Hao Li-Jen

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Le Bras de la vengeance
Le fermier Fang Gang, anciennement surnommé le Sabreur Manchot , se voit proposer de participer à un tournoi d'arts martiaux. Ayant promis à sa femme Xiao-man de ne plus se battre, Gang décline l'invitation. Mais il se rend compte très vite, que la proposition était plutôt un ultimatum. En effet, les organisateurs du tournoi, huit combattants redoutables qui terrorisent la région depuis deux ans, commencent à décimer quiconque refuse de participer à ces duels. Malgré cette situation chaotique, Gang décide de ne pas s'en mêler. Jusqu'au jour où sa femme est kidnappée...


Jul 04, 1967
THE KING WITH MY FACE (1967) offers a well-produced Shaw Bros. variation on Alexandre Dumas' famous tale, "The Man in the Iron Mask."
Vengeance Is a Golden Blade
Li Zhishan est un homme riche, mais sa richesse n'empêchera pas sa femme, de le tromper avec son rival. Elle complote contre lui avec les frères Long, qui envahissent sa maison et volent le sabre du dragon doré, une épée qui rend son porteur imbattable. Zhishan, estropié durant l'attaque, est sauvé avec sa fille par un herboriste, chez qui ils trouvent refuge. Les années passent, la fille grandit pour devenir une charmante jeune femme et une combattante puissante, les frères Long utilisent le sabre du dragon doré pour asseoir leur position dans la région. Mais un voyage dans la ville - le premier de la fille déclenche une vieille lutte pour le pouvoir et des révélations sur le passé de Li Zhishan seront faites.
Le Moine d'Acier

Le Moine d'Acier

Aug 25, 1977
Dans le sud de la Chine où ils se considèrent en pays conquis, les mandchous terrorisent les habitants d'un village, multipliant crimes et provocations. Chung Mai-lu, surnommé le "Broyeur" est un disciple doué mais farceur du monastère de Shaolin. Impatient d’en découdre avec les oppresseurs mandchous, il quitte Shaolin à la sauvette pour rejoindre un condisciple le moine martial San De. Ce dernier l’introduit à son propre élève Liang qui travaille a une teinturerie. Lorsque Liang, sa famille et la teinturerie deviennent les victimes d’une bande de crapules mandchoues, il revient à Chung et au moine San De de les venger dans une sanglante vendetta.


Jan 01, 1969
A kung fu knight walks the road to vengeance after the evil Ghost Gang kills his wife and son. The swordsman known as "Twin Blades" must take on a quartet of color-coded cutthroats to set things right.


Oct 24, 1970
The lovely Ching Li and handsome Chang I star as star-and-sword-crossed comrades who take on the vicious Black Tigers gang in a quest for hidden wealth. There's action galore, until the final, fiery fight in a temple of treasure.
Princess Iron Fan

Princess Iron Fan

Aug 09, 1966
Dans cette suite de The Monkey Goes West, Tripitaka, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie et Sha Wujing vont devoir affronter la princesse à l'éventail de fer et déjouer les tours de deux démone.
The Assassin

The Assassin

Dec 22, 1967
Le récit prend place à l’époque des Royaumes Combattants (453 à 222 avant Jésus-Christ). Les sept principaux états, sous une apparente entente cordiale, se livrent à des luttes de territoires. Les tractations entre Han et Qin sont monnaie courante et une fraction de la population s’y oppose. Parmi elle, Nieh Cheng, un jeune épéiste a l’ambition de se dresser contre l’autorité et de se sacrifier pour la liberté et l’indépendance de sa patrie.


Feb 10, 1977
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the government sent to uncover the Chinese traitors helping the enemy. Once inside, Hsueh must fight both the Japanese and his countrymen for his sake, and the future of China.


Apr 17, 1970
Respected veteran Yueh Feng made this “Martial Arts World” saga of a masked master of the “Black Sand Hand Technique,” while Lily Ho, the star of "Princess Iron Fan" and "Angel With The Iron Fists", excels in a delightful dual leading role. When she teams up with Shu Pei-pei as a fellow swordswoman to vanquish a murdering robber, the comparisons to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are obvious, even though it came three decades later.


May 14, 1970
Dans la Chine des années 1920, Kuan Yu-lo, un acteur d'opéra, se rend compte que sa femme lui est infidèle. Furieux, il se rend chez Feng Kai-shan, l'amant de cette dernière, et le défie. Peu après, il est attaqué dans un restaurant et meurt dans d'atroces souffrances. Plus tard, un mystérieux jeune homme arrive en ville. Il s'agit de Kuan Hsiao-lo, le frère de Yu-lo, qui est venu pour le venger.


Apr 27, 1966
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!


