Riina Maidre

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Sandra saab tööd

Sandra saab tööd

Sep 24, 2021
Doctor of Physics Sandra suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first glance, but it turns into various tragicomic challenges. Endless job interviews bring the former researcher together with all sorts of situations and new personalities.


Nov 24, 2007
With the help of Põrguneitsi, the mythological virgin of hell, a young man saves the world. When he later comes to understand that he has not changed anyone's attitude, he leads the world to ruins again.
Tears of April

Tears of April

Aug 29, 2008
1918. La guerre civile fait rage en Finlande ; les Rouges sociaux-démocrates affrontent les Blancs antisocialistes. Le soldat Aaro Harjula, jeune recrue parmi les Blancs, est le témoin impuissant des exactions commises sur les femmes soldats Rouges qui sont violées puis exécutées sans aucun jugement. Il décide d'emmener à un tribunal militaire proche l'une des femmes qui a échappé au massacre.
Melchior l'apothicaire : Le spectre de la rue du Puits
Une série de morts étranges secoue l’ancienne Tallinn. Un veilleur de nuit prétend avoir vu le spectre de Dorothea, la fille d’un riche marchand qui s’est noyée dans un puits plusieurs années auparavant. Le lendemain, il est retrouvé mort, tombé d’une haute tour. Peu de temps après, le cadavre d'une fille de joie est découvert près du puits, non loin de la boutique de l'apothicaire. Alors que ces événements affolent toutes les superstitions, Melchior est mandaté pour résoudre cette nouvelle énigme. Son enquête va le mener dans les bas-fonds de la ville pour démêler les fils du passé et mettre fin à cette série de meurtres mystérieux.


Oct 05, 2007
Unforgettable melodies, unique timbre and a memorable, soul-stirring voice. A mystery for women and authority for men, his talent was revered by the highest ranks of the Soviet Union and millions of ordinary people. Georg Ots took the stage when a huge country was recovering from the horrors of war, and his voice returned them faith in a bright future. Few people know what his life was really like.


May 31, 2018
A fantasy film about two strawberry farmers whose field is destroyed by ravenous snails. The couple tries to start a new life in the city but when the woman announces they're expecting a child, the paranoid man suspects that snails are behind that as well.
Kõik muusikud on kaabakad
In her fondest dreams, this film’s main character Leila (Riina Maidre) is a resplendent singer. In reality, however, all her energy and talent is spent on relationships that eat away at her soul, mind-altering substances, and glamorous showing-off. Heleri defies the rules. By playing with the possibilities of the art of film, she takes the viewer to an uneasy universe where the boundary between reality and illusion is incredibly thin. This is a world that is familiar to everyone who at some point in their life had to grow up and admit to themselves that dreaming is not enough on its own. And who have regardless of that chosen dreaming.


Aug 14, 2008
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.
Tears of April

Tears of April

Aug 29, 2008
1918. La guerre civile fait rage en Finlande ; les Rouges sociaux-démocrates affrontent les Blancs antisocialistes. Le soldat Aaro Harjula, jeune recrue parmi les Blancs, est le témoin impuissant des exactions commises sur les femmes soldats Rouges qui sont violées puis exécutées sans aucun jugement. Il décide d'emmener à un tribunal militaire proche l'une des femmes qui a échappé au massacre.
Uued algused

Uued algused

Nov 01, 2019
A mover helps a woman to move in with her boyfriend. For the woman, who is searching her place in life, neither this, the next, nor the one after that will be the last time to move.
Mis iganes, Aleksander!
Aleksander is a talented young man who has no idea what to do with his life after graduating from high school. Choosing a career, family, university degree, or joining the army seem out of the question. It seems like he has no interest in anything. Unfortunately, neither Aleksander's parents nor his friends can give him advice. For years, Aleksander has observed the way other people live their lives. This has led him to an understanding that he doesn't want to become one of them. He wants a different life. Only that he doesn't know what kind of life that is.


Mar 08, 2012
A group of women create a organisation named "Kättemaksukontor" to fight for the rights of women and help solve murder mysterys for the police.
Tuulepealne maa

Tuulepealne maa

Feb 24, 2013
Tuulepealne maa is a twelve-part Estonian television mini-series about the pre-World War II history of Estonia, its birth as a country, the Estonian War of Independence, post-war life throughout 1920 up to 1941 and World War II.