The world's largest stop-motion animation film. "Gulp" follows the adventures of a fisherman who is swallowed by a big fish. This animation was shot using a Nokia N8 phone by suspending three phones high above the action on a crane.
The world's largest stop-motion animation film. "Gulp" follows the adventures of a fisherman who is swallowed by a big fish. This animation was shot using a Nokia N8 phone by suspending three phones high above the action on a crane.
Unidentified Farm Objects and paranormal sightings are the norm with Shaun the Sheep™ and his barnyard buddies Bitzer, Shirley, and Timmy, as they encounter more madcap mischief along with those Naughty Pigs next door. Big laughs are evident, as the creators of the Academy Award®-winning Wallace & Gromit™ are out to prove that sheepherding fun is universal.
Unidentified Farm Objects and paranormal sightings are the norm with Shaun the Sheep™ and his barnyard buddies Bitzer, Shirley, and Timmy, as they encounter more madcap mischief along with those Naughty Pigs next door. Big laughs are evident, as the creators of the Academy Award®-winning Wallace & Gromit™ are out to prove that sheepherding fun is universal.
Oct 22, 2002
2002 min12 vues
Wallace, inventeur farfelu, et son flegmatique chien Gromit, enchainent les aventures rocambolesques et les rencontres improbables.