May 17, 1966
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
The Jade Raksha

The Jade Raksha

Nov 14, 1968
Leng Qiu Han (Jade Raksha) est une tueuse en série qui n'a qu'un seul désir dans la vie, se venger de la famille Yan, toute personne liée à cette famille est impitoyablement tuée au cours de sa chasse vengeresse, Jade Raksha fait la connaissance d'un épéiste qui lui aussi est en quête de vengeance, ils se lient d'amitié, mais l'épéiste plus tard fera l'amère expérience de la vengeance aveugle en tuant la mauvaise personne, conscient que le cycle de la vengeance est sans fin, il fera tout pour dissuader Jade Raksha de ne plus commettre de meurtres, au péril de sa vie.
A Touch of Zen

A Touch of Zen

Nov 18, 1971
La Chine sous la dynastie Ming. Yang Hui-chen, dont le père a été assassiné par la police politique du grand eunuque Weï, a réussi à s'échapper avec l'aide de deux généraux rebelles. Ayant trouvé refuge dans une citadelle frontalière abandonnée, la jeune fille est repérée par des espions impériaux. Pour l'aider à affronter les gardes lancés à sa recherche, elle trouvera un soutien inespéré auprès de Ku Sheng-chai, un jeune lettré qui se révèle un redoutable stratège, et surtout de maître Hui-Yuan, un moine bouddhiste dont la force spirituelle n'a d'égale que sa maîtrise des arts martiaux.
The Thundering Sword

The Thundering Sword

May 08, 1967
Sur la demande de leur grand maître, Kun Yuan et Yu Chien-Wen partent à la recherche d'un fameux sabre magique. Peu après avoir quitter leur amie d'enfance Hsia, Yu rencontre une cavalière émérite du nom de Chiao-Chiao Su et apprend qu'elle aussi est à la recherche du sabre, et Kun suivant deux villageois, tombe dans une sinistre grotte encombrée de trésors dont l'illustre sabre. Mais ce souterrain est piégé, Kun s'y échappant difficilement, rencontre à son tour Su qui l'empoisonne pour s'emparer de son bien. Comprenant qu'il s'agit là d'un ami de Yu, dont elle est tombée amoureuse, elle décide se travestir en homme, se faisant passer pour Yu et de payer des mercenaires pour qu'ils ramènent sain et sauf le corps du malade, dans le temple de son grand maître Mais peu de temps après son départ, l'escorte est attaqué par un clan à la recherche du sabre et qui soupçonne Kun de l'avoir.
Les 13 Fils du dragon d'or
L'histoire se déroule en Chine, à la fin de la dynastie Tang. Changan, la capitale impériale est tombée aux mains des rebelles. Quelques individus restés fidèles au pouvoir décident d’aller la libérer. L’un d’entre eux est Li Ke Yung, un chef de guerre qui vole de succès en succès grâce à ses 13 fils, des guerriers d'une grande renommée. Mais l'outrecuidance de la famille commence à éveiller des jalousies. Les fils resteront-ils unis face aux épreuves que leur infligeront leurs ennemis ?
The Dragon Missile

The Dragon Missile

Apr 24, 1976
Sima Jun, un tueur qui se bat avec des lames-boomerang (les "Missiles Dragon"), travaille pour un seigneur cruel. Ce dernier souffre d'un furoncle dans le dos, qui ne lui laisse qu'une semaine à vivre. Le médecin impérial lui dit qu'une certaine herbe est le seul remède. Elle est cultivée dans un village isolé par un herboriste nommé Tan. Sima Jun, ainsi qu'un groupe de combattants chargés de le surveiller autant que le seconder, sont envoyés en mission pour récupérer l'herbe et la rapporter avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
The Wandering Swordsman
Un fougueux épéiste est trompé par un chef de bande qui l’amène à voler des bijoux précieux. Réalisant son erreur, l'épéiste va tout faire pour récupérer le butin.
La vengeance du tigre

La vengeance du tigre

Nov 27, 1970
Pour venger la mort de son maître tué par des bandits japonais qui ont transformé son gymnase en tripot, un jeune homme suit un entrainement intensif et provoque ses adversaires en un combat mortel.


Nov 12, 1970
After a notorious rapist kills his master and entire clan, the Iron Buddha sets out for revenge. He'll need a magic sword first though, naturally.


Nov 10, 1960
This is the story of three ladies who live together in an apartment in Hong Kong and what happens to them. First, there is Shuxian, whose husband left her and has a son in the hospital who can't walk. Then, there is Meifen, a romance novelist who pines for a deceased lover and, finally Manli, a young lady with some sass who is expecting a visit from Mr. Zheng, a man she has been a pen pal with for a year. She also has been dating someone else, not happily. The film goes through all three lives.


Dec 28, 1968
A philandering business tycoon accuses his angelic wife of cheating. He learns the hard way he had it good and hopes to win his wife back.


Jun 23, 1971
Flyer & Magic Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.


Jul 04, 1958
Wan Jialiang, a factory worker, and Lu Xiuzhen fall in love and live together. Hou Liang is supported by Dong Yaqin, his cousin, and their lives improve. Desperate to get rid of Jane, who is pregnant, Jialiang plans to make her fall into the sea and die.

Sep 27, 1967

The film tells a complicated love story. Carmen with Ke, Xiang Yi and Jiyuan. They start as a friend, but somehow a love triangle occur, and the outcome is very tragic.
The Web of Death

The Web of Death

Oct 28, 1976
Le Clan des Cinq Venins tient en sa possession une arme terrible, anéantissant tout autre clan s’opposant à lui : une araignée enfermée dans une boîte pouvant cracher du poison mortel et des toiles acides, tuant tout adversaire se trouvant à moins de 50 mètres. Cachée pour cent ans dans un lieu tenu secret afin de prévenir toute utilisation vile, l’arme provoque la convoitise au sein même du clan. Une fronde y est alors menée par le cruel Liu (Lo Lieh) désireux d’imposer sa suprématie : mettre la main sur l’Araignée aux Cinq Venins lui permettra d'anéantir son maître et les rivaux potentiels du clan. Mais ne sachant pas vraiment où trouver l’arme, Liu manipule les chevaliers du monde martial afin qu’ils mènent, pour lui, cette quête dangereuse.
The Bells Of Death

The Bells Of Death

Jun 30, 1968
Wei Fu est un bûcheron apparemment banal, mais pour venger le meurtre de sa famille et l'enlèvement de sa sœur par trois brigands, Wei entreprend une formation approfondie en arts martiaux aux mains d'un épéiste expert afin de perfectionner ses talents de combattant. Déterminé à retrouver les meurtriers, Wei Fu entreprendra d'incessantes recherches dans le seul but de se venger.
International Assassin
Une sœur de gangster de Hong Kong travaille avec les autorités sur leur enquête et sur le complot de son propre frère pour assassiner la reine.


