Maria Garland

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Gys og gæve tanter

Gys og gæve tanter

Jul 29, 1966
Bettina Eriksen, manager of her Uncle Teodor's nursing home, is being framed for murder. With the help of 2 older ladies, Bettina sets out to find out the murderer's identity and motive.


Dec 17, 1951
Den rige enke

Den rige enke

Sep 03, 1962
Ellekjærs fremtid ligger Ann-Marie på sinde. Hun forsøge at få sin adoptivdatter, Grete, gift med Erik von der Rude, men Grete elsker forkarlen Jørgen. De beslutter sig for at gifte sig, hvorefter Annemarie slår hånden af Grete. Ann-Marie anden datter, Elin, er dog forelsket i Erik. Eriks fortid fra København indhenter ham dog, og Elin flytter ind hos sin søster. Derefter går filmen gennem en række forviklinger, før endelig Elin og Erik kan blive gift, og Ann-Marie forenes med sine døtre igen.
Familien Olsen

Familien Olsen

Mar 18, 1940
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.


Dec 27, 1952
Helga is on a farm, where she is seduced by her husband, Per Mortensen. As it turns out she is with child, she gets a tough time among local residents. They consider it the greatest shame that can befall a young, unmarried girl. Per refuses bargain to be the father of the child. Her parents can not afford to keep the baby, so she tries to go to court - without result. Fortunately, she gets a new duty station at Torpegaarden where she thrives. In particular, she has a good eye to his son on the farm, Gudmund. He also liked the young girl
Pas paa svinget i Solby
Præsten i Solby låner 2.000 kr. i menighedsrådskassen for at betale for et af sine sognebørns hospitalsophold i Tyskland. Rigmandsdatteren Marianne skal være brudepige i Aalborg og tager fra København mod Jylland. I Solby kører hun for stærkt gennem byen, hvorfor hun kommer ud for et biluheld og lander i præstens have! Hun begynder straks at dirigere rundt med alle i præstegården, hvilket tante Marie bestemt ikke er glad for. Præsten er derimod tiltrukket af pigen. De bader i søen og går til bal sammen, hvilket medfører at fru Larsen tager ind for at tale med biskoppen. Efter at Marianne er taget tilbage til København melder Biskoppen sin ankomst i sognegården. Hvor skal præsten nu finde de 2.000 kr. ? Præsten har dog en del venner der forsøger at hjælpe ham, men han får også uventet hjælp af biskoppen.


Nov 18, 1914
FRAGMENT | A young sailor has to leave his fiancée behind when he is called out to sea. The night before he is to begin his journey home from a foreign port, a ball is held on his ship, and he is seduced by an exotic woman. He ends up in her oriental house and loses track of time so his ship sails without him. Desperate, he tries to reach his ship in a crate, but fails and ends up once again at the house of his mistress, where he now becomes a regular guest. Back home, his fiancée waits in vain for word of her beloved. Will he ever come home? (
De røde heste

De røde heste

Jan 09, 1950
The old renowned Landboskole is spreading a new team of Agricultural Candidates after completing the Course.
Mine kære koner

Mine kære koner

May 24, 1943
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
Ditte Menneskebarn

Ditte Menneskebarn

Dec 20, 1946
Ditte is born out of wedlock and lives as a young girl with her old beloved grandmother. As an illegitimate child she is teased in school and more than anything in the world she wants a father. When steady - utterly reliable - herring dealer Lars Petter shows up and tells her that he is marrying Ditte's mother, the little girl is very happy. Now Ditte must take care of three new sisters and brothers but gets nothing but complaints from her ungrateful, selfish mother. But the little girl finds consolation and support in both her sisters and brothers and Lars Petter.


Feb 27, 1961
In the village Karrild, the Countess Sonia Hardenborg and a young unmarried woman, Marta, give birth to a daughter on the same day. Marta dies after birth, so Marta's daughter, Betina, come under the care of the countess. 17 years later, Betina and Countess Sonia's daughter, Maria, meet, as Betina is living in a home for orphaned girls, which is adjacent to the Hardenborg estate. The two girls become friends, and Maria invites Betina to visit her at Hardenborg, to greet her parents Sonia and Otto Hardenborg and her brother Count Flemming. Meanwhile, Betina's father, Frank Jensen, starts working in the estate's woods, and when the two girls come to visit him, he is shocked by the resemblance between the young countess and Betina's mother Marta.
Det brændende Spørgsmaal
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
Soldaten og Jenny

Soldaten og Jenny

Oct 30, 1947
A good natured soldier with a killer right hand falls in love with a beautiful girl who has a troubled past.
Vi vil ha' et barn

Vi vil ha' et barn

Sep 05, 1949
Else and her husband want a child but Else can't have one following an abortion performed before she got married. When Jytte, her friend, a salesgirl who is the mistress of a married man, tells her she is pregnant, Else thinks she has worked things out: along with her husband she will adopt the unwanted child. But things turn out differently since Jytte decides to keep the newborn the moment she sets eyes on it.
Alle mand paa dæk

Alle mand paa dæk

Oct 28, 1942
Sailor and tomboy Else (Gerd Gjedved) is fighting for the family's schooner 'Nordstjernen'. Shipping-heir Steen (Hans Kurt) has fallen from his rich father's grace to serve as a 'Nordstjernen' sailor. Will Else and Steen be only colleagues?


Sep 03, 1942
Mrs Clara has been married to Carl Møller for almost 25 years, but she is not happy.


Oct 27, 1947
Tre små piger

Tre små piger

Aug 05, 1966
Grev Rambow har mistet sin formue og må nu bo til leje sammen med sine tre døtre, Beate, Marie og Annette. Grevens eneste håb er, at døtrene gifter sig tilbage til fordums rigdom. Så da tre bejlere melder sig, bliver de nøje målt og vejet. Alt går som planlagt, indtil den rige Hertuginde de Groos vil have sit skvat af en søn gift med Beate. Den desperate greve slår straks til. Men Beate er forelsket i en anden, og nu må pigerne stå sammen, så de alle kan få den, de elsker. Det er en sand stjernebesætning, der stiller op til den sang-, sjov- solfyldte ”Tre Små Piger” - baseret på Walter Kollos operette fra 1927. Instruktør Ebbe Langberg har æren af at instruere Poul Bundgaard, Susse Wold, Malene Schwartz, Daimi, Ove Sprogøe, Bodil Udsen, Karl Stegger og ikke mindst sin 26-årige lillebror, Jesper Langberg i en film, der er lige dele underholdende lystspil og imponerende flot udstyrsstykke. Stærke kræfter bag en musikalsk storfilm - på DVD i Nordisk Films 100-års jubilæumsår.


Nov 18, 1914
FRAGMENT | A young sailor has to leave his fiancée behind when he is called out to sea. The night before he is to begin his journey home from a foreign port, a ball is held on his ship, and he is seduced by an exotic woman. He ends up in her oriental house and loses track of time so his ship sails without him. Desperate, he tries to reach his ship in a crate, but fails and ends up once again at the house of his mistress, where he now becomes a regular guest. Back home, his fiancée waits in vain for word of her beloved. Will he ever come home? (