Tamara Goodwin

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Nov 15, 2024
Patrick (bitter wheelchair user) must enlist the help of his cantankerous neighbor Robert (double amputee veteran) to transport the four-year-old daughter he never knew he had to live with her maternal grandparents on the other side of the country.
Airplane vs Volcano

Airplane vs Volcano

Mar 28, 2014
Un avion est encerclé de volcans en éruption. Les passagers comme l'équipage doivent tenter de survivre mais ne peuvent pas se poser.
Jurassic School

Jurassic School

Jan 31, 2017
Nerdy middle schooler Tommy is forced take care of a baby dinosaur after his cloned science fair project hatches early. He quickly begins to think of the creature not only as a pet, but also as a friend. But when the dino escapes on the day of the fair, Tommy must figure out a way to get the creature back before greedy grown-ups get to the dinosaur first.
Off the Grid

Off the Grid

Aug 08, 2014
A tormented and retired FBI Agent Artemis reunites with his old partner Cash to become a two person vigilante squad after they find out Olivia is a running a child trafficking circuit. Artemis having lost a son of his own can no longer hide in the shadows.
In the Cage

In the Cage

Apr 20, 2013
Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries different avenues to help eliminate these difficulties, but his efforts are futile. Now, he decides to take desperate measures in saving his family and finances. When hell breaks loose and nothing seems to work, a true character is revealed through Marvin. Later on, Marvin discovers martial arts through his best friend Frank Biggs. This martial art will help Marvin find himself again and give him a sense of purpose.
Very Bad Nanny

Very Bad Nanny

Apr 03, 2018
Tandis qu'elle rend visite à sa soeur perdue de vue et son beau-frère milliardaire à Greenwich, Mackenzie, jeune femme au caractère bien trempé, est surprise de voir débarquer les autorités pour venir arrêter les parents des enfants. Avec sa soeur et son mari en cavale pour échapper au fisc, Mackenzie n'a d'autre choix que s'assumer la garde de ses neveux et nièce, alors qu'elle est très loin d'avoir un quelconque instinct maternel.
Z Nation

Z Nation

Dec 28, 2018
Trois ans après qu'un virus ait ravagé les Etats-Unis, un seul homme est immunisé contre l'infection. Le futur de l'humanité dépend de lui, mais le terrible secret qu'il cache pourrait mettre en danger l'équipe chargée de le conduire jusqu'en Californie, dans un laboratoire susceptible de développer un vaccin. Le chemin sera long et semé d'embûches...