Nov 10, 1965
A scholar woos the daughter of an important family, while outwitting rebels who try to capture her.
Les Griffes de jade

Les Griffes de jade

Jan 22, 1971
Après avoir frôlé la mort, la combattante Chung Kuei se remet difficilement d'une blessure au dos infligée par le "Démon Noir" et ses Griffes de jade. Retirée depuis 3 ans dans un village, elle se fait passer pour une servante, et vit auprès de maître Wang et Chan-chung, un jeune homme secrètement amoureux d'elle. Tsui-ping, une experte dans le maniement du fouet, cherche à exterminer le 'Démon Noir' pour se faire remarquer par Chun Kuei, dont elle rêve de devenir l'élève. Mais sa nature impulsive attire rapidement les brigands du coin, qui lui tendent un piège…
Les Enfants de la Terre
Nous sommes en 1937, juste avant l’invasion japonaise de la Chine. Les peintres Ju Rui et Lao San tombent sur He Hua, une femme vendue dans un bordel local.


Dec 22, 1964
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice and appearances. Her beauty, however, invites the unwanted attentions of cruel and lecherous warlord Cao Lin (Zeng Mei). In order to escape Cao's grasp, Tang and her lover Lin Ke Qiang (Chin Han) decide to run away to the south where they can live freely. But their plan is uncovered by Cao, and Lin gets captured. In order to save Lin, Tang must sacrifice herself and entertain Japanese guests at a banquet, throwing herself into danger's way.
Heroes of Sung

Heroes of Sung

Dec 01, 1973
Pour restaurer le pouvoir de leur empereur retenu en captivité et soulever des troupes à l'autre bout du pays, deux vaillants combattants vont tenter de faire passer les sceaux royaux à travers les lignes ennemies. Au cours d'une halte dans leur village pour se reposer et se soigner, ils transmettront ces symboles capitaux à leurs élèves afin que ceux-ci poursuivent leur tâche. Mais un puissant personnage va tout faire pour les récupérer.


Aug 25, 1978
Sensual Pleasures features a collection of three, ghost story, sexual vignettes starring a viscerally sensual trio of hardcore experience with the well endowed Chen Ping, Chinese adult film legend Shirley Yu and the innocent doe-eyed Shaw Yin-yin.


Nov 23, 1963
Based on one particular storyline from The Water Margin, Three Sinners weaves an intriguing story of romance, treachery, and death, all within the context of the traditional Huangmei Opera. Yan Jun casts his real-life wife, the elegant Li Li Hua, star of such Shaw Brothers films as The Goddess of Mercy and Vermillion Door, as one of the title characters, a woman who finds herself in the middle of a stormy love triangle involving her controlling husband (director Yan Jun serving double duty in a starring role) and a passionate lover (Chen Yan Yan).


Jan 20, 1968
In 1966, like in The Love Eterne, Ling Bo took up the male lead in Forever and Ever, despite Shaw Brothers' earlier plan of having her as the female lead. Facing opposition from fans, they finally arranged for her to star as a male student named Xiaowen. Wicked rich man Liu, portrayed by Lo Wei, the director of this film, wants Xiaowen to marry his daughter (Lin Yu) who is suffering from leprosy, thinking that marriage will take away her disease. Although Xiaowen discovers Liu's plan, he is still in love with her and hopes that a miracle will cure her disease...


Oct 16, 1965
It seems that Li Zhenfei was once an imperial concubine, who often found herself competing with her rival Madame Liu for the emperor's sole, undivided attention. When Li gives birth to the Emperor's child, the jealous Liu switches the boy with a cat and commands a servant named Kou Zhu to kill the baby. However, Kou Zhu ignores the order and gives the prince-to-be to the emperor's brother, a decision which eventually leads to the boy being adopted by the emperor himself! But as fate would have it, to go along with his new son, the emperor has a new wife as well - Madame Liu! As this strange new family unit is being constructed, poor Li Zhenfei has been confined to the forbidden palace, condemned to never see or speak to her son, the prince. But destiny reunites her with her son, but will this family reunion be a happy one? And will Madame Liu finally be punished for her treachery?


Sep 13, 1975
Accompanied by his old manservant, scholar Sung Li Ho (Hong Hoi) is on his way to the capital for the imperial exam. They spend a night in the house of Mrs. Yuan and Li Ho takes a fancy to her pretty daughter, Pei Fang (Dana). Li Ho is discovered by a maid peeping at Pei Fang as she takes a bath. He slips and falls into the bathtub, creating a most embarrassing situation. His old servant is also implicated and both are beaten up before being thrown out. Continuing their journey in the desolate countryside, they come across woodcutter Hsi Hsueh Kuei who puts them up for the night. Captivated by the beauty of the owner’s two daughters, who are vampires, he spends a night with them and turns into a skeleton. Chased by the vampires, Shun Lai makes a narrow escape.


