Klara Bielawka

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Oct 24, 2014
The story is set in a hotel environment where the main Character meets various people in different hotel rooms and gets involved with their private drama instigates it. The drama turns out to be somehow conducted by the female director, also one of the persons that the main Character meets in a hotel. The plot revolves around subjects of love, youth, death and ones persona and shows the main Character hopelessly trying to figure out the definition of self by means of desperately looking for real emotions in people and himself and channeling them through theatrical form. Will the main Character finally discover who he really is?
Stacja Warszawa

Stacja Warszawa

Mar 28, 2014
'Igła" (The needle) is a former prisoner who seen the Blessed Virgin. He survived the conversion and wants to save people. In his quest to Warsaw meets the following characters: Martin - shy businessman and a victim of bullying, Lucy - working in a sex shop dreamer, Filip - a teenager who wants to get out of his native village, Jurek - embittered alcoholic who lost their lives and Monica - corporate single girl. Each of them is lonely, alienated - and each is at the threshold of a kind of awakening.


Nov 25, 2016
Une interrogatrice impitoyable et athée, devenue auteure catholique rongée par le remords, veut obtenir le pardon avec l'aide d'un cardinal qu'elle a autrefois arrêté.
La vie doit continuer

La vie doit continuer

Aug 28, 2015
Après avoir arrêté de boire, un acteur tente de se rapprocher de sa fille perdue de vue, mais un diagnostic soudain et funeste vient précipiter ses projets.


Jan 01, 1970


Upcoming Polish feature from director Joanna Zastróżna.
La Jeune fille et les paysans
Jagna incarne une jeune femme résolue à prendre son destin en main dans un village polonais de la fin du 19e siècle, un terreau fertile de rumeurs, de vieilles querelles, de solidarité, de richesse et de pauvreté, de fierté nationaliste et de respect des traditions et de l'autorité patriarcale enracinée. Piégée dans une situation amoureuse conflictuelle avec le fermier le plus fortuné du village, son fils ainé et d'autres notables, Jagna opte pour sa liberté, ce qui lui attire de graves ennuis avec les membres de sa communauté.
Dzień Kobiet

Dzień Kobiet

May 08, 2012
Helina, a modest checkout assistant at the Butterfly retail chain, dreams about getting a better life for herself and her daughter. An opportunity presents itself when Helina becomes a store manager. However, she soon discovers that the price for better wages and an improved standard of living is dishonesty, employee exploitation, and fraud.


Jan 01, 2014
Karol Radziszewski reconstructs Ryszard Cieślak’s biography on the basis of surviving fragments of performances, recordings of rehearsals, letters, and interviews. He hires a group of young men and tasks with attempting the famous final scene from The Constant Prince.
Inni ludzie

Inni ludzie

Sep 23, 2021
Warsaw, Poland. Kamil, a street rapper who spends his time going from party to party, begins a love affair with Iwona, a wealthy married woman.
Być kimś

Być kimś

May 31, 2023
Together with his family, Wiktor moves into a recently bought flat, which turns out to have belonged to Lech Wałęsa, a symbol of freedom and a legend as a simple electrician who became Poland’s president many years ago.
Fuks 2

Fuks 2

Jan 12, 2024
Maciek is a bright and savvy 20-year-old, although he has to borrow money and a car for a date from his dad. His father, on his eighteenth birthday, set off an explosive device, stole a car, contributed to the wrecking of two police cars and deceived for big money a shady businessman. At the same time, he won the heart of a beautiful woman. So he set the bar high, and it will soon become clear whether his son has inherited his bravado and propensity for dangerous intrigue. All this will happen through a date that will connect him with two unpredictable women and draw him into a game at stake - big money and even bigger love.
Zupa nic

Zupa nic

Aug 27, 2021
Marta is a romantic and a loser in school. She shares a room with her sister Kasia and grandma, who tells her granddaughters insurgency stories instead of fairy tales. In the room behind the wall, the parents - Tadek and Elżbieta - live their married life. He is an intelligent constantly humiliated by the state, he also makes his own moonshine after work and silently envies his prosperous brother in law. She is the leader of the "Solidarity" union at work, with the need for freedom and a dream to get out of Poland. The real adventure for the family starts when they manage to get their dream orange Fiat 126p. Ela and Tadek discover their appetite for trading and trips abroad, and the growing Marta will fall in love for the first time.
United States of Love

United States of Love

Jul 29, 2016
Pologne, 1990. La première année de liberté, mais aussi de l'incertitude pour l'avenir. Dans ce contexte, quatre femmes de différents âges décident qu'il est temps pour elles de satisfaire leurs désirs...
Les Innocentes

