Luigi Mezzanotte

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L'assassino è ancora tra noi
Un psychopathe assassine de manière particulièrement sadique de jeunes couples en suivant toujours le même rituel. Après avoir tué l'homme, il s'acharne sur le corps de la femme qu'il mutile à l'aide d'un couteau. Cristiana, une jeune étudiante en criminologie qui prépare une thèse sur ces crimes atroces, mène l'enquête.
Thor le guerrier

Thor le guerrier

Feb 05, 1983
Thor, un guerrier doté d'une force herculéenne, reçoit du dieu Técha la mission de venger ses parents assassinés et de retrouver l'épée de son père. La route est longue et la quête périlleuse. Thor est agressé par quatre guerrières. Il en tue trois et garde la quatrième, la brune Ina, prisonnière.
Nostos: il ritorno

Nostos: il ritorno

May 26, 1990
À la fin de la guerre, Ulysse, le héros errant, entame avec ses compagnons son voyage de retour vers la Méditerranée. La conclusion de son aventure est retardée par de nombreux obstacles naturels et il entreprend un voyage intérieur fait de souvenirs fugaces de son enfance, de ses parents, de son amour pour une belle fille, de nostalgie du passé, de regrets pour ce qu'il a fait et du profond silence qui enveloppe tout. Il affronte la plus terrible des solitudes après un naufrage dans lequel tous ses camarades périssent.


Jun 08, 1997
Harry Arno is a Miami Beach bookie who finds himself in trouble with his mob bosses for reasons he can't quite figure out. When an assailant attempts to kill him, he decides that it's time to retire, so he relocates to Greece.
Un Amleto di meno

Un Amleto di meno

Nov 21, 1973
The Prince of Denmark, Hamlet, is little interested in family affairs and the fate of the kingdom, and not at all attracted by a doll-like Ophelia sucking his finger. Annoyed by his friend Horatio, who tells him of the apparition of his father's spectre that would like to drive him to revenge, and by Polonius, Ophelia's father, who psychoanalyses him by explaining the Oedipus complex, he imagines escaping to Paris with Kate, the leading actress of the company performing in Elsinore, to become a playwright.
L'anno prossimo... vado a letto alle dieci
This rollicking Italian black comedy follows the hellish, bizarre New Year's Eve night of two average guys who find themselves stumbling from one outlandish situation to the next. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man tags along to the party his friend is attending, leading to a series of misadventures.
Man on Fire

Man on Fire

Sep 04, 1987
Creasy, un ancien agent de la CIA traumatisé, est engagé comme garde du corps de Samantha, la fille de douze ans d'une riche famille italienne vivant dans une villa cossue sur les rives du lac de Côme.
La neve nel bicchiere

La neve nel bicchiere

Jun 12, 1984
The lives of three generations of peasant farmers in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy are the focus of this unexciting, flat-footed saga by Florestano Vancini. When the grandfather (Marne Maitland) first decides to leave his job of canal-building and move to northern Italy, he takes up work as a peasant on the land of a local priest, while his oldest son Venancio (Massimo Ghini) starts driving a carriage. More of a visionary than a chauffeur, Venancio first gets involved in organizing the peasants into a kind of farmer's union, and when that movement goes under, he devotes himself to educating the farmers instead. Along the way, his mother dies, he marries Mariena (Anna Teresa Rossini), and they have children. Much to Venancio's sorrow, his own sons do not want to stay in farming, and as they grow older, only one remains at home to till the soil. In the meantime, the specter of fascism is growing stronger by the day and the clouds of war being to darken the horizon.
Le Retour de l'Étalon noir
Alec a seize ans et son destin est uni pour la vie à celui de l'Etalon Noir, ce cheval somptueux qui l'a sauvé d'un tragique naufrage. Aussi, quand le vrai propriétaire du pur-sang kidnappe ce dernier, Alec n'a pas une hésitation : il prend l'avion pour le Maroc et, depuis Casablanca, traverse le désert à la recherche de son ami.
Marchand de Rêves

Marchand de Rêves

Sep 21, 1995
Pour quelques sous, Joe Morelli, arnaqueur de genie, sillonne la Sicile a la recherche de nouveaux talents pour le grand écran. A l'aide d'une pellicule inexploitable volée a Cinecitta, il filme quasiment toute la Sicile, mafieux, communistes, paysans, bergers, carabiniers, en leur promettant gloire et richesse. Beata, une jeune Italienne, prendra dans ses filets le marchand de rêves a son propre jeu pour en faire, malgre lui, un autre homme. Grand prix du jury au Festival de Venise 1995.
Il Bi e il Ba

Il Bi e il Ba

Mar 07, 1986
A man goes to Rome because he wants a magician to solve his problem: dandruff.


May 30, 1969
In all of his work, Bussotti makes frequent reference to the body, to sexuality. This to remind musicians — especially classically trained ones — that they are not body-less angels, that they are not just their musical thoughts, that they are still, in the last analysis, flesh and bones. Thus the erotic is not for shocking, but to stress that making music involves the body in a very direct way.
Un Amleto di meno

Un Amleto di meno

Nov 21, 1973
The Prince of Denmark, Hamlet, is little interested in family affairs and the fate of the kingdom, and not at all attracted by a doll-like Ophelia sucking his finger. Annoyed by his friend Horatio, who tells him of the apparition of his father's spectre that would like to drive him to revenge, and by Polonius, Ophelia's father, who psychoanalyses him by explaining the Oedipus complex, he imagines escaping to Paris with Kate, the leading actress of the company performing in Elsinore, to become a playwright.