Jan 01, 1988
What happens when people are out of ideas and product to sell at the film markets? They put together pieces of several kung-fu films with Bruce Le and call it Bruce's Last Battle! Bruce fights villain after villain as the ever-changing plot never stops in this non-stop madness! Shelved for years by 21st Century Distribution, madman Tom Ward has finally let it loose to make its home video debut!
Eagle shadow fist

Eagle shadow fist

Jan 12, 1973
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un comédien décide de s'engager dans la résistance contre l'occupant japonais.
Un Seul bras les tua tous
Lorsque le valeureux Qi Ru-feng, défenseur du peuple opprimé, est attaqué, son serviteur Fang Cheng n'hésite pas à se sacrifier pour le sauver. 13 ans plus tard, son fils Fang Gang, est devenu un artiste martial hors-pair, s'apprête à succéder à Ru-feng, qui l'a élevé comme son propre fils. Mais cette situation éveille la jalousie de la fille de Ru-feng, Pei-er qui, en compagnie de deux autres disciples frustrés, va provoquer Gang, lui trancher le bras par traîtrise. Recueilli par la jeune fermière Xiao-man, Gang se résigne à abandonner les arts martiaux en raison de son infirmité... jusqu'au jour où il apprend que la vie de son maître est menacée. Déterminé à reprendre du service, il invente une technique de combat redoutable grâce à l'épée brisée de son défunt père, un manuel d'arts martiaux à moitié brûlé ayant appartenu à celui de Xiao-man...


Jan 29, 1965
A Huangmei opera produced by Shaw Brothers about a carp spirit who transforms into an identical copy of a beautiful woman to win the heart of a lonely male scholar.


May 28, 1958
Based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Diau Charn is a sublime retelling of a familiar tale with iconic actress Linda Lin Dai (Lam Doi) in the titular role of Diau Charn, one of the four storied beauties of ancient China.
La 36ème Chambre de Shaolin
Face à l'oppression du peuple chinois par les Mandchous, le jeune étudiant Liu Yu-Te rejoint la résistance, jusqu'au jour où son activité est découverte, entraînant le massacre de sa famille, ses amis. Traqué par l'ennemi, Liu décide de rejoindre le temple de Shaolin dans le but d'y apprendre le kung fu. C'est avec difficulté qu'il se fait accepter par les moines qui, d'ordinaire, refusent de communiquer leur art aux laïcs. Rebaptisé San Te, le jeune rebelle entame un parcours initiatique qui passera par une série d'épreuves se déroulant dans 35 chambres...
L'Hirondelle d'or

L'Hirondelle d'or

Apr 07, 1966
Lorsque un groupe de brigands, mené par le diabolique Tigre au visage de Jade, kidnappe le fils d’un officiel, le gouvernement réagit aussitôt en envoyant à la rescousse un de leurs meilleurs agents : l’Hirondelle d’Or. Désirant régler dès son arrivée la situation par la force, l’intrépide héroïne devra rapidement changer de tactique. Pour éviter les pièges de ses ennemis, elle fera notamment équipe avec un mendiant ivre, bien plus malin qu’il n’en a l’air…


Apr 11, 1967
A sweet inn-keeper's daughter falls in love with a woodcutter, but witnesses the woodcutter's brother raping her sister. Tragically, the sister commits suicide in shame, and the rapists turn his attentions to the witness, leading to more danger than most romantic dramas can handle.
Pirates et Guerriers

Pirates et Guerriers

Feb 19, 1975
Au XIIIe siècle, des pirates japonais ravagent les côtes chinoises. L'empereur envoie des guerriers mettre fin aux exactions des pirates.


Mar 23, 1978
A series of madcap adventures between two deities, who must put down their differences and work together to help the people in need.
Heads for Sale

Heads for Sale

May 06, 1970
Hua Bi-lian, l'héritière d'une famille martiale de réputation douteuse, une jeune personne irascible peinant à trouver un époux, fugue de rage après qu'un jeune homme (Luo Hong-xun) qu'elle convoitait ait à son tour rejeté ses avances. Au gré de ses pérégrinations, elle se mêle d'affaires ne la concernant pas et entre ainsi en conflit avec un groupe de jeunes hommes travaillant dans le domaine des arts martiaux, ce qui va la conduire à se livrer à la vente éponyme de têtes humaines à la criée.


Feb 05, 1974
A young man who has been beaten, abused, humiliated and laughed at all his life finds that he has an unusual empathy with snakes. He can talk to them and they understand him, and eventually he finds that he can get them to do his bidding. He decides to use his newfound friends to take his revenge on everyone who ever did him wrong.
Le Royaume et la beauté
C'est une comédie musicale sur un jeune empereur qui est attiré par des histoires racontées à un endroit appelé Kiang-Nan par son tuteur royal. La mère de l'impératrice a le tuteur aller à Kiang-Nan pour le ramener.


