Роман Юнусов

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What Men Do

What Men Do

Feb 27, 2013
Quatre amis décident de participer au jeu organisé par un milliardaire extravagant. Le gagnant sera celui qui séduira la plupart des filles pendant la compétition.
Остров везения
A Pacific liner, a beauty contest and gorgeous ladies in bikinis. Champagne and the blue ocean around... But suddenly a dream becomes a nightmare when an ex-TV star and three finalists find themselves on an uninhabited island. Feeling afraid of the girls' anger, the hero pretends that this was planned ahead making the girls believe that microphones and cameras are hidden in coconuts around the island. While the contestants are competing, the hero is looking for a way to escape from the island...


Sep 18, 2014
Igor, a senior manager at a furniture showroom, dreams of being promoted. One morning, after an office party, he finds the showroom completely trashed. The staff claim that when they left the night before, everything was in order. This is a disaster for Igor, whose career is now at stake. Trying to reconstruct the events of the fateful night, Igor learns some shocking details about his colleagues' nocturnal escapades...
The Snow Queen: La reine des neiges 2
Après leur victoire sur la Reine des Neiges, les trolls ont pris goût à la liberté. Le troll Orm, qui a joué un rôle crucial dans cette victoire, est depuis devenu un héros. Mais cela ne lui suffit pas ! Il embellit toujours plus les récits de ses exploits, quitte à s’éloigner sérieusement de la vérité. Il va même jusqu’à prétendre qu’il a lui‐même vaincu la Reine des Neiges et qu’il est donc destiné à épouser la princesse et à hériter de ses richesses et de son pouvoir… Jusqu’où ses histoires le mèneront‐elles ? C’est au cours d’une aventure animée et périlleuse qu’Orm va comprendre que les amis, le bonheur, et le grand amour ne s’obtiennent jamais par la tromperie…
What Men Do! 2

What Men Do! 2

Jan 01, 2015
Quatre amis du premier film sont de retour. Cette fois-ci, ils ne retournent pas seulement dans le grand monde du sexe, mais ils aident aussi l'État dans sa mission importante.
Sochi, Russia. The day before wedding Katya finds her fiancé on a date with a hot blonde, so her classmates Vika, Sveta, and Dasha decide to find Katya a new husband. They have one night only. Will they succeed?
Женщины против мужчин: Крымские каникулы
Going on vacation right after divorce is an excellent idea. Especially when you drag along two of your best friends. You’re asking for trouble though, if your beautiful ex is staying at the same hotel. Moreover so, if she brings two of her best friends as well. Those friends, that happen to be exes of your best friends. In this case, revenge for old grudges turns into teams' competition. Eventually, fun competition turns and scales up to a hurricane that's threatening to destroy the coast, but true love shall prevail.
Бар «МоскваЧики»
Three young friends from Moscow are going to St. Petersburg to unwind. Unexpectedly for themselves, they buy a bar with their last savings and meet three guys who have one secret. A confrontation ensues, full of intrigue and unexpected twists. Will the girls be able to achieve success, or will they have to return to Moscow with nothing?
Бедный олигарх
Oligarch Viktor lives a wonderful rich life: he has a yacht, a private jet, real estate around the world, business in various fields. But one black morning for Victor, he wakes up a beggar — all accounts are blocked, real estate is arrested, consultants do not answer calls. Victor turns out to be on the list of those who are not going to eat oysters in Monaco soon. At this difficult moment, only his valet Adam remains next to the impoverished oligarchs, who will help Victor survive. And for this you will have to do a lot — turn an expensive car into a taxi and even decide on injuries in order to get insurance.
Загляни ему в голову
Anatoly Lunin is a former clinical psychologist, and now a consultant in the operational investigation group on high-profile crimes. A unique method based on the peculiarities of his psyche helps Lunin solve crimes. He can get used to the role of the criminal, literally get into his head, and restore his motives. Anatoly knows that his abilities are a mental illness that he has to hide. His boss, Colonel Pokrasov and journalist Drapova seek to expose the hero, but Lunin is saved by the intercession of the high authorities — General Mordvinov. Anatoly has a difficult relationship with his colleague, a full—time criminologist psychologist Arina Solodovnikova. However, with each new case, her opinion about him changes — Arina is convinced of Lunin's professionalism and unusual talent.
Где логика?

Где логика?

Jul 01, 2022
Humanity knows two types of logic: male and female. In the new TNT show, we do not push them together, but rather make them work for one common result. Star couples, partners on the set, just good friends and acquaintances will together try to build logical links between the most seemingly illogical events, objects or facts.