Chioke Nassor

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The Crumb of It

The Crumb of It

May 29, 2014
When a stand-up comic begins dating a successful pastry chef, she doggedly attempts to conquer her long-held, irrational phobia of cake.
The Exquisite Corpse Project
In this first-of-its-kind crossover comedy, director Ben Popik brings together five comedy writers, and surprises them with a challenge: to each write fifteen pages of a movie, having read only the previous five pages of the script. They agree with one stipulation: If they write the movie, he has to make it. It's a comedy, a love story, a psycho-sexual thriller, and a supernatural adventure all in one. Meanwhile, documentary footage of the writing process provides an inside look into the often-hilarious creative process, as well as the group dynamics that make collaboration between friends difficult.
How to Follow Strangers
There is a true story of a woman who died in her apartment and it took people a year to find her body decomposing in a crisp Chanel suit. A young man becomes obsessed with this urban tragedy and disappears, wondering if anyone will notice. A young woman who shares his commuting schedule DOES notice. And when he resurfaces, she decides to follow him setting of a chain of events that bind them together...
How to Follow Strangers
There is a true story of a woman who died in her apartment and it took people a year to find her body decomposing in a crisp Chanel suit. A young man becomes obsessed with this urban tragedy and disappears, wondering if anyone will notice. A young woman who shares his commuting schedule DOES notice. And when he resurfaces, she decides to follow him setting of a chain of events that bind them together...
Ali Siddiq: It's Bigger Than These Bars
Shot at Bell County Jail in Texas, Ali Siddiq: It's Bigger Than These Bars shares Ali's hilarious experiences of both incarceration and freedom. Siddiq talks with jailers and the jailed about life in lockup, and explains why dousing yourself in baby oil and refusing to leave your cell is always a bad idea. Encouraging and inspiring his convict audience, Ali makes hard laughs out of hard time, restoring faith in the power of second chances.
Ali Siddiq: It's Bigger Than These Bars
Shot at Bell County Jail in Texas, Ali Siddiq: It's Bigger Than These Bars shares Ali's hilarious experiences of both incarceration and freedom. Siddiq talks with jailers and the jailed about life in lockup, and explains why dousing yourself in baby oil and refusing to leave your cell is always a bad idea. Encouraging and inspiring his convict audience, Ali makes hard laughs out of hard time, restoring faith in the power of second chances.

Apr 19, 2022

Dre Johnson, marié, quatre enfants, vient d'être promu dans son agence de publicité. Il devrait logiquement tout avoir pour être heureux mais il ne l'est pas à cause... de sa couleur de peau ! Afro-américain, il déplore que les valeurs de son identité culturelle se soient diluées peu à peu dans la société. Sa femme, très libérale, et son père, très vieux jeu, ont bien du mal à le comprendre, sans parler de ses enfants...

Feb 14, 2020

Une disquaire amatrice de vinyles et de culture pop trouve la force d'affronter son quotidien et sa vie sentimentale chaotique grâce à la musique.

Dec 08, 2022

Une anthologie à la fois drôle, romantique, sincère, exaltante et surprenante de portraits d’immigrés aux États-Unis.

Jul 08, 2021

Au sein d'une communauté conservatrice, un groupe de lycéens explore leur sexualité. Cela met à l'épreuve leurs croyances sur la vie, la moral, l'amour et la famille.

Sep 07, 2022

Phoebe est une star du podcast qui navigue dans sa vie désordonnée mais incroyable. Lorsque son frère Jayden émerge en tant que politicien de premier plan, elle est forcée de grandir, alors elle compte sur ses amis et sa famille pour l'aider à comprendre l'âge adulte.

Mar 24, 2023

New York dans les derniers jours de l'année 1999. Deux individus tombent amoureux et découvrent bientôt que le plus grand obstacle à leur bonheur est lié aux souvenirs, obsessions, peurs et fantasmes qui hantent leur esprit.

Apr 03, 2020

Un dealer de stupéfiants navigue dans New York pour effectuer ses livraisons pour le moins spéciales auprès de clients tous plus névrosés et atypiques les uns que les autres.