Jul 18, 1964
The Story of Qin Xiang-Lian is a Hong Kong Chinese Opera musical starring Jackie Chan in a child role.
The Dragon Missile

The Dragon Missile

Apr 24, 1976
Sima Jun, un tueur qui se bat avec des lames-boomerang (les "Missiles Dragon"), travaille pour un seigneur cruel. Ce dernier souffre d'un furoncle dans le dos, qui ne lui laisse qu'une semaine à vivre. Le médecin impérial lui dit qu'une certaine herbe est le seul remède. Elle est cultivée dans un village isolé par un herboriste nommé Tan. Sima Jun, ainsi qu'un groupe de combattants chargés de le surveiller autant que le seconder, sont envoyés en mission pour récupérer l'herbe et la rapporter avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Le Trio magnifique

Le Trio magnifique

Nov 08, 1966
Pendant la dynastie des Ming, un général du nom de Lu Hsiang-sheng meurt au combat face aux guerriers Mandchou. Son neveu, Lu Fang parvient à s'échapper. En traversant le comté de Feng Jui, il découvre rapidement que le juge Wei Huai-yuan exploite le peuple. En représailles, le chef du village Kao Pao-shih, assisté de son fils, Chi Hsien et de quelques villageois, kidnappent Wen Cheng, la fille du magistrat. Lu Fang leur promet de soumettre une pétition au ministre de la guerre Yuan Chung-huan qui doit passer par le comté dans le cadre de sa tournée d'inspection et de témoigner en faveur des villageois. Le conseiller du juge suggère de relâcher quelques criminels pour retrouver Wen Cheng, sa fille. Parmi ces criminels se trouvent un ami de longue date de Lu Fang, Huang Liang.
Death Duel

Death Duel

Jul 06, 1977
Lassé d'être sans cesse mis au défi par de nouveaux adversaires, Ah Chi, considéré comme l'un des meilleurs maîtres d'armes, décide de changer d'identité. Mais une femme ivre de vengeance est décidée à retrouver sa trace et à l'éliminer.


Oct 02, 1962
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination.
Le Temple de Shaolin

Le Temple de Shaolin

Dec 22, 1976
Après l'assassinat de son père et de ses amis par les Mandchous, un jeune homme Fong Sai Yuk (Alexander Fu Sheng), demande refuge aux moines du temple Shaolin. Alors que le temple est menacé, les grands maîtres décident d'ouvrir leurs portes aux combattants les plus fidèles. Ils vont s'entraîner nuit et jour pour protéger le temple contre l'invasion annoncée des Mandchous. Mais des traîtres se sont infiltrés...


Jul 20, 1976
Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.


Sep 14, 1976
After malicious gangsters capture Bruce Wong's ex-girlfriend, a young martial artist attempts to rescue her along with the late master's book containing lethal techniques for killing with one's fingers.
Le Tigre de Jade

Le Tigre de Jade

May 07, 1977
Un chef de clan est sauvagement assassiné le jour du mariage de son fils. Reportant sa lune de miel à plus tard, ce dernier est bien décidé à venger son géniteur en infiltrant le clan ennemi pour découvrir le responsable de cet acte odieux. Mais avant de pouvoir arriver à ses fins, le jeune homme doit effectuer un parcours des plus dangereux où l'ennemi est omniprésent. Empoisonné lors d'un affrontement, il frôle de peu la mort avant d'être sauvé par un couple de combattants avec qui il se lie d'amitié !
The Sword and the Lute
The Sword and The Lute est la troisième et dernière partie d’un cycle initié par Temple Of The Red Lotus et continué avec Twin Swords. La dame écarlate a confié au jeune épéiste Gui Xiao Wu et sa bien aimée Lian Zu un luth précieux qui est en fait une arme redoutable. Toutefois, le luth ne tarde pas à être volé par une bande de bandits : les Tigres Volants qui s’en servent aussitôt contre le clan Shen possesseur du seul remède pouvant contrer les effets du luth. Le mètre du clan Shen Shu-wen étant parvenu à s’échapper, il est secouru par la Xiao Ling, la benjamine du clan Jin qui elle-même reçoit de l’aide d’un mystérieux rôdeur suspect. Est-ce que la Dame Écarlate et ses alliées réussiront à récupérer le luth mortel avant qu’il ne fasse d’autres ravages?
L'Ombre du fouet

L'Ombre du fouet

Aug 06, 1971
Fang Chen-tien, un redoutable combattant surnommé L'Ombre du fouet, est suspecté d'un terrible vol accompagné de nombreux meurtres. Ardemment recherché depuis 15 ans, il est la cible de guerriers qui réclament justice, d'autres aux intentions plus malhonnêtes, espèrent mettre la main sur son butin. Son élève, Yang, une jeune femme également experte dans l'art du fouet, se trouve bientôt prise entre deux feux : partie à la poursuite de Fang, possible meurtrier de son père, elle est pourtant soupçonnée d'être sa complice. Elle n'aura de cesse, dans sa quête de vérité, à travers d'innombrables combats, de retrouver les véritables assassins...


Jul 23, 1977
Set in early 20th century Shanghai, this Hua Shan actioner stars former Golden Harvest regular Nora Miao Ke-hsiu as Bobo, a village girl who has journeyed to the big city in search of her father. Not long after her arrival, Bobo witnesses a gang fight dominated by a man she was friends with as a child. Now known as Jaguar, he works as a bodyguard for mob boss Kam, who is having a row with one of his partners. Jaguar makes trouble at one of the man's casinos as a part of a plan to smooth over the situation. Ace gunman Ko Tang is also in town and the two strike up an alliance to take over Kam's empire. Jaguar's lust for power soon alienates Bobo, who realizes that she was simply a pawn in his plan to gain control of the Shanghai underworld. Held a virtual prisoner, Bobo's one hope for revenge is Luo Lie, another friend from childhood and now her fiancee, currently imprisoned in Germany.
Mistery in Hongkong

Mistery in Hongkong

Jan 01, 1974
In order the get her greedy hands on some money, an evil stepmother uses black magic to destroy her stepson's relationship.


