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La Porte d'or

La Porte d'or

Sep 26, 1941
Un gigolo roumain, George Iscovescu, bloqué à Tijuana au Mexique par les services d'immigration américains n’a qu’un rêve, franchir « la Porte d’or » qui mène aux Etats-Unis. Il doit être naturalisé et pour cela il est prêt à tout. La providence vient en la personne d’Emmy Brown une naïve institutrice bloquée dans la petite ville mexicaine par une panne de voiture. George décide de la séduire. Très vite il l’épouse avec l'intention de divorcer une fois la frontière franchie en tant qu’américain. Ses ennuis vont commencer quand il va réaliser qu'il est réellement amoureux d'elle. Jalouse, Anita la maîtresse de George, apprend toute la vérité à Emmy.


Nov 14, 1933
The happy life of an Eskimo is disastrously changed when he mingles with an unscrupulous white trader.
The Tuttles of Tahiti

The Tuttles of Tahiti

May 01, 1942
After a long absense from the island, Chester Tuttle returns to Tahiti to find that little has changed. His large family, particularly his scheming Uncle Jonas, would rather dance and romance than earn a living. When Jonas loses the family plantation in a cockfight, Chester saves the day by towing in a large ship abandoned at sea and claiming the salvage. But opening a joint bank account in the name of the Tuttle clan may not have been a wise decision.
The Jungle Princess

The Jungle Princess

Nov 27, 1936
Christopher Powell is in Malaysia with his fiancée and her father, capturing wild animals. While out hunting, he is attacked by a tiger, and his native guides run away, leaving him for dead. But the tiger is the pet of Ulah, a beautiful young woman who grew up by herself in the jungle. She rescues Chris and takes him back to her cave, where she nurses him to health and falls in love with him. When he eventually returns to camp, she follows. The fiancée is jealous, and the natives don't like Ulah or her pet tiger either, all of which leads to a lot of trouble.
Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island
A 14-episode serial in which Mala, a Polynesian in the employ of U.S. Intelligence investigates sabotage on Clipper Island. A gang of spies causes the eruption of a volcano, for which our hero is blamed. He convinces the local Princess Melani of his innocence and helps her ward off a takeover by rival high priest Porotu.
Hawk of the Wilderness
An expedition arrives on an uncharted jungle island to rescue the local natives, led by a jungle boy, from a volcano that is about to erupt.
Call of The Yukon

Call of The Yukon

Apr 18, 1938
Adventuring author Jean Williams is living in the wilds of Alaska alongside the Eskimo people gathering material for her novel. She befriends several animals who become her loyal friends such as a pair of bear cubs whose mother has been killed by hunter Gaston Rogers, a talking raven and the bereaved collie Firefly who will not leave the grave of her master, a game warden killed in the line of duty. The community is imperiled by a pack of wolves and wild dogs, led by a wild dog called Swift Lightning, who are killing all the reindeer. With the supply of fresh meat gone, the Eskimos are migrating to lands with more food. Hunter Gaston agrees to take Jean to Nenana, Alaska, along with his furs by dog sled. Jean, who despises Gaston as being more savage and blood thirsty than the four-legged predators, is followed by her loyal animals.
Le chevalier de la vengeance
A la mort de son père, le jeune Benjamin est dépossédé de ses biens et de son titre et asservi par son oncle, Sir Arthur Blake, qui fait de lui son garçon d'écurie. Benjamin décide d'embarquer sur un bateau en direction des mers du Sud dans l'espoir de revenir un jour se venger.
Red Snow

Red Snow

Jul 07, 1952
Lieutenant Johnson, a U. S. Air Force pilot, on the tip of Alaska, a few miles from the Bering Straits from Siberia, helps foil a Soviet plot to test a new secret weapon by loyal Alaskan Eskimos. He is aided by Sergeant Koovuk, an Alsaka native Eskimo also in the U.S. military service. Along the way there is an ice-floe evacuation, an air-ice rescue and a fight with a polar bear.
Science Fiction
Pacific Express

Pacific Express

May 05, 1939
Deux compagnies rivales ne ménagent pas leurs forces pour la construction, peu avant 1870, de la ligne de chemin de fer qui reliera New York a la cote Ouest.
Mutiny on the Blackhawk
Story deals with slave-running between Hawaii and California in 1840, featuring a wild mutiny aboard a slave ship on the high seas, the bartering of natives for slavery in a tropical paradise, and battle scenes between enraged California settlers and the Mexican Army.


Aug 04, 1939
Garde-côte depuis des années, Raymond rend visite à un capitaine qu'il vient de sauver de la noyade et tombe sous le charme de sa fille, Nancy. Un départ précipité l’empêche de révéler ses sentiments à la jeune femme. A son retour, Raymond découvre avec stupeur que Nancy et son meilleur ami Thomas sont sur le point de se marier...
Girl from God's Country
Jim Holden, a young doctor practicing in Alaska, eagerly awaits the arrival of his new nurse, Anne Webster. All of his previous left within a few weeks by the rigors of the Alaskan winter....
South of Pago Pago

South of Pago Pago

Jul 19, 1940
Sent by cutthroat pirates to turn Kehane’s head while they loot his island paradise of a fortune in pearls, Ruby instead falls for the young chief. Together, the two save Kehane’s people and their island home from the rapacious picaroons but at the tragic cost of their own future together.
The Devil's Pipeline

The Devil's Pipeline

Oct 31, 1940
A secretary sends a coded plea for help in her monthly report; two detectives investigate and find out that men are jailed on phony charges, forced to work in oil fields and then murdered if they try to escape.
L'Enfer vert

L'Enfer vert

Jan 26, 1940
Un groupe d'aventuriers profondeur de la tête dans une jungle sud-américaine à la recherche de l'ancien trésor incas.
Les Tuniques écarlates
Au Canada, en 1885. Dan Duroc et Jacques Corbeau, deux métis, tentent de pousser leur peuple à une nouvelle rébellion, plusieurs années après l'écrasement d'une première révolte conduite par Louis Riel. La police montée canadienne, dont les hommes sont surnommés 'Les tuniques rouges' à cause de leur uniforme, tente de maintenir l'ordre. Dusty Rivers arrive du Texas dans le but d'arrêter Jacques Corbeau pour meurtre, et s'associe alors aux tuniques rouges.
Une mystérieuse épidémie, la mort pourpre, ravage la terre. Dr Zarkov, enquête dans son vaisseau spatial, trouve un navire de la planète Mongo ensemencement l'atmosphère avec de la poussière. Effectivement, Ming l'Impitoyable est à ses vieux trucs. Il est donc de retour à Mongo pour Flash, Dale et Zarkov, cette fois avec des alliés prêts à l'emploi en attente: Prince Barin de Arboria et de la reine Fria de la terre du Nord gelée de Phrygie; où il se trouve, se trouve polarite, antidote à la peste. Mais Ming utilisera toutes ses forces pour garder nos héros de contrecarrer ses plans de conquête.
Science Fiction
Honolulu Lu

Honolulu Lu

Dec 11, 1941
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
The Girl from Alaska

The Girl from Alaska

Apr 16, 1942
A would-be prospector becomes involved in a plot to deceive an old prospector of his cache, but falls in love with his daughter instead.


Mar 08, 1940
A beautiful young woman organizes an expedition to Africa to search for a sacred skull that is worshiped by the locals.


Jul 01, 1932
Documentary detailing the hardships of life among Alaskan Natives.


Jul 01, 1932
Documentary detailing the hardships of life among Alaskan Natives.