Les Innocentes

Feb 10, 2016
Pologne, décembre 1945. Mathilde Beaulieu, une jeune interne de la Croix-Rouge chargée de soigner les rescapés français avant leur rapatriement, est appelée au secours par une religieuse polonaise. D’abord réticente, Mathilde accepte de la suivre dans son couvent où trente Bénédictines vivent coupées du monde. Elle découvre que plusieurs d’entre elles, tombées enceintes dans des circonstances dramatiques, sont sur le point d’accoucher. Peu à peu, se nouent entre Mathilde, athée et rationaliste, et les religieuses, attachées aux règles de leur vocation, des relations complexes que le danger va aiguiser... C’est pourtant ensemble qu’elles retrouveront le chemin de la vie.
A cat with a dog

A cat with a dog

Oct 19, 2018
Deux frères réalisateurs se retrouvent lorsque l'aîné a une attaque cérébrale et que le cadet décide de s'occuper de lui malgré leur relation compliquée.
Taki szczęśliwy dzień
Tomasz needs money. Today he will get everything back - the plant, Małgorzata and his son, who is just turning ten. Fortunately, Tomasz's addiction helps him win really big money. Today it will work...
Belle d'automne

Belle d'automne

Nov 12, 2021
Dans la Pologne des années 60, l'artiste Kalina Jędrusik est au sommet de sa popularité, mais la rage d'un haut fonctionnaire éconduit menace de ruiner sa carrière.
Ciemno, prawie noc

Ciemno, prawie noc

Mar 22, 2019
A reporter, Alicja Tabor, after many years returns to her hometown of Wałbrzych to write a report about kidnapped children and also to face her own dark family history.
Tribulations d'une amoureuse sous Staline
Début des années 50. Sabine, sa mère et sa grand-mère vivent toutes les trois dans un petit appartement au cœur de Varsovie. Sabine viens d’avoir 30 ans et mène une vie sans histoire. Introvertie, elle peine à trouver l'homme qui lui manque pour s'épanouir. Sa mère, désespérée, donnerait ciel et terre pour qu'elle rencontre le bon candidat. Sa grand-mère, la langue bien pendue, chapeaute le défilé des prétendants à la maison, mais en vain. Sabine ne s'intéresse à aucun d'entre eux. Un beau jour, sortant de nulle part, surgit le terriblement attirant, trop charmant et étrangement intelligent Bronislaw. Sa présence chamboule leur vie et ne tarde pas à dévoiler le côté obscur de la nature de certaines femmes.


Oct 01, 2018
Alicja a perdu la mémoire et ignore comment elle en est arrivée là. En deux années, elle parvient à se reconstruire et ne souhaite plus se remémorer le passé. Quand sa famille la retrouve enfin, elle est contrainte d’endosser les rôles de mère, de femme et de fille auprès de parfaits inconnus. Comment réapprendre à aimer ceux que l’on a oubliés.
Wyjazd integracyjny

Wyjazd integracyjny

Nov 04, 2011
Three guys and a beautiful girl. Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse.
Zenek, roi du disco polo
Dans ce biopic sur le chanteur Zenon Martyniuk, un jeune garçon enjoué vivant dans un petit village cherche à devenir une star de la pop en évitant les pièges du succès.
Oprocentowanie zmienne
A seemingly ordinary event, such as signing a mortgage agreement with a bank, becomes a pretext for presenting a fascinating game played between two characters: the Banker and his Client.
TV Movie


Nov 30, 2018
Des décennies après un attentat terroriste, un étudiant en droit et un flic découvrent un complot qui a fortifié le rideau de fer et encouragé la répression en Pologne.


Jun 02, 2023


Dec 06, 2012
A bright, young officer joins General Police Headquarters to investigate one of its lead inspectors and the criminal cases he's working on.


Oct 21, 2016
The original, 8-episode series by eminent theatre artists - Monika Strzępka and Paweł Demirski about what is going on behind-the-scenes of one of the muncipial theatres in Warsaw. The story also can be read as an ambiguous metaphor, where artistic problems of cultural activities and hard economic conditions meet.


Aug 21, 2023
Polish drama series which follows the tragicomic adventures of a 40-year-old urban legend in Warsaw. He is a deeply complex character, an irresponsible party animal, a serial lothario and everyone’s friend at the same time. Behind the veneer he is tormented and self-loathing, trapped by his parents and shackled by the culture and the times that shaped him.