Jul 16, 1975
My Wacky, Wacky World is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Sammo Hung


Sep 09, 1977
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.


Jan 01, 1972
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
Brothers Five

Brothers Five

Mar 26, 1970
Yen Lai, est la seule femme qui peut réunir les frères Gao pour débarrasser Teng Lung le tueurs ainsi que de prendre la vengeance pour l'assassinat de leur père.
The Sword of Swords

The Sword of Swords

Aug 23, 1968
Un sabre à la puissance infinie, forgé dix années durant sous la dynastie Sung (1000 ans avant JC) et devenu une légende après qu’il ait permis à son détenteur de remporter batailles après batailles, disparut après la mort de celui-ci. Redécouvert sous les Ming et conservé par un maître en arts martiaux, il est convoité par les barbares qui veulent l’utiliser pour envahir la Chine. Un de leurs hommes infiltre alors le clan qui protège le sabre et tente de s’en emparer. Ses plans sont contrecarrés par Lin Jenshiau qui ne peut cependant se résoudre à le tuer. Mais l’homme n’a pas dit son dernier mot : il part retrouver son commanditaire, le libidineux Shang Guangwu, et échafaude un nouveau plan.


Sep 11, 1976
Vaunted director Li Han-Hsiang reveals the way of the world in this anthology film of four stories that feature far more swindlers and swindling than lovers or love. There's fake acupuncturists, gullible counterfeiters, a jewelry heist in a VD clinic, and a salesgirl's subtle scam in these short cinematic stories of gulls, dopes, marks, and fools and the cons, cheaters, charlatans, and connivers who trick them. It's four times the fraud as the cheats, gyps, and rip-offs come fast and furious!


Jul 23, 1975
This dragon lady of the Ching Dynasty was the power behind the throne for 50 years, and hew vast tapestry of palace intrigues is vividly brought to the screen in this memorable epic.


Dec 11, 1963
Seventh sister of the celestial world goes down to earth to marry Dong Yong, a young man sold to servitude. However the Jade Emperor orders her to go back to the immortal world.
Temple of the Red Lotus
Jimmy Wang Yu joue un jeune homme qui se rend à la vallée du Dragon pour rencontrer l'amie d'enfance avec laquelle il été fiancé. Quand il arrive, il trouve que la famille de la mariée pourrait ne pas être un groupe tout à fait honnête de gens bien. Quelle est l'histoire derrière leur rivalité avec les moines du Temple du Lotus Rouge, pour commencer?


Dec 10, 1964
The husband-and-wife team of Ivy Ling Po and Chin Han returned to another Huangmei Opera classic after Lady General Hua Mu-Lan. Helmed by Chow Sze-loke and written by Chang Cheh, the story revolved around two intellectual siblings, Ching Feng-sheng (Chin Feng) and Ching Feng-hsiao (Ivy Ling Po), who were constantly abused by their stepmother Hsia (Kao Pao-shu). Feng-hsiao was engaged to Li Ru-lung (Chin Han) since birth, but the greedy Hsia forced him to forfeit the marriage. When Ru-lung refused, Hsia framed him for thievery and put him behind bars. To rescue her lover, Feng-hsiao dressed as a young man and went to the capital. She then used Ru-lung's name to enter the national exam and was ranked first place. Impressed by Feng-hsiao, the Emperor decided to let her wed the Princess (Fang Ying). On the wedding night, Feng-hsiao revealed the truth to the Princess...


Nov 09, 1967
Movie queen Ivy Ling Po is ideally cast as a male scholar in this historical Huangmei Opera romance. It’s a tragic love story between the scholar and a local beauty (played by Fang Ying). He polishes mirrors as a pretext to get closer to his love, who signals her approval by tossing him a bunch of lichees. From that point on the course of true love proves operatically rocky, complete with murder and suicide.


Oct 28, 1964
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of his family's declining status. Lin visits his beloved fiancee before he heads towards the imperial city to participate in the civil service examination, only to find her maid lying dead in blood. Lin is then accused of murder. How can Judge Bao prove his innocence?


Jun 15, 1964
About a woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army.


Sep 23, 1969
The film tells the story of Tang Bohu, a famous scholar who spends most of his time wandering around the countryside.


Oct 10, 1968
Li is a beautiful young woman who is engaged to a handsome scholar, Pei Shunqing. However, a rich evil man, Jia Sidao, is attracted by Li's beauty and wants to take Li as his concubine. Pei and Li then come to discuss the matter and decide to flee, but they are kidnapped by Jia's men before they can escape. Jia threatens to kill Pei, and Li finally yields but requests to see Pei for the last time. During their short conversation Li tries to persuade Pei to leave, but he insists that he will not leave without her. Li tells him that she has promised to be Jia’s concubine. Pei has to depart, angry and disappointed. Later, Li tries to kill Jia with his sword before their wedding but she is stabbed to death instead. Li's ghost then returns to avenge Jia and his men by burning them until only ashes remain.


Jan 01, 1966
Film version of Suo Lin Nang, the popular Peking opera written by Weng Ouhong.


Oct 03, 1967
This was an adaptation of a ghost story, “A Xiu”. Liu Zigu is on his way to visit his uncle and is attracted by a beautiful girl, A Xiu. Liu meets A Xiu again in a paper fan shop owned by A Xiu's father. Liu goes to the shop every day to buy a fan and see A Xiu. One day, Liu follows his uncle to a matchmaker, who arranges for A Xiu to become his bride. The following day, Liu and A Xiu visit a temple where they meet a ghost who looks very similar to A Xiu. On the wedding day, the ghost disguises itself as A Xiu to spoil her marriage with Liu. Finally, the ghost is in the custody of a magic fan, and Liu and Xiu complete their wedding.


