Geo Barton

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Nov 29, 1982
Drame composé de trois séquences indépendantes reliées entre elles. Les trois épisodes sont réunis par une équipe de tournage qui travaille sur deux emplois différents. Au début, l'équipe est présentée alors qu'elle jongle entre son double rôle de propagandiste soutenu par l'État qui fait l'éloge de son gouvernement et de la société, et celui de cinéaste privé travaillant sur son propre film. Ensuite, ils sont dans un restaurant à la recherche de lieux de tournage appropriés lorsque le propriétaire du restaurant, sans que ce soit sa faute, est amené à s'extasier longuement et avec lugubrité sur sa misérable vie. Dans le dernier segment, deux figurants sont à l'arrière-plan d'une scène, assis à une table dans un restaurant. L'un d'eux se rend lentement compte que l'homme avec lequel il est assis l'a torturé il y a plus de 40 ans dans un camp de concentration nazi pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Mofturi 1900

Mofturi 1900

Feb 14, 1966
Mofturi 1900 is a 1964 Romanian comedic film directed by Jean Georgescu and based on Ion Luca Caragiale's many Moments and Sketches. The sketches used are "Diplomatie" ("Diplomacy"), "Amicii" ("Pals"), "O lacuna" ("A gap"), "Bubico", "C.F.R." (abbreviation of "Romanian Railways") and "Din statiune" ("From resort"). The film stars Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Iurie Darie and Ion Dichiseanu; and features Ioana Bulcă, Alexandru Giugaru, Mircea Crisan, Geo Barton and others. Set at the beginning of the 20th century, the story revolves around two Mitică characters sitting at a cafe telling stories to each other.
Nu vreau să mă însor
In a textile factory, the cultural supervisor falls in love with a typist. To impress her, he pretends to be friends with a famous composer whose operetta was to be performed by the company's artistic brigade. However, the typist, an uneducated woman, sees him only as a means to become the protected one of an influential person.


Nov 18, 1963
Tudor Vladimirescu fights against the Ottoman Turkish domination of Romania and the social agitation ,his story includes the war between Russia and Turkey from 18o6 to 1812,for which he was decorated by the Russians.


May 31, 1967
The great King of Dacia, Decebal (Decebalus), is disposed to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep the integrity of his people. His own son, Cotyso, is given to the god Zamolxis to the dismay of the King and his daughter Meda. Septimius Severus, a young Roman devoted to his adopted country, must make the choice between his blood origins and the culture he was introduced to.


Nov 29, 1960
In this undistinguished drama, Darclee (Silvia Popovici) is a lead singer for an opera company in Romania with a heavy load of responsibility. It seems the company is in dire need of a decent physical structure for their performances and a brace -- or more -- of good singers to improve their image and sales. In other words, they need just about everything except an excellent lead singer; Darclee fills that bill. And so the company rather unfairly leans on her to get the people and the funds they so desperately want. Matei Jacob directs.
Calea Victoriei sau cheia visurilor
Attorney Constantin Lipan (Geo Barton) is tasked to investigate the case of an oil magnate, Iordan Hagi-Iordan (George Calboreanu). This will put pressure on his superiors to drop the case. Based on "Calea Victoriei" novel by Cezar Petrescu.
Frații Jderi

Frații Jderi

Jun 05, 1974
Historical movie based on the "The Martens Brothers" (Romanian: Frații Jderi) novel. The movie is in the top 20 most watched Romanian movies.
Partea ta de vină

Partea ta de vină

Nov 28, 1963
This movie follows the story of a young man - Mihai Brad, who works for a industrial plant. He reaches a turning point in his life when his bosses discuss his admittance in the Young Worker Union, a communist organization, which can help propel his career forward. Mihai calls to remembrance his early days of his job after leaving his village with dreams of having his own house and a decent life. He first starts low as a unqualified worker and each month he saves all his money. The UTM organization tries to convince him to improve his skills become a qualified worker but he refuses saying that he soon wants to go back to his village and be a shepherd.


Oct 31, 1967
A oil and gas engineer applies a new extraction technology. When something goes wrong, almost everybody are quick to assign blame.


Dec 28, 1961
The out-of-time ambiance of Sulina/Europolis between wars is shaken up by the arrival of a former local from America.
Răsună valea

Răsună valea

Aug 22, 1950
Famous Romania communist propaganda movie, one of the templates to what followed. It is about the volunteers that built the Bumbești-Livezeni railroad.