Safy Boutella

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Automne, Octobre À Alger
L'histoire d'une famille dans l'instabilité et la violence qui ont secoué l'Algérie lors des émeutes d'octobre 1988 en pleine montée de l’intégrisme et de l’intolérance, des déceptions et des interdits, de la corruption, du népotisme et de l’abus de pouvoir. Le 5 octobre 1988, les jeunes algériens occupent la rue... Après l'Algérie plongera dans le chaos de la Décennie Noire qui durera plus dix ans et fera plus de 150 000 morts.
Ombres Blanches

Ombres Blanches

Jan 01, 1991
Hassan vient déclarer au commissariat d'Alger la disparition de son ami Youssef. Il raconte la vie de ce jeune homme. Youssef était tombé amoureux à Paris d'une jeune archéologue algérienne, Assia. Il avait presque failli oublier qu'il était aussi algérien, et avait eu l'impression de retrouver son identité. Expulsé de France à 31 ans pour fait de grève, vers un pays d'origine qu'il avait quitté dans les langes de sa mère, Youssef réalise alors la difficulté de s'intégrer dans une société, celle de son pays natal...
Majnoun Layla

Majnoun Layla

Feb 03, 1989
Since childhood, Qays and Layla have been in love. Qays, being a poet, publicly sings of his love, crying it out joyously far and wide - just the sort of public proclamation which was strictly condemned at the time. Distraught yet fearless, Qays stubbornly proclaims with all the more vigor his love for Layla, who remains entrapped by her own clan.
ليلة القتل

ليلة القتل

Jan 02, 1992
Salim, a reporter, is having trouble with his wife Nadia. They have lost their passion for each other, and Nadia falls in love with Miloud, Salim's driver. Miloud then murders his boss.


Jun 05, 1991
Room to Rent

Room to Rent

Jun 22, 2001
Ali is a young Egyptian screenwriter determined to succeed in London, where he has been a student. He loves the artistic and political freedom, the colours, the music, the individualism. But he has little money, his student visa is about to expire and he has been thrown out of his lodgings. And so Ali moves in with a succession of eccentric and colourful London flatmates: Mark, a photographer with a very individual style, Linda, a young, blonde, very sexy model and Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and Miss Stevenson who is convinced that Ali is the reincarnation of her long dead Egyptian lover.
Mostefa Ben Boulaïd

Mostefa Ben Boulaïd

Dec 01, 2008
Ali is a young Egyptian screenwriter determined to succeed in London, where he has been a student. He loves the artistic and political freedom, the colours, the music, the individualism. But he has little money, his student visa is about to expire and he has been thrown out of his lodgings. And so Ali moves in with a succession of eccentric and colourful London flatmates: Mark, a photographer with a very individual style, Linda, a young, blonde, very sexy model and Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and Miss Stevenson who is convinced that Ali is the reincarnation of her long dead Egyptian lover.
Little Senegal

Little Senegal

Apr 18, 2001
Ali is a young Egyptian screenwriter determined to succeed in London, where he has been a student. He loves the artistic and political freedom, the colours, the music, the individualism. But he has little money, his student visa is about to expire and he has been thrown out of his lodgings. And so Ali moves in with a succession of eccentric and colourful London flatmates: Mark, a photographer with a very individual style, Linda, a young, blonde, very sexy model and Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and Miss Stevenson who is convinced that Ali is the reincarnation of her long dead Egyptian lover.
Automne, Octobre À Alger
Ali is a young Egyptian screenwriter determined to succeed in London, where he has been a student. He loves the artistic and political freedom, the colours, the music, the individualism. But he has little money, his student visa is about to expire and he has been thrown out of his lodgings. And so Ali moves in with a succession of eccentric and colourful London flatmates: Mark, a photographer with a very individual style, Linda, a young, blonde, very sexy model and Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and Miss Stevenson who is convinced that Ali is the reincarnation of her long dead Egyptian lover.
Les soeurs Hamlet

Les soeurs Hamlet

Feb 18, 1998
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.


Mar 10, 2000
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Le Bouchon

Le Bouchon

Jan 01, 1980
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Pas si simple

Pas si simple

Apr 21, 2010
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Salut cousin !

Salut cousin !

Nov 15, 1996
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Histoire d'une Rencontre
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Poussières de vie

Poussières de vie

Jan 18, 1995
At long last, the two Hamlet sisters are allowed to go to Paris by themselves, and the discotheque they have heard about beckons. When the driver for their ride home becomes too drunk to drive, they cannot reach their mother by phone, and it is too late to take the last train back to where they live, they are stranded in town. The girls, who are themselves partly of Algerian descent, are accosted by a disreputable looking older Algerian immigrant, who tries to give them cash so that they can take a taxi back to their homes. They are afraid of him and try to get away from him. He apparently accepts this, but trails them without calling attention to himself. It is good that he does, for they soon run into real trouble, and then they find out that despite his frightening appearance, he means them well.
Raï Is Not Dead

Raï Is Not Dead

Feb 06, 2023
Quel genre musical peut prétendre être passé, en l’espace de cinquante ans, d’un cabaret caché d’Oran à la mi-temps du Super Bowl ? Née en Algérie au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la vague raï s’est propagée des cabarets de l'ouest algérien aux boutiques de cassettes de Barbès à Paris, avant de déferler sur le monde à la fin des années 1980. Se nourrissant de son hybridation, l’enivrante musique a voyagé des mariages algériens et français aux plus grandes scènes internationales, avant de disparaître brutalement des radars à l'aube du nouveau millénaire. Des icônes disparues, dont Cheikha Remitti et le prince Hasni, aux jeunes héritiers, en passant par la star Khaled, le collectionneur Hadj Sameer retrace le cours tumultueux de ce genre musical, entre clandestinité, gloire planétaire et résistance.