Mar 21, 1967
With her elegant classic persona, Li Li-hua was the ideal performer for period aristocratic and imperial roles. The Goddess Of Mercy is a good example of her strong empathy and noble presence. The youngest daughter of a brutal king, the princess openly disapproves of the floggings and cruel treatment her royal family heaps on the peasants. As a result, the heartless king turns on his own daughter forcing her into exile. This humanistic tale will inspire and hearten even the most cynical viewer.


Apr 14, 1965
With China under control of a weak Emperor, two officials compete to steer the future destiny of the land. Chiu believes the people are the future of China, while the diabolical Tu wishes to grind the people beneath an iron heel. Tu decides to take out Chiu's family, but one lone infant escapes.


Jul 24, 1963
Return Of The Phoenix is yet another masterpiece from prolific director Li Han-hsiang. An imperial minister Cheng Pu (Ching Miao) is faced with a quandary. He's getting old and his daughters are still not married. Elder daughter Shueh-yeh (Elizabeth Chuang) is so ugly no one wants her. Younger daughter Shueh-wu (Li Hsiang-chun) is beautiful but Mrs Cheng refuses to let her marry before her elder sister. The drama unfolds when Cheng decides to marry Shueh-wu off.


Jan 20, 1966
Chang E is a fairy in the moon. One day she sneaks to the earth where she meets a talented archer, Hou Yi, and falls in love with him. At that time, there are nine suns in the sky and they cause serious droughts on earth. Chang then pleads with the Heavenly Empress for some magic arrows so that Hou can shoot down the spare suns. After that Hou becomes a king with overwhelming support from the people. Later, Hou becomes increasingly cruel and corrupt after ascending to the throne. He wages wars on neighbouring kingdoms and drives his people to extreme misery and hardships. Chang has tried to stop him but fails. At the end, she takes Hou’s magic arrows and returns to the moon.
Raw Courage

Raw Courage

Aug 13, 1969
Une épéiste émérite doit sauver le fils de l'empereur déchu et le conduire en lieu sûr, mais c'est sans compter sur les hommes de mains de l'eunuque de l'empereur qui n'aurons de cesse de les poursuivre du nord au sud de la Chine.


Mar 02, 1966
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sword-wielding ruffians, among other things. Her only hope is her betrayer's new wife, played by the strong and sensual Ivy Ling Po. Dawn may come, but the questions is: will it be too late? Director/writer Kao Li shows both restraint and sadism in this historical melodramatic tearjerker.


Nov 23, 1966
Ling Bor plays Wen Fei E who is both an excellent academic as well as martial arts expert. Since her childhood days fond of dressing up as a boy, she becomes a village scholar sharing classes with Tu Zi Zheng (Chin Feng) and Wei Zhun Zhi (Ho Fan). When Fei E's innocent father is framed and sent to prison, she rushes to his rescue saving Jing Fu Quan (Kam Fie) who is in the hands of robbers along the way. Mistaking Fei E to be a noble hero, Fu Quan has no greater wish than to get married to her savior...


Sep 30, 1964
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.
That Fiery Girl

That Fiery Girl

Jul 17, 1968
Un chef de brigands depuis des années est à la recherche d'un trésor ancestrale que posséderait le clan Mei, ce qui le pousse à tuer tous les membres du clan Mei pour connaitre l'emplacement du trésor. Et la reine du Wuxia, Cheng Pei-pei qui interprète le rôle de la fille colérique du chef des bandits tombe amoureuse d'un chevalier (Chen Liang) membre du clan Mei qui infiltre la bande de brigands, au grand dam de son prétendant Hsieh Kuang (Cheng Lei).Le finale est ponctué d'une bataille générale entre nos héros et les brigands réfugiés dans la montagne qui leur sert de repaire inexpugnable.
L'Ombre enchanteresse

L'Ombre enchanteresse

Aug 18, 1960
Un jeune érudit passe la nuit dans un temple effrayant qui serait hanté. Il ne croit pas aux rumeurs, mais après avoir croisé un épéiste taoïste, il rencontre une belle femme fantôme.


Sep 12, 1964
Admist a rebellion during the Shang Dynasty in ancient China, a nurse flees the palace with a young prince. As an adult, he convinces the daughter of the usurper to betray her father and to assist in restoring him as the rightful monarch.


Feb 04, 1967
Huangmei Opera movies like The Pearl Phoenix are unique to 1960's Hong Kong culture, a product of the Swinging Sixties but considerably more in touch with their Chinese roots. This one is complete with a gender-bending tale where the male lead is played by female and the female lead poses as a man, plus movie queen Li Ching and the singing voices of Ivy Ling Po and Jing Ting. Sit back and enjoy!


Aug 08, 1963
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the waning days of the Ching Dynasty. To make matters worse, she’s soon framed for her husband’s murder by her rapist - the son of the local magistrate! And even that isn’t the end of her woes. It’s best to have a box of tissues nearby as two expert directors ratchet up the emotional suspense in this consummate tearjerker.


Aug 17, 1972
No list of the screen's comic geniuses would be complete without Michael Hui Kwun-man. He created a hilarious and lovable comic persona that was both uniquely Asian but also universally beloved. This, his first film, not only showcased his incomparable sense of humor but revolutionized Hong Kong comedy. Evoking Chaplin, he plays a warlord in early 20th Century China, but makes the role his own with both laughs and some of the sexiest ladies on the Shaw Brothers lot.


