Ma Ying

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May 09, 1968
They brutally killed his wife, wiped out dozens of his innocent people, and burnt his entire village down to a charbroiled crisp. Now, master Liou Wen-lung is out for revenge. Armed with a near-invincible sword style and a pack of killer darts, he heads out to settle a 10-year old grudge with the cold-blooded evildoers. Joining him is his son, an orphan named Yu Sien and his trusty servant.
The Assassin

The Assassin

Dec 22, 1967
Le récit prend place à l’époque des Royaumes Combattants (453 à 222 avant Jésus-Christ). Les sept principaux états, sous une apparente entente cordiale, se livrent à des luttes de territoires. Les tractations entre Han et Qin sont monnaie courante et une fraction de la population s’y oppose. Parmi elle, Nieh Cheng, un jeune épéiste a l’ambition de se dresser contre l’autorité et de se sacrifier pour la liberté et l’indépendance de sa patrie.
The Magnificent Swordsman
L'épéiste solitaire Jiang Dan-Feng (Wong Chung-Shun) est pris en embuscade par une bande de bandits qu'il tue rapidement. L'un d'eux, en train de mourir, demande à Jiang d'apporter ses effets personnels à sa sœur (Xiu Xiu). Une fois arrivé au village de Xiu Xiu, une bande de bandits veut s'en prendre au village. Jiang se prépare à le défendre malgré le mépris des habitants à son égard pour avoir tué le frère de Xiu Xiu.


Mar 06, 1968
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.


Mar 13, 1968
The Silver Fox is a throwback, the last of its kind where the heroic swordsmen are women. Lily Ho (before she became one of Shaw Brothers' great erotica actresses) portrays the feared swordswoman Silver Fox, who as a child saw her father senselessly wounded and her mother raped. It's 18 years later and it's payback time.


Feb 04, 1966
Northeastern China is infested with bandits. Hsiao Kai (Paul Chang Chung), a wandering knight, captures a white horse from thieves. His skilful handling of the horse earns his admiration of fellow traveler Chu Ching Hsu (Wong Chung Shun). They arrive at Lo Lung Kow, where the villagers hunt for a living and are constantly terrorized by bandits. Grocer Ting Tze Pao (Ngai Ping Ngo) returns from his negotiations with the bandits with bad news. They intend to collect furs from the villagers at a fixed price. Village leader Mu (Yuen Sam and his daughter Tsui Ying (Pat ting Hung) run a tavern. She wonders how the white horse belonging to a Sinkiang youth named Sha Yi Ti (Man Ling) is now in the possession of Hsiao Kai.
Les Douze Médaillons d'or
Tandis qu'un brave général chinois et ses hommes luttent contre les envahisseurs tartares, plusieurs épéistes tentent de s'emparer de douze médaillons d'or dont la possession conditionne l'avenir de la dynastie Song.


Nov 12, 1970
After a notorious rapist kills his master and entire clan, the Iron Buddha sets out for revenge. He'll need a magic sword first though, naturally.


Dec 28, 1968
A philandering business tycoon accuses his angelic wife of cheating. He learns the hard way he had it good and hopes to win his wife back.
L'Auberge du printemps
En 1936, une partie du peuple chinois, menée par le moine Chu Yuanchan, se souleva contre l'oppresseur mongol qui gouvernait les provinces du Honan, du Shanxi et du Shantung. La soeur du puissant prince Lee Khan réussit à corrompre un ami de Chu Yuanchan et lui donna rendez-vous dans une auberge.


Nov 15, 1967
Ling Yun plays the replacement hired for a popular band whose egotistic drummer quit to join a rival group. When the new arrival becomes a hit, he earns the jealous wrath of the predecessor. Meanwhile, the young drummer's mother is fervently against his music career. With the gorgeous Lily Ho as the manageress of the band and some terrific drumming set pieces, the whole thing, needless to say, comes off with a bang.


Apr 11, 1970
Li Ching plays one of three daughters, whose life is turned upside down when she discovers she is adopted. But things get even worse when she goes in search of her real mother. Finally, after almost a double tragedy, she realizes what so many knew all along: There's no place like home.


Nov 06, 1970
Teddy plays some physically deformed musical genius named Wu Sheng who falls for a blind girl named Jui Fang (Chin Ping). Is love really blind? According to Wu Sheng, probably so, but when Jui Fang is on the verge of regaining her eyesight from an operation, Wu Sheng packs up and leaves the country for fear of Jui Fang disowning him once her eyes gets a look at Wu Sheng.


Nov 23, 1967
A suave swinger and a cool chick have one half of a treasure map, the bad guys have the other half. Who will get the goods?


Oct 05, 1972
Chuan Yuan is the noble, powerful hero and Shu Pei-pei, one of Shaw’s top swordswoman, is a reluctant bride who comes upon a rebellion plot. They are joined by a large cast of expert fighters and actors all keeping the intrigue and adventure foremost in the film. There’s even a nice surprise ending amidst all the action.
La Diablesse aux mille visages
Mystérieuse, redoutable, la Diablesse aux mille Visages est une cambrioleuse professionnelle dont les méfaits répétés ridiculisent les forces de l'ordre. Deux femmes sont prêtes à tout pour la démasquer. La première, Molly, est une journaliste ambitieuse qui pourrait bien décrocher une prime en publiant un article explosif. La seconde, Ji Ying, est une présentatrice TV, excédée par les agissements de la voleuse, qui n'hésite pas à provoquer cette dernière lors de son émission. Résultat : Ji Ying est kidnappée le soir même, et se retrouve peu de temps après dans le repère secret de la Diablesse...