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Couleur de peau : Miel
Ils sont 200 000 enfants coréens disséminés à travers le monde depuis la fin de la guerre de Corée. Né en 1965 à Séoul et adopté en 1971 par une famille belge, Jung est l’un d’entre eux. Adapté du roman graphique Couleur de peau : Miel, le film revient sur quelques moments clés de la vie de Jung : l’orphelinat, l’arrivée en Belgique, la vie de famille, l’adolescence difficile... Il nous raconte les événements qui l’ont conduit à accepter ses mixités. Le déracinement, l’identité, l’intégration, l’amour maternel, tout comme la famille recomposée et métissée, sont autant de thèmes abordés avec poésie, humour et émotion... Réalisé dans un étonnant mélange d’images réelles et dessinées, entre présent et souvenirs, utilisant à l’occasion des archives historiques et familiales, "Couleur de peau : Miel" est un récit autobiographique d’animation qui explore des terres nouvelles.
Tout ce qui nous relie
All That Connects Us is a documentary on the theme of transmission. It addresses the universal questions of our roots, our history, that of our family, the bond that unites and sometimes separates. How can we build ourselves and what can we pass on to our children when part of our past is unknown to us? This film is the story of the passing of the baton from a mother with her baggage as a Korean adoptee, to her teenage daughter, at a time when identity construction is at its peak, a pivotal and delicate period of breaking with childhood.
Tout ce qui nous relie
All That Connects Us is a documentary on the theme of transmission. It addresses the universal questions of our roots, our history, that of our family, the bond that unites and sometimes separates. How can we build ourselves and what can we pass on to our children when part of our past is unknown to us? This film is the story of the passing of the baton from a mother with her baggage as a Korean adoptee, to her teenage daughter, at a time when identity construction is at its peak, a pivotal and delicate period of breaking with childhood.
Tout ce qui nous relie
All That Connects Us is a documentary on the theme of transmission. It addresses the universal questions of our roots, our history, that of our family, the bond that unites and sometimes separates. How can we build ourselves and what can we pass on to our children when part of our past is unknown to us? This film is the story of the passing of the baton from a mother with her baggage as a Korean adoptee, to her teenage daughter, at a time when identity construction is at its peak, a pivotal and delicate period of breaking with childhood.
Tout ce qui nous relie
All That Connects Us is a documentary on the theme of transmission. It addresses the universal questions of our roots, our history, that of our family, the bond that unites and sometimes separates. How can we build ourselves and what can we pass on to our children when part of our past is unknown to us? This film is the story of the passing of the baton from a mother with her baggage as a Korean adoptee, to her teenage daughter, at a time when identity construction is at its peak, a pivotal and delicate period of breaking with childhood.