Ivan Yurukov

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Леден сън

Леден сън

Nov 11, 2005
In secret institute in the mid 80s of last century, experiments are conducted to freeze people. The similarity of the two names confused destinies of several people. Twenty years later, accidentally frozen man wakes up in a new and very different world absurdities of mature socialism faced with the absurdities of today ...
Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Feb 10, 2005
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of 'generation'.


Jan 28, 2007
In 1945 Ada Sereni left her three children in Palestine - where she had lived for eighteen years - and returned to Italy in serach of her husband who went missing durin the war. She immediately become involved in an underground movement Aliah Bet, which secretly organized the expatriation to the promised land of Jews who had esacped Nazi concentration camps. This is the story of how a third of Europe's surviving Jews left Italy for their new home.


Dec 08, 2017
Kalin (35 ans) est un spécialiste de la publicité. Bilyana (35 ans) est un esprit libre, toujours incertaine de ce qu’elle veut. Ils ont grandi en Bulgarie socialiste, où ils faisaient partie d’un groupe d’amis fous, pour qui chaque jour était une aventure différente. ils avaient un pacte pour se marier. Ils se rencontrent 25 ans plus tard.


Nov 21, 2007
Crâne rasé, code barre tatoué sur la nuque, costume noir, chemise blanche et cravate rouge : l'agent 47 est le plus mystérieux et le plus insaisissable des tueurs professionnels. Réputé pour la minutie avec laquelle il va jusqu'au bout de ses missions, il obéit toujours à un protocole strict : extrême vigilance, extrême discrétion et extrême soin apporté à l'exécution de ses contrats. Patience et détermination sont ses deux armes de prédilection. Rien ne l'arrête. Sa signature : l'absence de preuves. Sa spécialité : disparaître sitôt sa mission accomplie. Un vrai fantôme, obligé de se découvrir le jour où Belicoff, candidat aux élections russes, lui tend un piège. Avec Interpol, les services secrets russes et trois tueurs de sa propre agence à ses trousses, l'agent 47 est contraint de briser son propre protocole pour mener à bien sa mission...
До Последния Каприз
A virtuous violin player withdraws from the big stage with the only aim to play the "Caprices" perfectly not for the audience, but for himself. A weapon buried in the ground is the reason for him to meet two boys from a mountain village which changes their lives forever.
До Последния Каприз
A virtuous violin player withdraws from the big stage with the only aim to play the "Caprices" perfectly not for the audience, but for himself. A weapon buried in the ground is the reason for him to meet two boys from a mountain village which changes their lives forever.