Leo Cleary

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Golf Slappy

Golf Slappy

Feb 23, 1942
Golf in a few difficult lessons with Eddie Gribbon.
The Human Jungle

The Human Jungle

Oct 03, 1954
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
Storm Warning

Storm Warning

Feb 10, 1951
Un mannequin assiste à l'assassinat brutal d'un journaliste d'investigation par le Ku Klux Klan alors qu'il se rend dans une petite ville pour rendre visite à sa sœur.
Confidence Girl

Confidence Girl

Jun 20, 1952
After successfully swindling thousands of dollars from hapless victims, conflicted con artist Mary (Hillary Brooke) decides to go straight, but her greedy boyfriend and partner, Roger (Tom Conway), convinces her to pull off one final scam before they get married. Written and directed by Andrew L. Stone, this classic crime film finds the police struggling to keep up with the deceptive duo's exceedingly complicated schemes.
Bells of Coronado

Bells of Coronado

Jan 08, 1950
Un enquêteur d'assurance doit retrouver les voleurs avant qu'ils ne décollent dans un avion avec du minerai d'uranium volé.
State Penitentiary

State Penitentiary

Jun 08, 1950
A man wrongly accused of a crime must decide between getting involved in a prison break, or remaining in jail until his wife can prove his innocence.
L'enfer est à lui

L'enfer est à lui

Sep 02, 1949
Le gangster Cody Jarrett et ses complices attaquent un train en Californie. Pendant l'opération, quatre employés sont tués. La police est déterminée à retrouver les coupables et surveille la mère de Cody, à laquelle ce dernier voue une adoration pathologique. Pour détourner les soupçons, Cody se rend à la police prétextant un délit mineur. Les policiers ne sont pas dupes et délèguent un des leurs dans la prison où est enfermé le gangster...
Chantez, dansez, mes belles !
Judy O'Brien (Maureen O'Hara) est une ballerine en herbe dans une troupe de danse. De plus dans l'entreprise est Bubbles (Lucille Ball), un mantrap sarrasins qui quitte la troupe qui luttent pour une carrière dans le burlesque. Lorsque la société débande, Bubbles donne Judy une tâche ingrate que son larbin. Les deux finalement match lorsque les deux automne pour le même homme.
Millionaires in Prison
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Desert of Lost Men

Desert of Lost Men

Nov 19, 1951
Rocky Lane arrives at the town of Bear Creek to help insure the safe arrival of forty thousand dollars the citizens have raised to build a new hospital. After one of the town's doctors is killed in an ambush, Rocky devises a plan with the remaining doctor and sheriff to smoke out the bad guys.
You Can't Fool Your Wife
Longtime school sweethearts discover married life, thanks to a disagreeable live-in mother-in-law and pressing business obligations, is more rocky than idyllic.
A Date with the Falcon
In the second film of the series (and not a second part of anything), Gay Lawrence, aka The Falcon, is about to depart the city to marry his fiancée, Helen Reed, when a mystery girl, Rita Mara, asks for his aid in disposing of a secret formula for making synthetic diamonds. He deliberately allows himself to be kidnapped by the gang for which Rita works. His aide, "Goldy" Locke, trails the kidnappers and brings the police. But the head of the gang escapes, and the Falcon continues the pursuit.
Lightning Strikes Twice
Condamné à mort, un prisonnier se retrouve finalement libéré et laissé libre. Il se met alors en quête du responsable de la mort de sa femme.
The Great Jewel Robber
Director Peter Godfrey's 1950 drama, inspired by true events, dramatizes the crime spree of the notorious jewel thief known as "The Hollywood Raffles", whose famous robbery victims included such real-life celebrities as Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith and Dennis Morgan. David Brian stars in the title role, and he's supported by John Archer, Marjorie Reynolds, Jacqueline de Wit, Alix Talton, Ned Glass, Perdita Chandler and columnist Sheilah Graham, playing herself.
The Pride of St. Louis
The story of Jerome "Dizzy" Dean, a major-league baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago Cubs in the 1930s and 1940s.
Nid d'amour

Nid d'amour

Oct 10, 1951
Dans le New York de l'après-guerre, Jim ne parvient pas à boucler l'écriture de son roman. Lorsqu'une ancienne connaissance, Roberta, lui rend visite, cela n'est pas du goût de sa compagne Connie.
The Red Menace

The Red Menace

Aug 01, 1949
A couple try to leave the Communist party after a murder by the group they were once loyal to.