Stoyan Aleksiev

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Oct 05, 2003
Biopic of Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiari, the second wife of the last Shah of Iran, who was overthrown in the 1979's Islamic Revolution.
Une femme à abattre

Une femme à abattre

Aug 01, 2008
Professeure de français, Claire vit avec Andreï, un journaliste russe exilé à Paris. Le 7 octobre 2006, jour anniversaire de Poutine, la reporter Anna Politkovskaïa est assassinée dans l'entrée de son immeuble à Moscou. Andreï, qui était l’un de ses amis, se rend aux obsèques. Mais bientôt, son téléphone ne répond plus. La peur au ventre, Claire s'envole pour Moscou à sa recherche… Très documentée, cette fiction rend hommage à la reporter russe, l'une des rares à avoir dénoncé les exactions commises en Tchétchénie, mais aussi à tous ceux qui risquent leur vie dans la Russie de Poutine, au nom de la liberté d'expression. Au fil d'une enquête qui entraîne Claire (vibrante Mélanie Doutey) jusqu'à Grozny, c'est toute l'âpre complexité de la Russie d’aujourd’hui que révèle le film, tourné en Bulgarie et à Moscou.


Oct 10, 2010
The film is a romantic comedy, inspired by the fairy-tale atmosphere of the Hofmann fantasies.


Feb 11, 2015
One submarine fairy-tale, in which the matter is about surface things. Friendship, parting, hope... Words, which we have slightly forgotten in our days, but they are important – and this is why we would like to recollect them again. Little Lilly listens from the telephone box on the beach a fairy-tale, which leads her to the seabed. There she meets an ugly monster – the fish Hrilly – and together they start looking for the magic pearl, which: “Shines in the sea of the children’s games a pearl, which
Откраднати очи
This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called "regeneration process" (when ethnic Turks' names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones). He is responsible for the official seals, which is required to issue the new identity documents after the forced name changes. The schoolteacher Ayten tries to steal the seals, thinking that this way she can slow down the ethnic genocide. Their unexpected and unusual meeting brings these two characters together and makes them fell close, forcing Ivan to take a fateful decision -he must either "rename" Ayten, or face the consequences if he does not.
Бай Ганьо тръгва из Европа
Bay Ganyo is the national anti-hero. He personifies arrogance, insolence, greediness, and the absolute incapability to adopt any civilization principles of relationships. This protagonist was featured by great Bulgarian writer Aleko Konstantinov in the end of 19 c., both with an incredible sense of humor and anguish. Whether being in the Wiener Opera, or visiting a famous scientist at his home, or shopping, or just walking down the streets, this Bulgarian character, Bay Ganyo, is no more than a hopeless barbarian. The film makes new interpretation of this classical literature work. The comic adventures of Baj Ganjo are reconstructed in retro-nostalgic tonality. The final episode when the protagonist appears on the stage of the Wiener Opera among the singers participating in a Mozart's opera is the culmination of the transition of the farce into a tragic comedy.
Време разделно
In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out.
Gallows is being raised in a prison yard. A moment before the execution the Girl brings a document of the young communist's temporary pardon. The chief of the prison, the Major, has a mandolin collection. He offers a fistfight to the young communist. The young man hits him. The Major and the young communist start playing the mandolins together. Girl is allowed to meet the young communist. The boy begins to play. The melody brings to the Major pleasant memories. He fought in the Spanish civil war, but after the defeat, he turned back on his beliefs. The Major receives a telegram that he needs to send the young communist to another prison. Death awaits him there. In is rage the Major breaks the mandolins. He orders the young communist to be taken out to work. The young man runs off. The Major shoots him himself.
Любовни сънища
Edgar M. and his mother come abroad a small ship to Eden Sanatorium spa. It is here that the wife, wronged by her husband, will seek a cure for her bad headache, while the 13-year-old Edgar M. is fighting his first male impulses as well as 'enoresis nocturna', the prettier word for wetting one's bed. The boy's amazed gaze hungrily devours the diverse hotel guests, their love joys and sorrows, while passion lustfully penetrates the walls, carried by the voice of the enchanting opera singer.
За къде пътувате?
In this comedy, a mathematician is so bored and burnt-out with his career that he rebels, first by crawling under a table during an interminable faculty meeting and then by throwing his telephone away, locking his wife out of their apartment, and running off on his own. At this point, the comedy takes a turn when the rebellious mathematician follows a strange wheel and meets a goatherd who shelters him in his humble abode. Events change from a bit odd to totally bizarre as the mathematician continues on his journey of escape.


Oct 23, 2014
Lorsqu’il arrive à l’asile de Stonehearst le docteur Edward Newgate est accueilli par le Directeur de l’établissement, le Dr Lamb et une envoûtante jeune femme : Eliza Graves. Edward montre beaucoup d’intérêt pour les méthodes de traitement modernes de Lamb, jusqu’à ce que de mystérieuses disparitions attirent son attention...Suivez Edward dans une passionnante enquête aux frontières de l'étrange.
Дон Кихот возвращается
Spain, XVII century. Elderly eccentric Don Quihan dreams of romance about knights and exploits. Everyone around him considers the old man crazy, only the shepherd Sancho Panse sincerely believed in the noble impulses of Don Kihano. One night, Don Quihano decides to realize his dream and escape from the city. “Don Quixote Returns” is an adventure comedy based on the novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel Cervantes.
Le lièvre de Vatanen

Le lièvre de Vatanen

Dec 27, 2006
Tom Vatanen, photographe vedette d'un grand magazine canadien, s'apprête à recevoir le grand prix du journaliste de l'année. A la demande de Peter, son rédacteur en chef, il accepte de couvrir un dramatique fait divers dans la banlieue de Montréal. Sur la route du retour, la voiture de Peter heurte un jeune lièvre. Sans un mot, Tom descend du véhicule et s'enfonce dans la forêt à la recherche de l'animal. De la rencontre entre cet homme et ce lièvre aux pouvoirs quasi magiques va naître une indéfectible amitié. Elle conduira les deux nouveaux compagnons à travers le Grand Nord canadien, dans une suite d'impressionnantes aventures aux allures de quête initiatique.


Jan 25, 1988
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.
Il giorno del porco

Il giorno del porco

Aug 04, 1993
The crippled Sarkis is the true king of Carbio. But it's Azazel who usurps the throne after having killed the former king, Sarkis' brother. Azazel proclaims a three-day feast of total freedom, chaos ensues, and Azazel asks Sarkis for help.
La fuite des innocents
1941. L'histoire vraie de quarante enfants juifs bloqués en Yougoslavie par les armées allemandes et italiennes sur la route qui devait les mener en Palestine.


Aug 17, 2011
Откраднат живот
Love, treachery, sin, redemption, difficult decisions and surprising twists are the basis of dramatic story in the series "Stolen Life", which being played out against the backdrop of extreme life of the medical profession.