A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.
Abandoned by his wife, Martin is lying to his daughter not to be upset. But as Hanka grows, these lies become unbearable. Martin meets Nada unexpectedly, asked her to be a rent-a-mother and all lives are completely changed.
Three forty-year-olds friends, hockey player and football players, decide to end their sports careers at the same time. All three find themselves at the beginning of a new life and must choose the path they will take.
A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators.