Davina Whitehouse

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Aug 13, 1992
Lionel Cosgrove, un jeune homme timide flanqué d'une mère envahissante fait la connaissance de la belle Paquita, dont il tombe amoureux. Ce qui n'est pas du goût de sa chère maman, bien décidée à gâcher cette relation. Alors qu'elle espionne l'un de leurs rendez-vous galants au zoo, cette dernière est mordue par un singe-rat de Sumatra. Succombant à ses blessures, elle se transforme alors en zombie cannibale et contamine peu à peu la ville. Seul Lionel peut stopper l'invasion...
The Farmer's Wife

The Farmer's Wife

Apr 20, 1941
Eden Philpotts' "provincial" comic novel and play The Farmer's Wife was first filmed in the silent era by Alfred Hitchcock. The 1940 talkie version was directed by Leslie Arliss, son of stage star George Arliss. The story remained the same: A middle-aged widower attempts to select a wife from his rural district's eligible females (Basil Sydney). Three unsuccessful dalliances later, the farmer settles for his housekeeper, whom the audience has been rooting for all along. The Farmer's Wife is a prime example of the sort of fare that struck a proper chord with British filmgoers, but whose appeal would be lost to any other nationality.
Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs

Oct 06, 1977
La Nouvelle-Zélande, dans un futur proche. Smith se rend compte que sa femme le trompe, il la quitte et décide de vivre enfin sa vie. Mais le chaos économique dans lequel est plongé la Nouvelle-Zélande a créé un climat de peur. En effet, des forces spéciales pour le gouvernement sont chargés d'éliminer tout intervenant au régime mis en place. Smith se retrouve dans un clan de résistance pour la démocratie. Mais lui prône une attitude non-violente. Le premier film néo-zélandais à avoir été distribué aux Etats-Unis.
Where There's a Will

Where There's a Will

Aug 10, 1936
Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities
Dusty Ermine

Dusty Ermine

Dec 01, 1936
A forger returns to his family when he leaves jail vowing to go straight. Although approached by an international counterfeiting gang he keeps his word only to find his nephew is in the Swiss Alps helping the crooks. He sets off to try and put a stop to things, but with Scotland Yard also hot-footing it to the resort his problems are just beginning. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}
Epreuves d'amour en Alaska
Une jeune veuve, Martha, lasse de la vie qu'elle mène entre ses beaux-parents, écoute avec attention la conférence donnée par un séduisant chercheur d'or, Don, tout frais revenu des solitudes glacées de l'Alaska. De son côté, l'aventurier n'a d'yeux que pour Martha. L'inéluctable ne se fait pas attendre. Don épouse Martha et jure d'agir en véritable père pour son fils, Lloyd. La petite famille s'envole bientôt pour l'Alaska. Une nouvelle vie commence pour Martha, dans une hutte en rondins, isolée au fond des bois. Mais est-elle bien préparée à ce genre d'existence ?...
London Melody

London Melody

Feb 04, 1937
Jacqueline intrigues a diplomat, so unbeknown to her he finds her an apartment and finances her musical training. She ends up falling in love with one of his underlings. It turns out that he is no good, will the diplomat save her?


Dec 01, 1977
When a young Australian hitchhiker, Judy (Peers), enters a prohibited forest area, she encounters Paul (Gil) whose job is spotting fires from a plane. She is invited to stay with him and his teen son, Billy. Later they go on a sightseeing flight in a "Tiger Moth" bi-plane, but having a forced landing, are accommodated by an odd elderly couple.
I'll Turn to You

I'll Turn to You

Jun 17, 1946
When a soldier returns from the Far East after the war, he and his wife have to adjust to life at home.
South Riding

South Riding

Aug 01, 1938
Winifred Holtby realised that Local Government is not a dry affair of meetings and memoranda:- but 'the front-line defence thrown up by humanity against its common enemies of sickness, poverty and ignorance.' She built her story around six people working for a typical County Council:- Beneath the lives of the public servants runs the thread of their personal drama. Our story tells how a public life affects the private life; and how a man's personal sufferings make him what he is in public. " Corruption, intrigue and romance in a Yorkshire setting. A country squire whose wife is in a mental hospital becomes attracted to a crusading local schoolmistress.
The Ghost Camera

The Ghost Camera

Jan 31, 1933
When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera is stolen from his laboratory, Gray's suspicions are further aroused.
I Lived with You

I Lived with You

Jun 13, 1933
In London a young lady meets a homeless and apparently penniless Russian prince. She introduces him to her middle-class Fulham family and he moves in. It turns out he still has a number of diamonds given him by the last czar, and he is persuaded to start selling them. The resulting money, and his princely notoriety, soon cause changes in everyone's lives.
The Black Abbot

The Black Abbot

Jun 10, 1934
A gang of crooks uses the legend of a ghost haunting an old dark mansion to help them kidnap a rich man.
This Week of Grace

This Week of Grace

Jun 30, 1933
Grace Milroy loses her job working at a factory. However, through a strange set of circumstances, she is taken on as housekeeper at the nearby Swinford Castle the home of the eccentric Duchess of Swinford.
Crown v. Stevens

Crown v. Stevens

Aug 03, 1936
When an ex-dancer marries a man for his money she is surprised to find he is a real skinflint. She owes a lot of money to a loan-shark who is after her. However, her husband does carry a lot of life insurance.
The Private Secretary

The Private Secretary

Aug 26, 1935
A timid and dim-witted clergyman is duped into helping a playboy avoid his creditors, inherit his uncle's fortune and get the girl.
Forgotten Silver

Forgotten Silver

Oct 03, 1997
La Nouvelle-Zélande pourrait-elle faire figure de pionnière du cinéma ? C'est ce que Peter Jackson s'amuse à faire croire au spectateur dans ce "documenteur" réalisé pour la télévision néo-zélandaise. Il évoque la vie et l'oeuvre de Colin McKenzie, cinéaste génial, inventeur du son et de la couleur, auteur d'une fresque gigantesque sur Salomé, sur qui la malchance s'est toujours acharnée.
La Tour de la terreur

La Tour de la terreur

Dec 27, 1941
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Anthony Hale, agent secret britannique infiltré en Allemagne qui prend un emploi comme assistant au gardien du phare Wolfe Kristan et prévoit de retourner en Angleterre avec des papiers précieux. Le plan est pour lui d'être repris par un bateau britannique. Il rencontre et se lie d'amitié avec Marie, qui s'est enfuie d'un camp de concentration. Elle avait tenté d'échapper à la capture par la police locale en sautant dans la mer, mais a été sauvée et emmenée au phare par le dérangé Kristan, qui voit en elle l'image de Marthe, sa femme qu'il a tué 16 ans plus tôt et enterré dans le sous-sol du phare. Après plusieurs rencontres violentes avec Kristan, Hale et Marie parviennent à se frayer un chemin jusqu'à la plage où ils montent à bord du bateau britannique.
Hoots Mon

Hoots Mon

Apr 26, 1940
An English comedian is infuriated by a Scottish comedienne's impersonation of him
Traitor Spy

Traitor Spy

Dec 01, 1939
A British man is hunted by British and German spies when he tries to sell blueprints.
The Night Nurse

The Night Nurse

Nov 05, 1978
A private nurse, working for a retired opera star, runs into opposition from the diva's longtime servant/companion. When she pushes back, she starts to uncover some dastardly goings-on.
Anything to Declare?

Anything to Declare?

Dec 02, 1938
John Loder and Elliot Makeham star in Redd Davis’s British topical crime thriller. Professor Grayson is working on an anti-gas experiment and Dr. Klee, whose quiet advertising covers other welfares, means to find it.