Eric Hoffman

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My Big Fat Independent Movie
This hilariously smart satire tells the story of Johnny Vince, a swingin' hepcat who meets hitman Sam and Harvey on a road trip to pull a "botched robbery" in Las Vegas. Along the way they take a deeply unfulfilled not-so-good-girl hostage, encounter the mysterious Mechanic, get harassed by a foul-mouthed answering machine... and did we mention the lesbians? The result - hilarity ensues!
Sorority House Massacre II
Cinq étudiantes décident d'acheter la vieille résidence Hokstedler pour en faire une sororité. Le prix d'achat n'est pas élevé car des évènements sanglants s'y sont déroulés cinq ans auparavant. Elles s'installent alors dans la maison, non sans remarquer que leur inquiétant voisin Orville Ketchum ne cesse de les épier.


Jan 20, 2000
Il est court sur les côtés, à long dans le dos, et le mauvais partout. Mais ne pas le jive, ou il vous les laver.


Jul 18, 2003
Brainwarp, the world's dumbest supervillain, attempts to make rent ($200) for his studio apartment hideout through a combination of foul language and violence. The action is fast and the visuals are like acid 'on acid.'
Nerd Hunter 3004

Nerd Hunter 3004

Dec 31, 2004
Derek Rillix is a Nerd Hunter, a special officer assigned to hunt down and delete anyone engaged in illegal "NERD" activities. Rillix knows that the underground nerd movement, led by MasterGeek, are planning a massive comic book convention. Rillix is bent on stopping this, but something is gnawing away deep inside him, a deep secret that even he cannot face.
Science Fiction


Jul 18, 2003
Brainwarp, the world's dumbest supervillain, attempts to make rent ($200) for his studio apartment hideout through a combination of foul language and violence. The action is fast and the visuals are like acid 'on acid.'
Nerd Hunter 3004

Nerd Hunter 3004

Dec 31, 2004
Derek Rillix is a Nerd Hunter, a special officer assigned to hunt down and delete anyone engaged in illegal "NERD" activities. Rillix knows that the underground nerd movement, led by MasterGeek, are planning a massive comic book convention. Rillix is bent on stopping this, but something is gnawing away deep inside him, a deep secret that even he cannot face.
Science Fiction
Girlfriend's Day

Girlfriend's Day

Jan 24, 2017
Derek Rillix is a Nerd Hunter, a special officer assigned to hunt down and delete anyone engaged in illegal "NERD" activities. Rillix knows that the underground nerd movement, led by MasterGeek, are planning a massive comic book convention. Rillix is bent on stopping this, but something is gnawing away deep inside him, a deep secret that even he cannot face.


May 14, 2006
Petit génie malgré lui, Malcolm vit dans une famille hors du commun. Le jeune surdoué n'hésite pas à se servir de son intelligence pour faire les 400 coups avec ses frères : Francis, l'aîné, envoyé dans une école militaire après une bêtise de trop, Reese, une brute pas très maligne, et Dewey, le petit dernier, souffre-douleur général. Les parents tentent tant bien que mal de canaliser l'énergie de ces petits démons. Si Lois est despotique et veut tout contrôler, Hal, en revanche, est irresponsable et ne pense qu'à s'amuser.


Nov 13, 2015
Renvoyés des forces spéciales de la marine pour indiscipline, Bob et David reviennent avec leur arme préférée dans cette série comique à sketches.