celte de la formation des îles de la mer d'Irlande. Deux géants irlandais et un Ecossais vont s'affronter. Le plus petit d'entre eux a recours à la ruse pour l'emporter.
Cremaster 2

Cremaster 2

Oct 13, 1999
Deux histoires apparemment indépendantes se superposent. La première s'inspire du roman de Norman Mailer, Le Chant du bourreau, fondée sur un fait divers. Gary Gilmore, fils de mormons établis dans l'Utah, a été exécuté après avoir assassiné un jeune pompiste. La seconde histoire met en scène le magicien d'origine hongroise Harry Houdini célèbre pour ses numéros de métamorphose. Le lien entre ces deux histoires serait d'ordre généalogique : Harry Houdini serait en effet le grand-père de Gary Gilmore.
Drawing Restraint 9

Drawing Restraint 9

Feb 11, 2006
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Drawing Restraint 9

Drawing Restraint 9

Feb 11, 2006
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Cremaster 5

Cremaster 5

Oct 24, 1997
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Cremaster 5

Cremaster 5

Oct 24, 1997
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Radial Drill

Radial Drill

Oct 19, 1991
One of two videos shown in Barney's installation piece "REPRESSIA (decline)"


Sep 15, 2006
One of two videos shown in Barney's installation piece "REPRESSIA (decline)"


Sep 15, 2006
One of two videos shown in Barney's installation piece "REPRESSIA (decline)"
River of Fundament

River of Fundament

Feb 12, 2014
Visionary artist Matthew Barney returns to cinema with this 3-part epic, a radical reinvention of Norman Mailer’s novel Ancient Evenings. In collaboration with composer Jonathan Bepler, Barney combines traditional modes of narrative cinema with filmed elements of performance, sculpture, and opera, reconstructing Mailer’s hypersexual story of Egyptian gods and the seven stages of reincarnation, alongside the rise and fall of the American car industry.
River of Fundament

River of Fundament

Feb 12, 2014
Visionary artist Matthew Barney returns to cinema with this 3-part epic, a radical reinvention of Norman Mailer’s novel Ancient Evenings. In collaboration with composer Jonathan Bepler, Barney combines traditional modes of narrative cinema with filmed elements of performance, sculpture, and opera, reconstructing Mailer’s hypersexual story of Egyptian gods and the seven stages of reincarnation, alongside the rise and fall of the American car industry.


Jun 12, 2022
In September 2021, Barney and Bepler presented a live performance at Schaulager titled ‘Catasterism in Three Movements.’ CATASTERISM draws from documentation of those performances and expands the narrative with cinematic scenes filmed in the galleries and workspaces of Schaulager. The film elaborates on the characters’ private rituals and deploys forensic examinations of artworks within Schaulager to evoke connections between the material qualities of art objects and the ephemeral qualities of the music. The project continues Barney’s and Bepler’s long history of collaborative projects with distinguished musicians in experimental and unconventional settings.


Jun 12, 2022
In September 2021, Barney and Bepler presented a live performance at Schaulager titled ‘Catasterism in Three Movements.’ CATASTERISM draws from documentation of those performances and expands the narrative with cinematic scenes filmed in the galleries and workspaces of Schaulager. The film elaborates on the characters’ private rituals and deploys forensic examinations of artworks within Schaulager to evoke connections between the material qualities of art objects and the ephemeral qualities of the music. The project continues Barney’s and Bepler’s long history of collaborative projects with distinguished musicians in experimental and unconventional settings.
Drawing Restraint 9

Drawing Restraint 9

Feb 11, 2006
The film concerns the theme of self-imposed limitation and continues Matthew Barney's interest in religious rite, this time focusing on Shinto
Drawing Restraint 17

Drawing Restraint 17

Dec 31, 2010
The latest installment in the monumental Drawing Restraint series, which merges sculpture, athleticism and cryptic symbolism into a stunning meditation on art-making and physical exertion.
Delay of Game

Delay of Game

Jan 01, 1991
Hesitation to recover a dropped pearl results in a delay-of-game penalty play.


Nov 16, 1988
Goo, orifice fixation, medical procedures, non-human/inanimate entities considered as bodies. Scabaction records the welding of a sculpture, some antics with Vaseline, and the removal of an ingrown hair.
Instrument of Surrender
American WWII soldiers open a mold, exposing a solid architectural structure made entirely of petroleum jelly. The soldiers violently soften the structure with shovels. The wall of a large metal box slams down revealing Douglas MacArthur (played by Matthew Barney) smoking a large corncob pipe. MacArthur wades through the petroleum jelly morass to a Japanese general wearing a top hat. Both generals sign several white plastic tablets with inkless tattoo guns. Over a bunsen burner, Barney heats up a branding iron bearing his insignia and presses it into each white tablet. After each tablet has been signed and branded, Barbara Gladstone, who attends in period attire, ceremonially places a sticker label bearing the work’s name, date, and Gladstone Gallery logo on each tablet.


