Thelma Ruby

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Les Chemins de la haute ville
Joe Lampton occupe un petit emploi. Faisant partie de la même troupe de théâtre que Susan, la fille de son patron, il espère fuir ce futur morne en se mariant avec elle, par intérêt. Mais il est plus attiré par une autre membre de la troupe, Alice, plus âgée et mal mariée.
Wall of Silence

Wall of Silence

Oct 17, 1993
A corpse is fished out of a north London canal with stab wounds through the eyes. The victim was a prominent member of the Hasidic Jewish community, and the cause of death one reserved by the Hasidim to punish "moysers" or informers.
Johnny, You're Wanted

Johnny, You're Wanted

Jan 20, 1956
Returning late to London, Johnny gives a lift to an attractive female hitch-hiker. Some distance on, he stops to make a phone call and buy a coffee, but on returning to his cab finds the woman gone. Assuming she has hitched another ride, he continues on his way. A short time later he is flagged down by another driver, who has come across a woman lying by the roadside. The woman is Johnny's hitchhiker and she's dead.
Back to Black

Back to Black

Apr 11, 2024
Londres, 2003. Alors qu'elle vient de faire paraître un premier album remarqué, la chanteuse Amy Winehouse rencontre dans un pub Blake Fielder. L'amour fou avec ce cocaïnomane sans domicile fossilise tous les défauts de la jeune auteure-compositrice. À commencer par son alcoolisme, qui chasse sa timidité mais aussi son bon jugement. Résolue à demeurer authentique et à ne pas se faire dicter sa conduite par sa maison de disques, Amy décrète une pause, le temps de vivre les expériences qui inspireront les chansons de son deuxième album. En 2006, deuil, rupture, cure de désintoxication, sont au programme de "Back to Black", un disque qui la consacre à l'échelle mondiale... sans toutefois empêcher l'inéluctable.
Where There's a Will

Where There's a Will

Mar 01, 1955
A Cockney family inherit a ramshackle Devon farm. The rest of the family don't want to leave London but the father insists and off they go, to face the unknown.
The Last of the Blonde Bombshells
After Elizabeth's husband dies, she begins to play her tenor saxophone again, and remembers when she was 15 and a member of the Blonde Bombshells, an all-girl (with one exception) swing band. Accompanied by the exception and urged on by her grand-daughter, Elizabeth hunts up all the old members of the band and urges them to perform, and in doing so, learns more than she knew about the band, its members, the roses on the drum set, and herself--the last of the Blonde Bombshells.
A Home of Your Own

A Home of Your Own

Jan 01, 1964
A Home of Your Own is a 1964 British comedy film which is a brick-by-brick account of the building a young couple’s dream house. From the day when the site is first selected, to the day – several years and children later – when the couple finally move in, the story is a noisy but wordless comedy of errors as the incompetent labourers struggle to complete the house. It may well have been inspired by the success of Bernard Cribbins' classic song of the same vein from two years earlier, "Right Said Fred". In this satirical look at British builders, many cups of tea are made, windows are broken and the same section of road is dug up over and over again by the water board, the electricity board and the gas board. Ronnie Barker’s put-upon cement mixer, Peter Butterworth’s short-sighted carpenter and Bernard Cribbins’ hapless stonemason all contribute to the ensuing chaos.
Documentary Now!

Documentary Now!

Nov 16, 2022
L'Histoire américaine explorée à travers une série documentaire... ou presque. Chaque épisode est tourné dans un style différent de documentaire parodiant les plus connus et rend hommage à certaines des histoires les plus importantes qui n'ont pas vraiment eu lieu.


Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 01, 1986
Véritable tête brûlée de la police de New York, le lieutenant James Dempsey voit son coéquipier Joey mourir lors d'une opération contre des trafiquants de drogue et découvre que sa hiérarchie est complètement corrompue. En danger, il décide de partir en Angleterre et intègre une unité spéciale de la police britannique. Sa collaboration avec sa nouvelle partenaire, la très noble et un peu snob Harriet Makepeace, fait très vite des étincelles...
Action & Adventure