David P. Johnson

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Jan 15, 2010
Dans un vaisseau spatial, un virus extra-terrestre change toutes les personnes qui entrent en contact avec lui en monstrueuses créatures. Bien sur, le vaisseau se dirige vers la Terre et l'équipe doit mettre un terme à l'hécatombe avant de s'y poser.


Aug 15, 2006
"K" was the most infamous serial killer of his day, torturing and murdering dozens of innocent victims. Until Detective Steve Gornick, tracked the maniac down and destroyed him. Years later, a brilliant young scientist injects K's corpse with an experimental serum, bringing the killer back to life and giving him superhuman strength and speed. As K cuts a bloody path through Los Angeles, he begins to mutate into an unstoppable force of evil. Even the detective who once put him down may not be able to destroy the monstrous MUTATION.


Sep 08, 2009
Deux astronautes, le lieutenant Payton et le caporal Bower, se réveillent dans leur gigantesque vaisseau spatial après un long séjour en hyper-sommeil. Désorientés et plongés dans le noir, ils ne se souviennent ni de leurs identités ni de leur mission. Les seuls sons qui leur parviennent sont des vibrations provenant du cœur du vaisseau. Le caporal Bower part en exploration et ne tarde pas à découvrir quelques survivants qui vivent cachés, traqués par d'effroyables créatures. Ensemble ils vont essayer de découvrir ce qui s'est réellement passé lors de cette mission...
La Vidéo de la honte

La Vidéo de la honte

Oct 09, 2011
Lexi Ross n'est pas vraiment la fille la plus populaire de son lycée, au contraire de Carleigh, qui a tout d'une vraie peste. Lexi devient un jour la victime de deux lycéens, Greg et Jared, qui,y font le pari que l'un d'eux réussira à passer une nuit avec qu'elle. Lorsque Greg l'invite un soir, elle accepte, sans se douter qu'il a allumé la webcam de son ordinateur. Il filme leur relation et la montre le lendemain à son ami, Jared. La vidéo se retrouve rapidement sur internet, et commence à détruire la vie de Lexi...
Hollywood In Trouble

Hollywood In Trouble

May 01, 1986
Written and directed by PM Entertainment co-founder Joseph Merhi, this semi-autobiographical screwball comedy follows the adventures of a Hollywood dreamer who, despite having zero experience in the film industry, attempts to take the town by storm, only to send his entire domestic life into a tailspin.
Jill and Jac

Jill and Jac

Mar 18, 2010
Jill Garner is a well-educated, successful, music producer. But after being brutally raped and left to feel responsible for the attack, by a Los Angeles County Police Detective, she finds herself forced to find any way, to emotionally survive.The time-line explodes in Jillâ's life, from the second of her abduction and rape, to her ensuing nervous breakdown… to her traumatic psychological meltdown, through prescription drug abuse. Jill desperately searches for a reason to continue her life. She begins to search for herself through reckless and cloudy relationships with others, as well as drugs. With the failure of each relationship, Jill traumatically disintegrates. Continuing her drug abuse, she decides to video-diary a trip to La Madera, New Mexico, to prove to the one she truly loves, that she has changed.While on her trip, she eventually becomes delusional. She finally locates her true love. Will this ultimately lead to her final salvation, or her ultimate destruction?


Aug 15, 2006
"K" was the most infamous serial killer of his day, torturing and murdering dozens of innocent victims. Until Detective Steve Gornick, tracked the maniac down and destroyed him. Years later, a brilliant young scientist injects K's corpse with an experimental serum, bringing the killer back to life and giving him superhuman strength and speed. As K cuts a bloody path through Los Angeles, he begins to mutate into an unstoppable force of evil. Even the detective who once put him down may not be able to destroy the monstrous MUTATION.