Milan Ondrík

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Aug 15, 2024
Dans la Slovaquie post-communiste des années 1990, Miki, ancien ouvrier forestier, saisit sa chance pour commencer à faire des affaires au niveau local et grimper les échelons jusqu'à devenir le plus grand chef de la mafia du pays.


Oct 05, 2023
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices.
Tigre v meste

Tigre v meste

Jan 01, 2012
Three friends about to turn 30 call themselves animal names: Badger, Hyena and Pigeon. They like to spend time in their favorite bar in the Bratislava city Zoo, and they starve for a serious relationship, a soul mate for life. Hyena is a virile macho, employed as a tiger feeder and seducing women never was a problem for him. In this matter the other two, Badger, a prosecuting attorney and Pigeon, employed as a water bicycle keeper, are far less successful. Times are about to change for Badger, who after years of fantasizing about a woman's voice in the radio finally decides to meet her in real life. As the friends closely follow Badger's new adventure, they discover, that a man is trying to kill him, because of his extensive zeal in persecuting local mafia at court. The killer happens to be the husband of the radio speaker, with whom Badger just started a romance. It is an absurd world full of funny coincidences, in which a story of falling in love becomes a matter of staying alive.
Jak jsme hráli čáru
Tragicomic family film about the world of children heroes - particularly the son of a local communist officer and his friend, a little hostage of the regime, whose parents emigrated to the West, few years before "Prague Spring" and the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Camaraderie, the first big discoveries of love, enemy gang fights and naive ideas are confronted with the reality of adult's world. The film is about the first contacts with bizarre and absurd reality of relationships and attitudes of adults, politics, emigration, but also betrayal and death and about how all those things form and transform the lives of small boys, who are forced to grow up too quickly.
Restore Point

Restore Point

Sep 21, 2023
Nous sommes dans l'Europe en 2041 et les écarts en matière d’inégalités sociales et économiques ont laissé le monde au bord du gouffre. Une avancée scientifique a donné à l’humanité la possibilité de redonner vie aux victimes d’un crime violent en sauvegardant leur cerveau tous les deux jours. Cela donne à une jeune inspectrice ambitieuse l'opportunité de résoudre une affaire de couple assassiné lorsque l'équipe de restauration est en mesure de ramener l'un d'eux.
Science Fiction
Konec svĕta

Konec svĕta

Sep 19, 2024
An original story told by Uncle Igor, a son of Russian aristocrats, and his nine year old grandson Tonda. A powerful story of complicated times around 1968, a story full of contrasts: Whether it is the relation between what Grandpa's plentiful life entails and Tonda's imminent children's presence, or between poetry and fine humor and dramatic situations of military occupation. Or generally between everyday worries of a person and the pressure of great history. On grandpa's life story, mapping a big part of the 20th century traumas, one can see how much an individual's fate depends on the movement and changes of history. And how much one can defy it and maintain inner firmness and integrity. Or perhaps just dear life.
Ema a smrtihlav

Ema a smrtihlav

Sep 26, 2024
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une veuve hongroise, Marika, cache un garçon juif, Šimon.
Eva Nová

Eva Nová

Sep 11, 2015
Eva would do anything to regain the love of the one she hurt the most - her son. She is a recovered alcoholic but decades ago she was a famous actress.


Jan 30, 2025
Miki Černák, a boy from Telgárt, became a respected boss of a mafia group. But it is not enough for Černák. He wants to dominate all of Slovakia. Become the boss of all bosses. However, the way to the top is lined with traitors and corpses. And Černák underestimated the strongest mafia that ever ruled Slovakia - politicians and their secret service.


Mar 02, 2017


Aug 27, 2018
The marriage of Tana and Milan Labat is going through a crisis. They are constantly quarreling while their 16-year-old daughter goes missing at her birthday party. The couple redefine their marriage as they set off to find their child.
Let there be light

Let there be light

Sep 26, 2019
Milan, un Slovaque travaillant en Allemagne comme maçon, rentre chez lui pour fêter Noël avec sa femme et ses trois enfants, dont l'un semble impliqué dans des activités suspectes liées à une organisation extrémiste.


Jun 11, 2020
The fictional town of Šlukdorf. Here lives a car mechanic who calls himself Bourák. He loves rock and roll, dance, his own gelled hair and, despite being in his fifties, simply “refuses to grow up”. He forgets he has a wife. The only things he loves are Elvis, Cadillacs and anything connected with 1950s America. His daughter Kamila is fed up with life in the squalid town and with her irresponsible father. She is fed up with working in a casino with no windows, open round the clock; that her mother has caught the eye of the local gangster, who is clearly a dimwit; with her father behaving as if he has gone completely barmy. Kamila realizes she has to do something about it. She has to confront her parents with reality, as cruel as that may seem. A black comedy about everything that can happen because of a summer storm, a set of golf clubs, rock and roll, and one incredibly angry daughter.


Feb 09, 2020
Démobilisé de la Légion étrangère après avoir guerroyé d'un conflit à l'autre, notamment en Afghanistan et en Irak, Martin retrouve en République tchèque sa ville natale, quittée vingt ans plus tôt. Sa sœur, mariée à un alcoolique veule et brutal, l'accueille sans chaleur pour lui apprendre que leur mère est morte. Peu après, il met en déroute trois malfrats qui s'acharnaient sur un jeune homme à terre. Reconnaissant, Sebastian Kadlec l'invite dans la villa luxueuse qu'il habite avec son père, un élu municipal affairiste, sa belle-mère et sa sœur aînée, Sara. Martin noue peu à peu avec cette dernière un lien amoureux. Entre-temps, il s'est installé chez sa sœur avec l'assentiment de son beau-frère, jaloux de lui, mais alléché par son argent… 


Apr 07, 2022
Accepting responsibility for his wife's murder after he has left her, Jan starts pursuing the criminal himself to make sure the culprit doesn't avoid punishment.
Kruté radosti

Kruté radosti

Oct 03, 2002
This simple story is the feature debut for well-known Slovak theater and television director Juraj Nvota. Set in a Slovak village at the turn of the last century, the story teems with passion, and repressed and hidden emotion. It delves into the search for identity, investigating both love and hatred, while dramatizing the tragic relationship between an adolescent girl (Tatiana Pauhofová) and her ambitious father (Ondrej Vetchý). Set against the striking though simple backdrop of a picturesque, even idyllic, landscape - one ostensibly cut off from any important historical, political, or social context whatsoever - the arrival of an unwanted individual evokes the onset of a cruel drama.


Apr 17, 2008
In 1980s CSSR, depressed Martin tries to overcome the feeling of being locked up with jazz music.
Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche
Conciliant romanesque et rigueur historique, cette superproduction européenne retrace l'histoire d'une souveraine exceptionnelle qui, de 1745 à 1780, dirigea l'Empire austro-hongrois en vivant au grand jour sa vie amoureuse et familiale.


Jan 26, 2018


Oct 09, 2023
Viktor Hudák, Prime Minister of a small European country, is ending his career in politics and returning to everyday life. However, when his successor radically overturns all the policies that he spent a lifetime building he quickly realises there is very little power in being an ex-Prime Minister.