Mar 13, 1962
The ethereal Lok Dai plays a pivotal role in the 1962 Shaw Brothers screwball costume comedy The Bride Napping. Based on a chapter of author Shi Naian's The Water Margin (AKA: Outlaws of the Marsh), the action kicks off when Liu Yuen Ying (Ding Nung) is "bride-napped" by a bandit who's out to make her his wife! The bandit's sympathetic sister returns Ying, but that's only the beginning of the mistaken identities, social satires, and cross-dressing confusion as Ying's disappearance and return wreaks havoc with the locals! A delightful costume comedy that combines screwball antics, musical interludes, and even a little action, The Bride Napping is a fun and entertaining way to catch the legendary Lok Dai at her most beautiful and charming!


May 27, 1960
A middle-aged couple adopt a young girl.
L'Impératrice Yang Kwei Fei
En Chine au IXe siècle. Alors que les émissaires du nouvel empereur, fils du héros de cette histoire, viennent signifier à l'ex-empereur, son père, d'avoir à quitter le palais, ce dernier évoque le souvenir de Kwei-Fei, sa seconde épouse qu'il aima beaucoup.


May 27, 1965
FAIRY, GHOST, VIXEN (1965) consists of three fanciful tales that may be loosely classified as ghost stories, but they're presented and designed more along the lines of traditional fairy tales. They're beautifully staged and photographed and have a timeless quality about them with a moral at the end of each.


Jul 25, 1968
This kung fu classic focuses on a contested succession at the Supreme Gate School. When turncoat Shen Darong kills several of the Supreme Gate students, the survivors are forced to accept him as their leader. Or are they? The students organize a tournament for Shen to prove his skills, inviting other formidable warriors in the hopes that someone can defeat him.


Feb 12, 1964
Chen Hou is a chauffeur who gets caught in a mistaken identity scandal linking him to businesswoman Lok Dai. Chen was supposed to audition for a job as her chauffeur, but a proposed musical show is far more attractive to the aspiring dancer. When a rumor gets out that the two are involved in an affair, she's angry and confronts him, but his charms overwhelm her, and it's revealed that she too desires to dance. Soon she's bankrolling the affair, the sets are being built, and the singing and dancing begin!


Jul 15, 1964
Julie Yeh Feng stars as Hsiu Hsiu, a beautiful singing shepherdess who falls head over heels in love with a handsome boatman named Liu Ta Lung. Unfortunately, she can't afford to marry her new beau because her father has racked up numerous debts due to his uncontrollable gambling addiction. And to make matters even more complicated, there's a rival suitor who promises to pay off all of her no-good father's debts on the condition that he is given Hsiu Hsiu's hand in marriage. She initially declines his offer, but starts to get jealous when she sees Ta Lung getting a little too close for comfort with another woman. In retaliation, she starts flirting with her possible benefactor/husband-to-be. But what Hsiu Hsiu doesn't know is that her jealousy isn't based on any actual unfaithfulness, but on an unfortunate misunderstanding!
L'Auberge du printemps
En 1936, une partie du peuple chinois, menée par le moine Chu Yuanchan, se souleva contre l'oppresseur mongol qui gouvernait les provinces du Honan, du Shanxi et du Shantung. La soeur du puissant prince Lee Khan réussit à corrompre un ami de Chu Yuanchan et lui donna rendez-vous dans une auberge.


Oct 29, 1971
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.


Nov 08, 1973
Michael Hui plays four characters in this three-chapter, Hong Kong erotic comedy anthology set in Northern China during WWII.
Comedy of Mismatches begins with widow Sun who single-handedly raises her son Yu Lang (Chin Feng) and daughter Zhu Yi (Li Hsiang Chun). One day, Mother Sun sends her children to the temple, where Yu Lang encounters Hui Niang (Pat Ting). Artist Xu Ya is also at the temple, praying that his daughter Wen Gu (Carrie Ku) will find a good husband. Soon after, Wen Gu encounters nobleman's son Pei Zheng (Wai Mao) and the two fall in love at first sight.
Dang kou tan

Dang kou tan

May 17, 1972
Yuen Woo Ping, who would in time become one of the world's leading martial arts choreographers, blocked the fight scenes for this Kung Fu action extravaganza. A small Chinese town is being torn apart by a conflict between local farmers and Japanese soldiers of fortune, who have been brought to town to liberate supplies of a rare Chinese herb. A martial arts expert gifted in both Chinese and Japanese fighting disciplines passes through town, and takes it upon himself to settle the feud.


Apr 12, 1974
Director Li Han-hsiang teams up with Michael Hui in this tongue in cheek tale of extramarital affairs and corruption. Michael Hui and Wang Sheng are two loafers who prove they are good for something after all.


Jul 16, 1975
Shaw Brothers' number one action hit of 1975, and deservedly so. The character of one-man kung-fu dynamo Big Brother Cheng and kung-fu superstar Chen Kuan-tai were made for each other. A Robin Hood-like restaurant manager who socks it to the thugs in order to make the mean streets of Hong Kong a little less mean, Big Brother Cheng made his first appearance in the extremely popular The Tea House, the success of which spawned this even more successful sequel.
Le Jeu de la mort 2

Le Jeu de la mort 2

Mar 21, 1981
Bobby Lo cherche à venger la mort de son frère. Il découvre une société secrète cachée dans une forteresse souterraine.