Jun 16, 2024
Executed, filmed and presented in Gladstone’s 21st Street gallery, the work is performed as a duet between dancer Raphael Xavier (SECONDARY’s Jack Tatum) and Barney (as quarterback Ken Stabler). Half performance and half presentation of trace, the work charts the repeated physical and psychological damage sustained by both players in endless replay. While Tatum’s mark-making on the gallery walls is the result of a series of running drills conducted while he impacts a cast clay weight, other gestures belie something more ominous. One of the first NFL players to be diagnosed with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Stabler leaves his imprint with a metal barbell and clay weight attached to his skull.


May 12, 2023
Secondary maps two different narratives onto each other, using movement as the formal through-line. The first describes the complex overlay of violence and spectacle inherent in American football, and more broadly within American culture. Barney’s personal involvement in the sport served as a starting point for the development of this project. The extreme physical and psychological conditions of the game have been abstracted in Barney’s art practice since his earliest work, and now provide a context for this subject that is both retrospective and a new, direct engagement.


Mar 01, 2019
The goddess Diana and her two attendants traverse the rugged terrain of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in pursuit of the elusive wolf. An Engraver (Matthew Barney) furtively documents their actions in copper engravings and provokes a series of confrontations. The characters communicate through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.
Blind Perineum

Blind Perineum

Oct 19, 1991
A "video action" in which Barney crosses the ceiling of the Gladstone Gallery using a harness and ice-climbing screws, propelling himself by the forces of muscle and will.


Mar 01, 2019
The goddess Diana and her two attendants traverse the rugged terrain of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in pursuit of the elusive wolf. An Engraver (Matthew Barney) furtively documents their actions in copper engravings and provokes a series of confrontations. The characters communicate through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.


Mar 01, 2019
The goddess Diana and her two attendants traverse the rugged terrain of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in pursuit of the elusive wolf. An Engraver (Matthew Barney) furtively documents their actions in copper engravings and provokes a series of confrontations. The characters communicate through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.


May 16, 2006
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".


May 16, 2006
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 2

Cremaster 2

Oct 13, 1999
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 1

Cremaster 1

Jan 17, 1996
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 3

Cremaster 3

May 15, 2002
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 3

Cremaster 3

May 15, 2002
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 4

Cremaster 4

Oct 06, 1995
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 4

Cremaster 4

Oct 06, 1995
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Cremaster 5

Cremaster 5

Oct 24, 1997
Commissioned as part of the Destricted Short Film Series, 'Hoist' was shot in Bahia, Salvador. It's described by the director as "a juxtaposition of sexuality and industrial machinery".
Union of the North

Union of the North

Mar 16, 2017
Esoteric rituals are enacted within the vicinity of a Dunkin' Donuts—itself housed in a shopping center—located in Reykjavík, Iceland, wherein Nammu, Sumerian goddess of creation, is found to be an employee.
Blood of Two

Blood of Two

Jan 01, 2009
The first collaboration between Matthew Barney & Elizabeth Peyton, Blood of Two is a unique, site-specific work that draws its references from Hydra itself – the surrounding environment, animals, humans, and local traditions are all part of the project in equal measure. Blood of Two centers on the former function of the Slaughterhouse and the customs of Hydra to establish connections between paganism and religion, ancient and modern, the ritualistic and familiar. As much as its conflicted terms strive for balance and fusion, it is Blood of Two’s greater resistance to these impulses, its failure to surrender unconditionally to them that ultimately counts, as a network of overlaps and crisscrosses.
Blood of Two

Blood of Two

Jan 01, 2009
The first collaboration between Matthew Barney & Elizabeth Peyton, Blood of Two is a unique, site-specific work that draws its references from Hydra itself – the surrounding environment, animals, humans, and local traditions are all part of the project in equal measure. Blood of Two centers on the former function of the Slaughterhouse and the customs of Hydra to establish connections between paganism and religion, ancient and modern, the ritualistic and familiar. As much as its conflicted terms strive for balance and fusion, it is Blood of Two’s greater resistance to these impulses, its failure to surrender unconditionally to them that ultimately counts, as a network of overlaps and crisscrosses.
Blood of Two

Blood of Two

Jan 01, 2009
The first collaboration between Matthew Barney & Elizabeth Peyton, Blood of Two is a unique, site-specific work that draws its references from Hydra itself – the surrounding environment, animals, humans, and local traditions are all part of the project in equal measure. Blood of Two centers on the former function of the Slaughterhouse and the customs of Hydra to establish connections between paganism and religion, ancient and modern, the ritualistic and familiar. As much as its conflicted terms strive for balance and fusion, it is Blood of Two’s greater resistance to these impulses, its failure to surrender unconditionally to them that ultimately counts, as a network of overlaps and crisscrosses.
Drawing Restraint 7

Drawing Restraint 7

Jun 10, 1997
A video installation in which Satyrs grapple in a limousine as it drives through the tunnels of New York City. While one satyr chases its tail in the front seat, another attempts to make a drawing in the condensation-coated sunroof of the limousine using the third satyr's horn.