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ウタヒメ 彼女たちのスモーク・オン・ザ・ウォーター
Mieko is a housewife with some problems. Her husband is indifferent to her and her daughter Sayako refuses to go to school. One day, Mieko meets Kaori who is divorced. Mieko and Kaori worked at a same company years ago. Kaori tells Mieko that how she was swindled out of money by a man and, because of this, Mieko loans money to Kaori. Due to the loan, Mieko, herself, begins to do part-time work at a convenience store. While at work, Mieko catches a shoplifter Yukimi in the convenience store. It turns out, Mieko and Yukimi get along great. Mieko, Yukimi and Kaori decide to go to a karaoke room together. At the karaoke bar, the women hear the song "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple and decide to form a rock band!
Nakatsu was laid off at his company and now works part-time at a convenience store. One day, Nakatsu forms a vigilante group to protect his town with Toshida, who has a mysterious physical ability, Kanari, who is a female high school student with excellent information gathering abilities, and Kusaki, who wields hammers under his sleeves. As they punish evil doers, the group gains popular support and flourish.
ST Keishichou Kagaku Tokusou-han
Five outstanding researchers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s crime lab are gathered and given powers for special investigations in response to diversified modern crimes. They are called the Scientific Task Force or ST for short. The new, elite Inspector Yurine Tomohisa becomes the ST’s commanding officer. Meanwhile, a shooting rampage breaks out. Five people are shot and one of them, a female company employee, dies. The media reports this as Japan’s first case of indiscriminate shooting. The ST is mobilised and Yurine heads to the crime scene...
Out Burn

Out Burn

Aug 09, 2014
Eiko Yagami fait partie de "Marubo", une unité de la Division du crime organisé du Commissariat central de police d'Ueno qui traite directement avec les gangs organisés pour essayer de maintenir la paix. Un jour, Kasumi, fille du chef du gang Senma-gumi, est retrouvé poignardée à mort. Comme cela menace de monter les gangs les uns contre les autres, Eiko et la police doivent se dépêcher de trouver son assassin.


Mar 15, 2017
Hairstylist Shota Kawamura (Kento Hayashi) lives in Paris, but returns to Osaka when he learns his mother Sumire Kawamura (Yoshiko Tokoshima) his mother has passed away. He has a strong dislike for his father Goro Kawamura (Kotaro Yoshida) who neglected his mother. His father runs the small hair salon "Aozora." After his father injures himself, Shota Kawamura must fill-in for his father at Aozora and work employee Haruka Nakai (Rina Kawaei). Shota Kawamura learns that the business is experiencing financial difficulties.
Lovely Complex

Lovely Complex

Jul 12, 2006
Risa Koisumi et Atsushi Otani sont camarades de classes. L'un est très grand pour une fille et l'autre très petit pour un garçon. Suite à une déception sentimentale ayant pour cause leur taille, ils se sont intérieurement promis de ne plus jamais tomber amoureux d'une personne ne correspondant pas à leur taille...
Hula Girls

Hula Girls

Sep 09, 2006
Pour tenter de trouver un substitut économique face à la prochaine fermeture de la mine, un maire a la curieuse idée d’ouvrir un Centre de Danses Hawaïennes dans un village aux hivers rigoureux, au nord du japon en 1965. Il engage une professeur de danse, ancienne étoile à Tokyo, pour enseigner les rudiments du déhanchement à une population locale très réticente. Le film retrace l’histoire vrai et incroyable de cette folle aventure.
Kanna is extremely beautiful. No one could pass by without having a second look. The truth is, she was so ugly that she spent her entire savings on whole-body plastic surgery. Since she became beautiful, Kanna has been leading the happiest life, until someone shows up to reveal her makeover.
Lupin no musume

Lupin no musume

Dec 10, 2020
Hana vient d'une famille qui vole depuis des générations. Elle refuse de devenir une voleuse et elle veut vivre une vie normale et travaille actuellement comme bibliothécaire. Elle sort avec Kazuma, qui travaille comme fonctionnaire et apprend que la famille de Kazuma est composée d'officiers publics. Un jour, Hana rend visite à la famille de Kazuma et découvre que la famille de Kazuma, y compris Kazuma, sont en fait tous des officiers de police. Hana s'implique dans une affaire et tombe dans le pétrin.


Sep 13, 2019
Okawa Yuka is living out the daily motions of life but doesn't understand her reason to keep living. After a confrontation with a co-worker, she decides to end it all but fails when she stops herself from squishing a cicada. That cicada returns the favor by transforming into a man, named semi, for seven days because he thinks it will make her happy. The downside is, he has no idea how to live as a human.


Mar 28, 2019
The 17-year-old Yatabe Mineko grew up in a family of seven in a mountain village in northeastern Ibaraki Prefecture. Her father Minoru has gone to Tokyo to work in order to earn extra money. However, her life completely changes when her father does not come back for the New Year. Mineko asks her family to let her go to Tokyo to find him and promises to send money home. In the autumn of 1964, she and two childhood friends Tokiko and Mitsuo are hired to start working at a small factory in Tokyo’s working class neighborhood. After work each day, Mineko searches for her father and gets disheartened at times. Mineko overcomes challenges and starts to lay down roots in Tokyo as she experiences many meetings and farewells amid the laughter and tears with regulars, people of the shopping street, friends, and colleagues. But will she be able to find her father?
恋の三陸 列車コンで行こう!
Yukari travaille à la mairie d'Ofunato, au Japon. Elle fait partie des employées en charge d'une soirée de jumelage organisée dans un train. Soudain, le mari de sa sœur aînée, Tatsuya apparaît. La sœur aînée de Yukari a disparu et Tatsuya commence à vivre avec Yukari, sa mère Haruko et sa cousine Nanami.


Dec 19, 2020
Sakura runs a secondhand bookstore in Tokyo with a hidden "meeting place" where those in need can gather, share their stories, and enjoy a free meal. Offering comfort and support, Sakura creates a space for healing and connection.
Gaki no Tsukai Ne Pas Rire Batsu Game
Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!! (ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!!?), parfois abrégée Gaki no Tsukai ou Gaki Tsuka, est une émission de télévision humoristique japonaise (owarai) créée et présentée par le duo Downtown depuis le 3 octobre 1989. Le programme est diffusé sur Nippon TV et continue à ce jour : Gaki no Tsukai fête son 1 000e épisode le 18 avril 2010. Le challenge No Laughing (Ne Pas Rire) consiste à mettre nos protagonistes dans des situations les plus farfelues les unes que les autres, il est formèlement interdit de rire sous peine de punition.
The story takes place in a department store, where Shizu-chan plays an elevator girl and Komoto plays the manager of a cake shop. The screenplay will be handled by Osamu Suzuki, who has previously written for the variety show "SMAP x SMAP. Tokyograph Source: Wiki
Endo Kenichi is rumoured to have announced his retirement from acting. Staff head somewhere to uncover the truth, only to see a shocking sight. Endo has concealed his identity and been working at little-known as well as famous hot springs in various regions across the country as a male attendant. He pokes his nose into the affairs of the imperfect beauties he encounters there and runs around trying to solve their problems. However, he loses his heart to them and gets involved in trivial incidents. Why on earth is he doing this?